Outside Inn Crazy Blog Giveaway

The Outside Inn’s blog is excited to share the end of the year crazy giveaway.  All year long I showcase, spotlight and share exciting things to do in Nevada City and Grass Valley.  Two years ago a little end of year basket came to life on its own.  The 2012 Ultimate Giveaway and the 2013 Epic Giveaway were a lot of fun, if you have time I highly recommend reading the comments.  This year the bucket has grown to include 47 different businesses/organizations and is valued at over $1800.  Let’s take a moment to pause.  Can I say, yet again, how amazing our little town is?  This prize is a really great over the top way to say thank you.  One extremely lucky person is going to win this entire bucket full of prizes.  Scroll down for the complete list.  What do you have to do to win?  Post a comment on this blog post and tell me what you love about the Outside Inn’s InnSide Nevada City blog?  Do you have a favorite post?  Do you have a favorite photo?  Do you have a favorite local event?  Did you learn something new this year from the blog?  Feel free to post a link in the comments with your thoughts, you can always search through the blog with the search box on the right hand side.  The winner will be announced on Christmas.  Want a chance to throw your name in the hat for a second chance?  Scroll the bottom of the post for details on how sharing the love will allow you to enter twice.

Outside Inn Crazy Blog Giveaway

Want an extra chance to win?  Like the Outside Inn’s Facebook page and share this giveaway with your friends (via whatever social media choice you want: FacebookTwitterPinterestInstagram) and then post a second comment on here telling me that you’ve shared the love.  Or if you’re shy and you don’t want share, sign up for my email feed (box on the right hand column) and post a comment saying you subscribed via email. If you have any issues with posting a comment, please see our FAQ.

Thank you to each and every one of you for helping make our community what it is.  That includes those friends near and far who make up the greater community of people who love Nevada City.  You all play a part in helping to support our town and I’m excited to be a part of it.  I’ve written plenty of posts on why I love Nevada City, but I look forward to hearing from you guys on what you love.

*One entry per person, for an additional entry please see above.  Winner will be drawn by random.org and announced on Christmas Day.  Giveaway must be collected in person, winner must contact the Outside Inn by January 15th, only valid for person’s age 21 and above (if under 21 you can always gift the Outside Inn the bottle of wine and we’ll call it good).  Gift certificates not redeemable for cash.  Bucket not included in giveaway.

670 replies
  1. Lillie Piland
    Lillie Piland says:

    Ok, this is CRAZY! Crazy huge!!! You are wonderful at pulling together so many from our community and giving us all great, free advertising! Thanks Erin and keep up with the blog… how else will I know what’s going on around town!!!

    • Amanda
      Amanda says:

      I keep writing and re writing how awesome my folks stay was when they came to visit nc for the first time. Thanks for the perfect teaser to nc culture for my folks

    • Marla Breitman
      Marla Breitman says:

      What a generous offering from Nevada City. We have such a wonderful community. Thank you Outside Inn!!

    • Zoe Slavonic
      Zoe Slavonic says:

      Love this blog, the giveaway, and the outside inn! Loved the holiday cheer posted, favorite event? Nevada city craft fair!!!

    • Cathleen Parsons
      Cathleen Parsons says:

      I moved here 10 months ago.The strong community is so welcoming and giving! I have learned so much about the area on you posts.Sierra Harvest/Mountain Bounty/Every new business, and the Chamber of Commerce is just a few..Outside Inn is so beautiful.I learn something new with each of your posts. Thank you for all that you do for our community!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Megan, and thanks again for donating a seat to Polly’s Paladar… let’s cross our fingers and hope the winner can attend.

  2. Kristen Adams
    Kristen Adams says:

    I live all of the posts from Outside Inn! Being relatively new to the area (just over 2 years) I’ve learned so much about places to go and things to do. Thank you!!

  3. Katie Turner
    Katie Turner says:

    Thank you for writing this blog Erin! It’s so nice to have a spot to read about all the fun things that are happening in our little town. I especially enjoyed the fall colors post–those pictures were amazing! Happy Fall 🙂

  4. Rachel Weir
    Rachel Weir says:

    Wow!!! What a cool collection of items. I love that your blog always gives me new ideas of what to do and where to go (since I’m fairly new to the area)… And I really enjoyed the fall photos this year – it was a beautiful season! Thanks Erin.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks, the fall colors are so amazing and it was fun to be able to include some photos by others too. Happy exploring your new home.

  5. Tiffany Pinneo
    Tiffany Pinneo says:

    I love all the posts you write! It’s so great just to get a reminder about all the great things we have here locally. I save them all so that when I’m looking for something to do I can pull it up and get ideas! Thank you for all you do!

  6. nikki gullion
    nikki gullion says:

    I love this blog & your FB page. My husband & I were gifted a stay at a B&B in Nevada City last December. We fell in love with your quaint little town♡ We saw a play at the community theatre, enjoyed the most amazing frepes ever from a little street-side tent & stumbled upon the coffee shop of my dreams. Best weekend we’ve shared in years & we can’t wait to come back!!

  7. Michelle Ogaidi
    Michelle Ogaidi says:

    I think this basket is a testament to how awesome your blog is and how loved you are. Everyone in town respects what you do for us, whether it is provide a produce stand for sharing, make a mean haunted hotel course for Halloween or inform us about great businesses and events in our town. I have been here my whole life and never looked at NC through a lens this focused and it inspires me to do so. Thank you, thank you for all you do.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Oh Michelle, bless your heart, I’m so glad you can appreciate the work I put into this blog and I 100% agree with you that the basket certainly represents the love of this community.

  8. Sadie Hartmann
    Sadie Hartmann says:

    Awesome prizes!! Wow!! Erin, my favorite thing about you blog is your commitment and dedication to our community. I love that you are proud of Nevada county and you have not only made this the place where you live, but you have made it the place that you love! Thanks for all that you do!!

  9. Hannah M.
    Hannah M. says:

    I love all the photos of our beautiful town that you post on Instagram. Always look forward to your posts!

  10. Shea Smirh
    Shea Smirh says:

    You are such an inspiration for local living and being in gratitude for the amazingness of our sweet town!
    Thank you for doing this — we shared on the HAALo FB page 🙂

  11. Judith Berliner
    Judith Berliner says:

    You have a real gift that you share with the community.
    I love to go onto your blog to see what is going on in town.
    Your unique photographs and stories are a joy.
    Thank you,

  12. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    This blog was vital in planning our September wedding from 3,000 miles away in Boston! It so beautifully captures the heart and community that we fell in love with when we first visited Nevada City. We used it to share ideas and information with our family and friends as they planned for their travel. It was so fun to follow the blog over the course of the year of planning and I’ll always follow because Nevada City and especially The Outside Inn will always be so dear to us. Thanks for all the work Erin – you do a great job at showcasing all that Nevada City has to offer!

  13. Judith C.
    Judith C. says:

    Wonderful idea to showcase exciting things to do in Grass Valley and Nevada City. This is the main reason I love your blog because I learn about events in the community which may not be highlighted in the local media. Thanks for keeping me up-to-date on happenings in the coolest place to live.

