Nevada City Photo Contest

Welcome to the Outside Inn’s first Nevada City photo contest.  Please vote for your favorite photo.  Many thanks to all the fabulous folks who contributed, I love seeing the different perspectives on Nevada City.  Voting will end on Wednesday, February 15th at 8am.  The winner will receive a signed copy of David McKay’s book Yuba Seasons.

Independence Trail by Amanda Lomonaco

South Yuba River by Dieter King

Tour of California by Dieter King

Methodist Church by Sanna Fase

South Yuba River by Kathy Spoto

Broad Street by Roseanne Burke

NC dog by Kate Bowers

NC yard by Kate Bowers

South Yuba River by Erica Rewey

Parking Meter by Valerie Moberg

Nevada City Redwoods by Kate Bowers

Nevada City by Jerianne Van Dijk

Nevada City rocks by Erica Rewey

Sock Monkey at South Yuba Trail by Wanda Shulak


Downtown Nevada City by Patricia Clark

Nevada City by Jonathon Soch

The National Hotel stair case by Jason Witherspoon

Snow Frogs by Roseanne Burke

Jim by Roseanne Burke

Ike’s by Roseanne Burke

Nevada City Chamber by Roseanne Burke

South Yuba River by Kayle Martin

Happy Halloween by Kathy Spoto

2 replies
  1. Joanne
    Joanne says:

    These photos are all wonderful and take me back to the time I lived there!
    Thanks for holding this contest!

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