  14. Leah Williams
    Leah Williams says:

    I love your blog! The pictures are always amazing and I truly love that you tell the community about all our fun events! Thanks for the opertunity to win such fun and fabulous prizes!!

  15. Sydney Moon
    Sydney Moon says:

    So excited for the crazy giveaway! It’s so amazing to see our community coming together and supporting each other, and that’s one of my most favorite things about Nevada City!

  16. Jacque Boatman
    Jacque Boatman says:

    What a great giveaway! My husband and I loved staying at the Inn this past year and the posts on your blog about hiking near Nevada City – especially the trails on the Yuba! I shared on Pinterest 🙂

  17. Ingrid Knox
    Ingrid Knox says:

    OK, here’s my attempt in vain to win this fabulous collection of local wonderment. Thanks for doing this and giving us the chance to get this fantastic slice of Nevada County! (I did like and share on FB.)

  18. Chriss Hood
    Chriss Hood says:

    I live in Nevada City but look forward to your Blog to keep me informed on events and new businesses opening. You keep me current. I appreciate your photography and your love of our special town.

  19. Marjorie Woodall
    Marjorie Woodall says:

    Wow, wow, wow, Erin. You are such a great promoter of our little town! I love following your blog to enjoy your photos and discover all sorts of local businesses that I somehow overlook otherwise. And it’s a wonderful resource for visiting friends. You’re like a one-woman chamber of commerce. Keep doing what you do!

  20. Kim Culbertson
    Kim Culbertson says:

    My favorite of your posts are always the fall colors posts…it’s one of my favorite times in Nevada City, when the leaves get all show-offy and gorgeous. Thanks for inviting me to be part of this cool giveaway!!

  21. Syd Brown
    Syd Brown says:

    What a super collection of goodies, highlighting this community. So, you, Erin, embody the goodness, freshness, and substance of community. Impossible to manufacture what you bring to your readers and Outside Inn patrons. The love of this environment, with whacky personalities, outdoor wonderland and eclectic businesses shines through. Favorite posts: hiking, Yuba, and Nutcracker season. 😉

  22. Jason
    Jason says:

    I love Outside Inns blog because it showcases the unique things in our area. Beautiful photography, informative posts, and great contests. What is there not to love?

  23. Janet Jensen
    Janet Jensen says:

    I love the pictures Erin takes. The event pictures, the street pictures and just every day life in Nevada City. Even though she gets in trouble with her husband for taking her camera everywhere. She told me that at Summer Nights. LOL

  24. Mags Matthews
    Mags Matthews says:

    Ahh the Outside Inn Blog, how do I love thee. let me count the ways! The blog always introduces me to new events and small businesses in the community. It reminds me of places and activities to do that I’ve been thinking about but not gotten to yet. It has gorgeous images full of the magic of our area. It puts a smile on my face. It increases my gratitude for living in an amazing place. It connects me to the community at large. Thank you!

  25. Celine Rice
    Celine Rice says:

    I’m not sure I would even be in this town if it were not for you. After having exhausted a search for a rental eight years ago, I really felt like moving up here was not going to happen. That is until we came and saw your house. The beautiful wood floors and nineteen fifties Wedgewood made me feel like I was home. Thank goodness you took a chance on a young couple and let us live there for two years. Since then, we have fallen in love with this area and community. It is the dedication of people like you and your family that make small towns strong. Thank you for all that you do with the blog, the inn, the up and coming campground, and for providing my kids favorite part of Halloween. P.s. The giveaway is incredible indeed….what a generous community we have!

  26. Sheryl Hubbard
    Sheryl Hubbard says:

    We discovered the Outside Inn last year during Victorian Christmas. We felt right at home in the ‘Paddler’s Cabin’ with our 9 month old and our 3 year old. We had such a fun time and cozy stay at the Outside Inn! We can’t wait for our visit this year…the Outside Inn will be part of our winter holidays for years to come!

  27. Melinda
    Melinda says:

    That is a crazy good giveaway! SYRCL is proud to participate via our Wild & Scenic Film Festival. Happy holidays, everyone!

  28. Hindi
    Hindi says:

    What an amazing collection for the give-away. Thanks to all the merchants and service providers for contributing. I like to share Nevada County events with my email list and often cite your blog to do so. Your photographs are fabulous–the clarity, color and content highlight the best of Nevada County. And the events and businesses you include inspire me to attend and patronize them. Your blog is a great service to the businesses and individuals in this community and showcases the best this amazing area has to offer. Thank you for your time and commitment to our wonderful community.

  29. Sadie Fowers
    Sadie Fowers says:

    I love your blog. I read it every time it comes out and usually get a great kick out of the new adventures it takes me on. Your blog post on the Deer Creek Tribute Trail https://visitnevadacityca.com/blog/deer-creek-tribute-trail-3.htm/
    Inspired me and my family to take the trail, which is gorgeous, but we also took our family photos there this year. 🙂 What a great back drop. Thanks for all your work. It is great to get an innside scoop on what happens around us.

  30. Tom Burnett
    Tom Burnett says:

    I have lived here in Nevada County for three years and I love it here. The pine cover hills, the beautiful sunrises and sunsets are only a small part of it’s charm. The people and the business around here really set the mood as a wonderful place to stay. It really sets the stage for a wonderful place to visit or to live. I really do love it here!

  31. Daisy
    Daisy says:

    It’s pretty rare to be on a mailing list and actually look forward to the emails, let alone actually open them! But I’m a definite fan of this blog! I really wouldn’t know much of anything about where we live and what’s up without your friendly voice to help curate the options. Thank you!

  32. Dave Retzler
    Dave Retzler says:

    Merry Blogmas and A Happy Blog Year!

    Quality, informative, posts and pics – what a great resource for locals and visitors alike…

  33. Donna Cobb
    Donna Cobb says:

    I love your blog. I’ve learned about so many cool places in Nevada County that I didn’t even know existed. I don’t get out much. My favorite post has to be the Fall Colors Photos #NevadaCityColor — what great pictures. Thanks!

  34. Dian Schaffhauser
    Dian Schaffhauser says:

    Two things. First, I like free, so I like that you give stuff away through your blog. Second, this tub of goodies is a microcosm of our little community — quirky, artistic, musical, delicious, entertaining, personal, salacious, alcoholic, environmental, literary, curious, interested and pretty (or at least darned good looking).

  35. charlene
    charlene says:

    I love the photos. I love checking out the blog, knowing I’ll see familiar faces and places. I love that you share what’s new in town, often before anyone else. I love to think of you writing the blog, with that sweet smile of yours! I love that you entice people with local goodies. I just kinda all around love it! You’re our own Nevada City version of a blogging rock star!

  36. Kathy Triolo
    Kathy Triolo says:

    Outside Inn is really Outside Out of sight! I’m new….what do I do? How do I find OUT what is INN around this town? I found your blog, accidentally I may say! But delighted now to look INN my mailbox to find OUT the latest things I can do to be INN.
    Thanks for being my welcome club to Nevada County!
    Now, I don’t feel inside out cuz I’m having a good time with Outside Inn!

  37. Sierra Sparks
    Sierra Sparks says:

    I love how great this is for not just people from out of town, but our own community here. I always tell the couple I see to plan a “get away” date. Just somewhere different and away from house, kiddos, work and stress. The Ouside Inn is a recommendation for locals to have a vacation in town. Thanks for all your great updates and things to do!

  38. Carol White
    Carol White says:

    I love how you manage to cover literally everything that goes on in Nevada City, all while running a business and raising two small boys! If only I had your energy. My favorites photos are probably your food shots. You have a way of capturing hot chocolates and ice cream that make me want to jump out of my chair and run into town to get one right away.

  39. donya miguel
    donya miguel says:

    Wow this is crazy,we do live in an amazing community and thank you for not only being a big part but doing this so we can all enjoy our sweet home just a little bit more …Happy holidays 😉

  40. Katrina
    Katrina says:

    Favorite blogs just can’t be named — b/c each are so different and full of such great information. What i love (and can’t believe) is how much you get out there and do all the things I say I will do! I mean really – you pulled off fly fishing? Girl – you rock!!

    With your amazing photography, and fantastic insights, you keep showing us and reminding us why so many of us moved here .. we are so so lucky to live here!!

    Thanks — I know it is a HUGE labor of love. BTW .. personally i think you should be able to get a few goodies from these baskets too!! I know, I know .. you love the giving away .. just saying tho’!

  41. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    I just looked at the lineup and my mind exploded….with happiness. I just shared on FB and will let ya know when I do the same on Instagram and Pinterest.

  42. Linda
    Linda says:

    I love this blog and the emails I receive. I am new to town, so it helps me learn how bountiful and expansive our beautiful community is. It inspires me to be a part of the rich giving and receiving that I see all around me. Thank you for your contribution as a wonderful window into all that is here.

  43. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    I work from home during the week so scheduling activites for me to get out of the house on weekends and in the evenings after work is crucial for my sanity. Your blog is mu go to resource for helping plan my Nevada County adventures. Keeping my dollars local is important to me so thank you for helping me with that mission.

    BOBBIE SUE says:


  45. jes taber
    jes taber says:

    we can always count on you to bring us new of the newest venture, whether it be the new emily’s catering, the new juice bar, the seasonal craft fair or the most exciting new campground…you are always present. thanks for collecting such a wam bam thank you maam collection of goodies.

    keep up the good work!

  46. Crystal
    Crystal says:

    My favorite thing about your blog is that you are constantly updating it with recent and upcoming events. Thank you for keeping locals and visitors in the know!

  47. Linda
    Linda says:

    Wow, Erin, you’ve really outdone yourself! What a fabulous giveaway!!

    And as for your blog, it is one of the reasons that we moved to this area — I kept reading about all the wonderful places and events and had to see for myself. So we came for a visit last year about this time, stayed at the Outside Inn, and went home with a contract on a house. 🙂

    As for a favorite place or event — I could never decide. I am just totally in love with all of it! But the best part of living here is that the people tend to be much more relaxed and cheerful than any other place I’ve ever lived.

    Thank you for all your hard work putting this blog together. I really appreciate all that you do!!

  48. Erin Sierra Bassie
    Erin Sierra Bassie says:

    In the spirit of the season, I really appreciate how your generosity shines. This is a wonderful way to give, and so is your blog. Truly inspiring. My favorite (recent) post in your blog was the fall colors contest. What a beautiful place we live in! Thank you for the heart glow. Happy Holidays!

  49. rachel
    rachel says:

    erin, thanks for pointing out in your blog all the little and big things most of us take for granted in this sweet town of ours!

  50. Stephanie Liel
    Stephanie Liel says:

    I love the Outside Inn and blog. I loved the post on the South Yuba River. I have been many times before, but seeing your recommendations on your favorite spots was instrumental in planning my proposal. Your Inn and staff are fabulous and I was able to make my weekend perfect. I was “settling” on another place to stay that weekend when your staff called me to tell me they had just got a last minute opening! I was excited and so was my (now) fiance.

  51. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    I love that I can keep up with all of cool things Nevada City has to offer. I may be out of town but I still love my hometown!

  52. Zoey
    Zoey says:

    Amazing job Erin! I can’t wait to win hehe fingers crossed! It still looks like nevada county’s bounty to me!

  53. Marina Bernheiemr
    Marina Bernheiemr says:

    How to pick a favorite post from so many wonderful images, words, and ideas? Truthfully, the blog captures the spirit and essence of our community in a colorful and gorgeous way that consistently impresses me and appeals to high aesthetics. Ok, ok if I must pick one, the Fall Colors photos and Mountain Bounty Farm (I know I said I’d pick one…) include stunning photos that are a feast for the eyes. Thanks for all you do!

  54. krystle
    krystle says:

    You’re amazing Erin! I’m so blessed that I moved to such a wonderful community. #nevadacityrocks Fingers crossed I’m the random pickarooooo.

  55. Emma Santa
    Emma Santa says:

    I have to say Erin, I love following and finding your name on things all over the web. You feature some great Nevada County gems that even after living here for most of my life I have yet to discover. Love what you do for our community!

  56. Bonny
    Bonny says:

    We are relatively new to the area. You have so much information on places to go, and see on this blog. Great place to check on what is going on locally especially when friends and family come to visit. Love all the beautiful pictures.

  57. Kate
    Kate says:

    My favorite part is always the pictures! Love your eye and the things you capture. And it’s fun to see photos of home when I’m away at school.

  58. Allison Massam
    Allison Massam says:

    Wow, Erin! This is a really great one! Thanks for all the time you spent going around to our local businesses to put this together!!! I enjoy your posts year-round of course. My favorite photos have been from Yuba River swimming holes. Also, I learned about some restaurants that I have now tried that I had never tried before!

  59. Cherisse
    Cherisse says:

    I love that picture in the photo gallery of the street covered in snow! Nevada City is SO gorgeous during Christmas time. The glistening lights, the big red bows, the people…love it all!

    • erin
      erin says:

      It was a magical morning when we got snow… I can promise if I’m in town and Mother Natures blesses us again, I’ll be out roaming the streets with all the other local photographers.

  60. Laura Petersen
    Laura Petersen says:

    With beautiful photos that capture the heart of our community, the Innside Blog is a great resource for outdoor recreation and beyond. Erin is a tireless promoter of everything that makes Nevada County a great place to live.

  61. Allison Massam
    Allison Massam says:

    I shared it on my personal Facebook timeline. That was actually difficult, because I don’t want so many people to enter because I want to win 😉 Just kidding – sort of. I will of course go share it on Lucchesi’s page too. Great job, Erin!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you Allison, you’re not alone, I understand… I’ve had a few people comment on the actual bucket in person, “Wow.” And all I can say is that I can’t win it!

  62. Lindsey Colvin
    Lindsey Colvin says:

    As a local to Nevada County, what I love about this blog is seeing reviews and postings about local events, store openings, and music/culture/food, etc. Erin has a flair for pulling together a collection of photos and words that generate interest and appreciation for what we have here in this magical neck of the woods.

  63. Amanda Gray
    Amanda Gray says:

    Love this blog, especially because my husband and I are moving to Nevada County at the first of the year. Our relationship with Nevada City began a few years ago when we actually stayed at the Outside Inn, and took in Broad street. Now I work in Grass Valley, and we have decided to start our little family in Nevada County. Our son is 4 months old and we can’t wait to raise him up in this little slice of heaven! Keep blogging – I love reading the posts. Posting this on my work’s facebook page (www.facebook.com/Networkrealestate) Hope that gets me that second chance!

  64. Xylem Larla Dey
    Xylem Larla Dey says:

    What an amazing outpouring of community love! I shared on Facebook for a second chance in the hat!

    I moved here ten years ago, and the Outside Inn produce sharing basket brought a smile to my face and hope to my heart each time I’ve seen it, and especially when I’ve gotten to visit and swap… My favorite blog post photos have been of the farm to table dinner pics from downtown… So classy, so good! I always send guests to your inn first. Thanks for all you do!

  65. Vickie
    Vickie says:

    What an amazing basket filled with the love that all our Nevada City merchants provided.
    Christmas is so fun in Nevada City. I love to drive up Broad St. every Christmas Eve and take in all the splender.
    Thanks for all your hard work in making our town THE BEST!
    Merry Christmas.

  66. Britta
    Britta says:

    Wha??!! This is amazing! I just saw a post on a friend’s Facebook page (Amanda Daley), and found your site and this giveaway. I’m brand new to GV/NC, and I’m excited to learn about another way to tap into local happenings. So, though I’m a new fan, my fingers are still all the way crossed for this giveaway. Thanks!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Britta! Can’t wait for Amanda’s new coffee shop 🙂 There’s a lot in the archives, so even if you’re new to the blog, feel free to back and research all the fun things that happen around here.

  67. Leia
    Leia says:

    You make me proud of this town. And I fall back in love with it every time I read your blog. I take for granted this beautiful place and you inspire me to get back out and explore my beautiful home town.

  68. Moriah Blue
    Moriah Blue says:

    This is an epic giveaway! Thank you! I’ve often discovered local events I didn’t know about through your blog, it’s a great resource. I loved the fall photo contest, the colors of this season are incredible.

  69. Christy Summer
    Christy Summer says:

    I feel so lucky and blessed to live in such an amazing community. Thanks for this great local giveaway! I look forward to seeing upcoming posts and news from your blog.

  70. Sarah Hatten
    Sarah Hatten says:

    Here is Erin, outdoing herself once again! Pumping all the quality gems of Nevada County – I nominate you for NC Chamber prez!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Sarah, I think the job of running the Chamber would be hard then running the Outside Inn and having fun doing an over the top blog… Quality gems, I’m sure there’s some lovely gold pun in there somewhere 🙂

  71. Jennifer Trujillo
    Jennifer Trujillo says:

    You are too awesome Erin! Thank you for your relentless efforts to showcase the best of the best in Nevada County! Love learning new things about our area by reading your blog. And such beautiful photography! You are the best! Thank you!!

  72. Alyse
    Alyse says:

    I am more informed about what’s happening in the hometown from the Outside Inn blog than the Union or YubaNet: I mean good news about what folks are doing to create community and enjoy foothills living. Makes me want to visit and stay at the inn!

  73. Nicole Friedrich
    Nicole Friedrich says:

    what an incredible giveaway! Well, because I love photography, I must admit the fall colors blog post just enchanted me!

  74. Ashley Kosher
    Ashley Kosher says:

    This is amazing!! Our town rocks and so do you! My favorite posts are usually the ones of events and cool things I didn’t know that were going on…. that way I can make sure to attend the next time!

    PS- Can’t wait for our next instagram meetup!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Ashley, we should have another photo walk… I’m getting side tracked my post about the next photo contest, it’ll be up tomorrow.

  75. Jennifer Palmer
    Jennifer Palmer says:

    Wow, Erin! You’ve outdone yourself. So incredible.

    Last year’s basket was amazing … if I win again this year, I really might be the luckiest girl in the world ;).

    Thanks for your blog and for all you do!

  76. Gillian
    Gillian says:

    Your blog is very informative and your pictures you share are gorgeous! My husband and I always tell our family and friends from out of the area to stay at the outside inn. We enjoyed using for our wedding guests:) my favorite event of Nevada city every year is Victorian Christmas:) looking forward to this year. What a gift basket!!!

  77. Victoria
    Victoria says:

    Such a beautiful place we live in…so much going on for such a small community – your blog give us all a chance to share in this incredible county!

  78. Jennifer Palmer
    Jennifer Palmer says:

    Also, I have been subscribed to your FB page for quite a while, and I just shared the giveaway there!

    (And even though I’m terrible at commenting, I read all of your posts. Thank you for keeping us up to date on what’s happening in our community!)

  79. Taya
    Taya says:

    How fun! Thank you for all the blog posts, Erin! You really capture the charm of this area and share the highlights with us all. I frequently point people to the blog since it is such a resource for this area. I referred so many busy parents to the summer camp post you created- such a huge help to have that all organized! Thanks for taking the time to do that and for every other post too! Sharing the love!

  80. Kial James
    Kial James says:

    Holy Cow Erin, this is a crazy insane giveaway! Congrats for putting this together, and thanks to all your supporters! I love your blog because of the photos and the voice you provide to this awesome community.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Kial… and thanks for sharing your photos with me from time to time and congrats again on your recent #NevadaCityColor photo win, sounds like folks liked that post.

  81. Robyn Caywood
    Robyn Caywood says:

    I love the way your blog captures the spirit of our amazing community from the photos to events and the highlights of local people. It also reflects the community sense I get from the Outside Inn. I appreciate the garden stand you create each year to share extras from our gardens and your Halloween display last year was a highlight for our family. Thank you!

  82. Dustin Bremmer
    Dustin Bremmer says:

    Thank You for maintaining such a wonderful blog, I love all the info about local events, but especially love the outside page, it describes what is so special about our area very well. Thank You and Merry Christmas!

  83. Magdalena Halford
    Magdalena Halford says:

    We love the Outside Inn! It is clean, pretty, and cozy. We always book our family and friends there and we also recommend it to clients. We stayed there the first time we visited Nevada City and decided to move here. And they let our 3 year old feed the fish in the pond!

  84. A Whitney
    A Whitney says:

    I especially love the pieces this year that have highlighted our local farmers and the incredible work of the Bear Yuba Land Trust (esp the new suspension bridge). Thanks for all you do!

  85. Adriana B
    Adriana B says:

    Wow this is awesome, it would give me a great reason to spend a couple days in my hometown!!!! This is why Nevada county is amazing, the sense of community is rare.

  86. Robert Trent
    Robert Trent says:

    The best part about the InnSide Nevada City blog is the positive impact it has on our community. Not only does it stay positive as it tells our story through great pictures and words, but it also amplifies this impact by teaching others how to express themselves through captivating digital storytelling.

  87. Joleen
    Joleen says:

    I love the pictures on the blog. It inspires me daily to want to do more photography. Thank you for beautifully capturing our community!

  88. Randi
    Randi says:

    You really inspired the comments this time Erin! Not sure I have one favorite thing about the blog but seeing this town and surrounds via your photos is always like taking a small vacation without going anywhere! Whether I am already familiar with what the blog and photos are depicting, your portrayals make it fresh and new. Thanks for loving and supporting your community.

  89. Jamie beer
    Jamie beer says:

    Oh my goddess! Thank you for harvesting this community love and juiciness…. Mouth watering awesomeness!!! I’m sure it was a lot of work collaboratively collecting it all. •••cheers••• Jamie

  90. Amber
    Amber says:

    I really enjoy this blog because it helps me see things going on in the community and encourages me to check out events and stores I might not otherwise even notice. For example, I went to the Artisan’s show at the Miner’s Foundry over the weekend and it was wonderful!! I wouldn’t have gone if I hadn’t seen your post and your lovely photos. Thanks for helping me feel more connected to this beautiful community where I live.

  91. Shirl
    Shirl says:

    I have fond memories of staying at Outside Inn on a few different occasions when I was looking to move to this area in 2001. Great place and great memories.

  92. Lisa Scadden
    Lisa Scadden says:

    What a wonderful site. I was checking the forecast on Yuba.net and found the link to your giveaway. Wow, I had no idea this site was available. Now I know where to go to find out what’s happening in our beautiful town. So many great blogs, hard to choose my favorite. I definitely “liked” on Facebook. Thank you for providing such a great site.

    Happy Holidays,
    Lisa Scadden

  93. Lisa Bonney Berry
    Lisa Bonney Berry says:

    I love the way I can take a photo journey and see things I would not see on my own through your blog. Such amazing shots! What a bountiful basket, the winner surely will be thrilled!

  94. Judith HW
    Judith HW says:

    Erin, I most love the blog’s unabashed enthusiastic partisanship for all things Nevada County. Your posts remind me to appreciate the goodness and liveliness that presents itself every day in our community. And the fact that it is all accompanied by gorgeous photographs? Icing on the cake.

  95. Juliet
    Juliet says:

    I don’t live in Nevada City, but your blog makes me want to visit! And what an incredible holiday giveaway – supporting local arts, inns, foods…really – what more could one ask for? Love it!

  96. Joyce Schwilke
    Joyce Schwilke says:

    Thank you for all you do for our Community. I love the photos too. Will share this to a friend looking to visit. Liked the Facebook pages long ago.

  97. Donna Loper
    Donna Loper says:

    I have lived here for 34 years and after finding your blog I keep finding new and amazing things I didn’t know about. I love your pics, stories, and sharing. Thank you for all you do for the communitie.
    This prize offering is just one example of your on going commitment to the area buisinesses. I would be happy to win. I even love the bucket.

  98. Bri Hansen
    Bri Hansen says:

    This is such a wonderful thing you are doing! We love your blog! Thanks for keeping everybody posted on things to do and try in our lovely county!!

  99. Kaathlyn Connor
    Kaathlyn Connor says:

    I love your little motel. We stayed there for the first time recently, and I’d definitely recommend you to visiting family and friends. I’ve been following your blog for a while as I enjoy finding out about the local events and happenings. Thanks, Kaathlyn

  100. Kate Strolle
    Kate Strolle says:

    We always send our out of town guests to the Outside Inn. I know that I can always drop in to say hello, and even just recently went in to get some local hiking trail maps. They and the blog is always in the know of what to do in Nevada City and the surrounding area.

  101. Katrina Paz
    Katrina Paz says:

    I love all the photos! You really capture the community and constantly give me new ideas of things to see, do, and explore. Thank you!

  102. Leslie
    Leslie says:

    I’m a 57-year-old newbie to the tiny house movement and was made aware of this blog thru Mud & Pearls. I am hoping to visit early in 2015, take some classes, explore the area, and hopefully meet some amazing people! The Inn looks very inviting! I’ve heard so much about the region….really would LOVE to win this. Keep up the great work!

  103. Vanessa Best
    Vanessa Best says:

    Thank you for offering this fun and local giveaway! I really appreciate your dedication to our community and our visitors. The blog about what to do for a three weekend getaway I loved! I not only passed it on to friends and family who will be visiting soon, but also made a list for myself. Keep up the great work!

  104. Darlene
    Darlene says:

    I love all of the Outside Inn articles!
    The gift basket is an awesome idea Erin.
    My favorite story this year was the In town camp ground, I
    can’t wait for that to open.
    One more great reason for people to visit Nevada County. 🙂

  105. Ed Hensley
    Ed Hensley says:

    Erin, your blog has become the place to find out what’s happening here more than any other. You draw people who want to know and participate, and those putting on events want to see themselves here because of your eye for quality in the community, in your writing, and in your photography. I like the many posts that show me new things or remind me of old things. I especially appreciate the notices and photos about art events, especially the ones that aren’t as splashy and covered elsewhere.

  106. Kelly Higelin
    Kelly Higelin says:

    Thanks for the chance to win an AMAZINGLY AWESOME prize! As for the blog..love it and always check in to see what’s new in town. Loved your feature about Emily’s Catering and Cakes!! (I am biased though…because I work there). Keep up the great work!

  107. Kelly Moreno
    Kelly Moreno says:

    I love the photos! Your blog is my ‘go to’ source to see what’s going on in town…what i’ve missed…what i can’t miss in the future!!! thanks for putting it all together in one place.

  108. Marci Hovanski
    Marci Hovanski says:

    I absolutely love everything about the blog.. Your photos speak volumes on their own.. Your support of all our amazing local businesses is so awesome.. All the giveaways all year long and now this! So sweet! Plus the outside inn is the coolest lodgings in town.. And the food share cart.. You guys rock!

  109. Shauneen Deschaine
    Shauneen Deschaine says:

    I love reading your blog! It is a great tool to share with people visiting out of town! It showcases the many different events and aspects of Nevada City and Nevada County!

  110. Abby Vorce
    Abby Vorce says:

    Erin, your blog makes me smile every time I read it. My husband and I are planning to relocate to Nevada City this spring and your posts have been such an incredible introduction to the community! I have learned so much about the food, culture, activism, outdoors, festivals…it’s just awesome!

    The first thing that drew me in was your post about the Outside where you write: “The Outside Inn is located at the doorstep of the Tahoe National Forest. Six major river canyons and the ski resorts of Lake Tahoe are all within an hour’s drive from Nevada City. No matter what the season, Nevada County offers plenty to do. Attractions such as fall colors, winter sports, spring wildflower hikes, kayaking, and mountain biking add to the list of traditional summertime activities.” That was the moment when I really thought, yep…this is the place. Let’s do it!

    Thank you for taking the time to share Nevada City with the world, it’s such a special place and I can’t wait to call it home. Happy Holidays!

  111. Sara Keller
    Sara Keller says:

    The Outside Inn is a great little gem in the heart of Nevada City! My husband and I have spent a romantic getaway there, even though we are locals ourselves. So glad to see that there is a current webpage and a blog. Will be checking this frequently and sharing with our friends. Also, we really enjoyed the haunted hotel tour last Halloween with our little one!

  112. Kelly Hickman
    Kelly Hickman says:

    I love the InnSide Nevada City Blog! It is so fun to be able to see what is happening around our amazing town through Erin’s beautiful photography. I am getting married in June of next year and will be staying in the Creekside Hideaway. We plan to share all of the amazing things to do in the area that are listed on the Outside Inn website and blog with our guests.

  113. Michelle Murray
    Michelle Murray says:

    So many wonderful prizes!!! Liked, commented and shared on FB. Also signed up for your e-mail. 🙂 hope to win!!!! Love your photos the most!!

  114. Sarah Hendrickson
    Sarah Hendrickson says:

    What do I love about your blog? Well, I love that you weave artists , small businesses and history into one, that our quirks as a community are assets and that adventure is just outside our doors!

  115. Tisha Clark
    Tisha Clark says:

    i help people market their own brand using blogs, social media, etc. I point to you as an example. For local SEO your way is authentic and gives back to the community. Love seeing how often people post about your blog on FB too. Keep up your great talent.

  116. Diane Wilson
    Diane Wilson says:

    Your blog is one of the main reasons I choose NOT to move out of Nevada County. You share what a lovely community this is and I would not want to live anywhere else. You help me realize that.

    Thank you so much.

  117. Maya Cordes
    Maya Cordes says:

    Erin, whenever there is an event in the area, whether I attended or not, I know that you’ll have captured some gorgeous photos of it. I appreciate this so much! Thank you! I have appreciated l of your blog posts over the years. Thank you for being such a bright light for our community!


  118. Darci Mason
    Darci Mason says:

    I LOVE outside inn’s blog! I recently relocated to Nevada City from Ashland, OR and this blog has been my go-to for finding local happenings. I’m so grateful for this resource.

  119. Carol Cano
    Carol Cano says:

    I spent time with family for a wedding this summer at your place and we had such a good time! We don’t live in the area but love to see what activities are going on, gives me an incentive to come back.

  120. Susan Meagher
    Susan Meagher says:

    I loved the photos of Miners Foundry last weekend; we were very excited to be there selling coffee and Nana’s treats and loved the art, but didn’t get out of the booth much; it was great to get a 2nd look.
    Also, much of what I do is perishable-except Almond Granola made with organic maple syrup….I’d love to donate a package for your next giveaway if you would like!

  121. Maria
    Maria says:

    last year I stayed at the outside in for Mardi Gras never been in Nevada City before my girlfriend took me and I fell in love with the outside inn. Our room was wonderful. The town was like something out of a western era. I love the restaurants the people the town. I love your town and your blog because I am finding more beauty in your town.There are a lot of things to do as you show on your blog, also the changing seasons. From your blog I look for my next time visit to your wonderful town. Keep blogging and thank you.

  122. Nancy Beagle
    Nancy Beagle says:

    I absolutely love the pictures that are taken! They show Nevada City’s beauty and what a great town it is!
    I just subscribed and I’m not sure what took me so long! I have been following along on Instagram and facebook though 🙂

  123. Vanessa Eddy
    Vanessa Eddy says:

    I love all the pictures of the seasons. It makes me love Nevada City even more!

    I also liked and shared on Facebook 🙂

  124. CARLENE
    CARLENE says:



  125. Amanda
    Amanda says:

    The Outside Inn blog has let me know about so many businesses and cool things happening in our town- and Erin has been an awesome supporter of promoting what we do at the Food Love Project and with Sierra Harvest! And the pictures are always lovely 🙂
    Fingers crossed on that basket- what a crazy giveaway indeed- you’ve really out done yourself!

  126. Alyson Collom
    Alyson Collom says:

    i love that your blog is so visual. Also that it contains so much information about what’s happening in our town! Before I discovered your blog, I always felt like there were so may things going on but I never knew where to go to find out! Now I check your blog to find out! Love it!

  127. Gene Grapel
    Gene Grapel says:

    I really enjoy the blog because it shows just how much there is to do and see in this area. Keep up he great work!

  128. Kiana
    Kiana says:

    I love how you tell people where to go .. especially to those that don’t really know. And you explain the place.

  129. Amanda J. K.
    Amanda J. K. says:

    Wow! That is completely honestly the most impressive giveaway gift basket that I have ever seen! If I were to win I would certainly have to share the love with my friends and family. Thanks to your blog post about Mountain Bounty Farm I am now signed up to receive my first veggie box next week! I’m so excited and I can’t wait! It’s amazing how much our community had so offer and I feel so blessed to be able to live where I do. Thank you so much for your awesome contributions to the community with all that you do! You’re blog is a testimony to how amazing our little community is!

  130. Diane R.
    Diane R. says:

    Your 2014 Crazy Outside Inn Blog Giveaway is Crazier than 5150 Crazy (and better, too)!

    I love how you illustrate Nevada County with so much love and passion through your blog and photos. I’ve learned about the happenings all year around in your awesome community.

    I love how you highlight and support your local small businesses in your beautiful community.

    Thank you for making your blog interactive with your readers regularly, throughout the year.

    A Big Thank You to all of the incredible merchants and organizations who selflessly donate prizes.

    Wishing you much success in 2015!

    Good Luck, Everyone!

  131. Cristine Kelly
    Cristine Kelly says:

    We LOVE the Outside Inn blog at Music in the Mountains! Such a wonderful way to build community and let peeps know about all of the awesome things happening in our fair hamlet. Thank you, Erin!

  132. Diane R.
    Diane R. says:

    We helped spread the love about The Incredible Crazy Outside Inn Blog Giveaway by sharing your Facebook post on Facebook and Retweeting your post on Twitter 🙂

  133. Karen
    Karen says:

    I love the photos. I check at least once a week to see if something new has been posted. Some of the fall photos were so beautiful. Thank you for posting Nevada City at it’s finest!

  134. Pam
    Pam says:

    Hi Erin – I have to admit to not having read all 200+ replies that you have received so far, but I’m guessing you have. What an amazing basket you have brought together this year. I am especially excited by the Achilles Wheel tix for New Years Eve and would like to commend you for giving away tickets to my favorite local band. What I like most about your blog is that it serves as a bright and happy voice in the back of my mind that says, “Go have fun!” Thank you for that.


    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Pam, you don’t have to read them all, but yes, of course I’m going to read them all– such a delight to hear so many positive things about our community and the blog. Please thank the Miners Foundry for their generosity on giving away the New Year’s tickets (it was their idea, not mine). Go have fun… that seems like a great motto…

  135. Carolyn
    Carolyn says:

    I love your photography of Nevada City! It shows the beauty that our little area has to offer. I love sharing with my out of state friends and relatives to show them what a great place we live in!

  136. Monica Conkle
    Monica Conkle says:

    Wow, what a basket!! Our community is always so generous. I loved the blog about the Fall Colors. It reminded me of the Fall in Michigan where I grew up.

  137. Janelle Wyatt
    Janelle Wyatt says:

    I love Nevada City, my dream is to one day move there. I live in Chico & I visit whenever I can. I loved your Nevada City Color blog post. I also follow you on Instagram & I loved seeing all the wonderful fall colors, my favorite time of the year! I wish the trees were like this year round!

  138. Erin
    Erin says:

    Your blog is such a valuable resource for this community. It is a great place to go if you are looking for a fun local place to eat, hike, or visit and you always have such great pictures and information on all the local happenings. I know you put a lot of love and time into this and it really shows!

  139. Lynn Skrukrud
    Lynn Skrukrud says:

    My favorite thing about your blog is the community it creates! Not only to it showcase our incredible community but it also strengthens our community! I’m also grateful for the great pictures you have included from NEO activities. Thank you for your great work!

  140. Jasmin Kellison
    Jasmin Kellison says:

    I love that you put so much effort into your blog and keeping the community alive and together. I am always up to date on all local Events an I love sharing your photos with my family abroad, so they can see and be a part of this beautiful community I now live in, and that I get to call my home.

  141. Ginny Knott
    Ginny Knott says:

    I am not a facebook person, a blogger or a twitterer; however, Erin’s blog is phenomenal. She shares my love of our town, its events and the surroundings. I love her eye for the camera. She can really SEE what is going on in our area. Thank You! I am a die hard fan….Ginny Knott

  142. Eleni Rodgers
    Eleni Rodgers says:

    I love this blog. When we were researching where to move, it shined as a beacon of light for all the reasons to choose Nevada City/Grass Valley. When we arrived, we used it to find events to meet our community. Now that we are settled, I appreciate the gorgeous pictures that highlight the beauty of the community as well as ongoing posts that keep us appraised of all the awesome events… which comes full circle to why we moved here. Thank you Erin for all the hard work – sharing your knowledge and highlighting many other businesses, events, and opportunities as well.

  143. Eleni Rodgers
    Eleni Rodgers says:

    I shared this on facebook too because everyone should love Nevada City (and I would share the basket too 🙂

  144. Marianne Furlong
    Marianne Furlong says:

    I truly enjoy reading your blog. Your pictures are amazing. I also follow you on Pinterest. I don’t get a chance to attend many events in the area but I love reading about them on your blog. Thank you for sharing !!!

  145. Gary
    Gary says:

    What a fun act of community, fun and generosity! I love your blog, Erin, because it freely shares the good times and how to go get them.

  146. Keithlee Spangler
    Keithlee Spangler says:

    I’ve only been living in NC for about four months now working at Woolman Semester School and two things were recommended to me by the first local I met – 1. The Yuba and 2. this blog to keep up with local events. Both have served me well! I have to say my favorite posts are any that talk about the Yuba! It’s one of the most incredible places I’ve been (my favorite crossings at the 49 and Jone’s Barr). Thanks!

  147. Jennifer Lemaire
    Jennifer Lemaire says:

    You make our community smaller and bring us together by sharing the events and gatherings in town. Thank you for your time and energy in all you do!

  148. Jarratt
    Jarratt says:

    So excited for the plans for the new campground. Great idea and so reassuring it is being done by the right people!

  149. Linda toll
    Linda toll says:

    Thanks for your blog of our town. My favorite part is your winter photos. Your give-away is exciting. Cheers to the lucky winner!

  150. Teena Marie
    Teena Marie says:

    Moved here last year. Now I’m a SYRCL naturalist and ambassador. Thanks for the info about them

  151. ~amy~
    ~amy~ says:

    That’s crazy awesome…so winner has to pick up…is there a time limit for the pick up window..LOL. Great excuse for me to finally visit you.

    You know I adore this blog for everything that you feature but I especially love your photography:)

    • erin
      erin says:

      Amy it would be so much fun to spend a weekend with you spending your prizes. Is there a time limit on pick up… I didn’t include one, but it’s heavy, so I don’t want to mail it. I guess since it’s not included in the giveaway fine print then no.

  152. Dana Tanner Powell
    Dana Tanner Powell says:

    I like and share
    to show I care
    I love your blog
    while sipping egg nog
    I love Nevada City
    It’s oh so pretty
    with heart and soul
    a place to grow old
    Your love for the town so clear
    its unique character so dear
    my comments now come to an end
    I’m thankful for you Erin, my Nevada City friend.

  153. Hannah
    Hannah says:

    i love the blog and I love the Outside Inn! I grew up in Nevada City but now live in San Francisco, it’s our favorite place to stay when we visit. The blog reminds me of all the reasons I love where I’m from year round, thanks for writing! I liked your page and shared this post on FB so everyone can enter to win!

  154. Mo LaFond
    Mo LaFond says:

    My favorite thing about the outside in is first and foremost that you embrace community with us all. But I really love and admire your baskets outside for us to share our fruitful bounty with others. I try to bring to the baskets something for others to enjoy.And have even enjoyed a ripe tomato or two.
    Happy Holiday season and thank you all for being there.

  155. Michel
    Michel says:

    We Love staying at the Outside Inn during Victorian Christmas in beautiful Nevada City… We always stay in the “Starry Room” as our daughter loves how the ceiling lights up with the glowing stars ⭐️ We always feel at home here, especially our Furry Family that are always welcomed with open arms

  156. Taylor Jean
    Taylor Jean says:

    I always look to your blog to find out what is happening in the week. I love that you stay on top of the local talent, food, events, and places to be! I think the first time I discovered your blog it was on an article for the Yuba River and was very helpful for me to find a magical new spot. Thank you!

  157. kela madeiros
    kela madeiros says:

    What a great opportunity to raise awareness about our amazing little town. I love the post about nevada city shops since I’m not as familiar with nc as I am with grass grass valley

  158. Kim
    Kim says:

    So many great local businesses in beautiful Nevada City! Thanks for all you do to promote your region year ’round, Erin! 🙂

  159. Kat
    Kat says:

    I LOVE your blog. I especially enjoyed the post about the nevada county fall colors. Jeez we’ve got some talented photographers in our area!

  160. Mielle
    Mielle says:

    Wow Erin, what an incredible gathering of gifts! You’re a mover and a shaker here in our little city and your blog is an awesome glue that makes our glitter sparkle! Thanks for pulling together this offering, what a treat.

  161. Anya Stanger
    Anya Stanger says:

    I love your blog for how it reflects the work of your family more broadly: it connects and creates community. And I love your inn for how it does the same.

  162. Chelsea Lyncj
    Chelsea Lyncj says:

    I loved the recent fall colors post. We live in such a beautiful community and talented people live here!

  163. Jenna Charnley
    Jenna Charnley says:

    I love your blog! I travel for work and when people ask me where I live I sometimes have a hard time convincing them that the entire state of california is not all Palm tree’s and beaches… I have on more then one occasion pulled up your blog- the amazing photos quickly convince people that Northern California is much more amazing then Hollywood. Thank you for all of your hard work, this is part of what makes our community unique!

  164. Miss Bird
    Miss Bird says:

    I subscribed and shared!
    May I just say thanks for letting me know about all of these fantastic products, services and venues with your sweet blog!
    There is no place like Nevada City, with it’s accumulation of artists, nature lovers, and good hearted folk!
    One of my favorite seasons in Nevada city is the holiday season, though summer is nice too, there’s nowhere like Nevada City for it’s wintery and festive outdoor markets and street faires, craft shows, gingerbread hiuse contest, sun & snow! I would so much like a chance to come back and stay a night at the Outside Inn to be able to fully enjoy the city and all it has to offer. To be able to enjoy a night and a day on the town again. What fun!!
    After moving to the east bay to finish school, my goal has always been to move back to Nevada City and start a family or a business or both! Being a poor student has not allowed me to visit for some time now but what a precious gift it would be to receive a stay at The Outside Inn along with all of the other goodies included in this amazing, amazing gift basket (tub)!
    After my father was diagnosed with bone cancer just a few months ago, I’ve been dreading Christmas this year, not only will it be his last Christmas but I’ve no idea if he will even be conscious to celebrate it with my mother and I.
    While living in Nevada City and attending Phillips Massage School and Sierra College my parents came up for a weekend and stayed at The Outside Inn. I remember how impressed and delighted they both were by the festivitiesI.
    I would love to bring my mom back here for a weekend of R and R. She could really use a reset button. I know we both could.
    When I lived in Nevada City I sat with Tibetan Monks by the river, cycled along gold mining roads, meditated in a Zen temple in the woods, ate the best food and drank the best wine of my life as well as met the most humble yet creative people on earth! Everything is just a little sweeter in the high Sierras. Just thinking about it has made me miss this treasure trove of a town even more.
    The Outside Inn, at the heart of the city and this blog have kept the embers burning.
    Thanks so very much. Much love-

  165. Anna Wilcox
    Anna Wilcox says:

    My favorite thing about your blog is the frequent lists of upcoming events in NC and beyond. Also the giveaways;)

  166. jen shears
    jen shears says:

    You KNOW I adore your photography- and all of your posts make me want to come to NC. You really are a fantastic ambassador to your town- they are so lucky to have you! Perhaps if I’m the lucky winner it will be a great excuse to make that a reality?! 😀

  167. Angel Dyer
    Angel Dyer says:

    Followed, shared and liked via Facebook. I love the entries for the fall photo shoot contest…..gorgeous photos!

  168. Jean Remley
    Jean Remley says:

    Wow! What an amazing, outrageous, crazy basket! Even though I have lived here for 20 years, I learn about new places and events on your blog. This is such an abundant community! Thank you for all you do and for all you share!

  169. Mary H.
    Mary H. says:

    I loved your pics and review about the New Moon Cafe plus really enjoyed your blog post on the soapbox derby. Keep up the good work!

  170. Tad
    Tad says:

    That’s a big bucket! I think it’s rad that you’ve found such a cool way to mix marketing and fun. But has random.org displaced B or J pulling a name from the hat?

    • erin
      erin says:

      Yeah they were fired from their jobs. Don’t worry, they still help pick random numbers from time to time, but on something this big, I don’t want anyone thinking I rigged the votes.

  171. Christy Sayles
    Christy Sayles says:

    I’m all about that Outside INNstagram!!!!! Beautiful pictures that capture the real essence of Nevada City in a “nostalgic for now” kind of way. I think that’s the name of a song…”Nostalgic for Now”…but I can’t remember. Anyways, that perfectly describes your photos.

  172. Mary Anne Davis
    Mary Anne Davis says:

    As the event manager for The Union, I am so impressed (and appreciative!) of all you do for our community, Erin, to promote and encourage our community and visitors to take part in all that is offered in this great area. Thank you so much for sharing through your blog and your great inn. As a member of Banner Mountain Artisans I was so impressed to see you at our show taking photos of our art and then sharing it on your site to promote this as well. This community is so lucky to have you!!

  173. Natalie Lyda
    Natalie Lyda says:

    Having moved from GV about two hours south a few years ago, I Live to check in here and see your beautiful Instagram pictures of my hometown. When I worked for a local non profit years ago, the Outside Inn was always willing to help and give back to our cause and it’s pretty clear nothing has changed! What a fun gift this would be to share with my parents who have lived in Nevada County for over 40 years!

  174. Liza
    Liza says:

    Holy cow- look at all the goodies! 😀
    I love the blog, as it informs me of amazing going-on’s in our community- not to mention the fab photo’s!

  175. Kathy Dotson
    Kathy Dotson says:

    Erin deserves some kind of Angel of Nevada City award – she has been incredible on supporting, promoting and sharing the spirit of our wonderful community. Plus, she works hard to support the foundation of our economy here – tourism! Thank you, Erin!

  176. Susan
    Susan says:

    I so love receiving the Outside Inn blogs! I so enjoyed the fall colors contest. There is nothing like autumn in our town in all of California. It is one reason I moved here! I also so much appreciate how you bring our community together and support our local merchants. Thanks for all you do and create within our little town. I will share the love!

  177. Tyson
    Tyson says:

    It’s the photos!
    They catch my eye and make me curios to find the spots, or go get a fresh cucumber! Thanks for a great blog!!

  178. Cynthia
    Cynthia says:

    Erin is Nevada City’s own concierge with this fabulous blog. Always letting us know what, when, where and how all the action is in our lovely community. She works so hard promoting local businesses and tourism! She actually deserves this fabulous prize but since she can’t win…I’m hoping I do! Thank you Erin for your hard work!

  179. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    I just regramed from your Instagram post…..there are already so many more entries than there were last year. They should all just stop it already! Don’t they know I’m going to win?

  180. Lyndly Martin
    Lyndly Martin says:

    Outside Inn is incredibly generous to our community in so many ways! But one example is: they donate rooms to SYRCL’s Wild & Scenic film festival for filmmakers visiting our town, which is HUGE because they could get those rooms booked for $ but CHOOSE to donate.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you, we are honored to continue to support the film festival and have done so since the first one. So excited that this year my son will be on the kids jury.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Local love is so much fun to share! And just so know I have to conscientiously choose to blog about Western Nevada County because otherwise the list would be way too long!

  181. Andrea
    Andrea says:

    Can’t wait to get back to Nevada City. Will be there next week to enjoy it all. Love what you’re doing Erin. Keep up the great job!

  182. Debbie Hillyard
    Debbie Hillyard says:

    Your blog ALWAYS has the most complete and comprehensive listings of “goings on” in Nevada County! I work long hours at our local hospital so rely on blogs like yours to guide me where to enjoy local life on my off days…THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU ARE AND DO for Nevada County/City! Oh, I also ADORED all of your fall foliage pics, so full of Nevada County/City splendor and sweetness!

  183. Kate Winningham
    Kate Winningham says:

    My friends have always stayed with you, each and every year. What a pleasure to have some place wonderful to recommend.

  184. Naima Shea
    Naima Shea says:

    There is something so home-town-y about your posts and your photographs are a constant reminder of some of the best of the best of living here. Hard to pick a favorite, when almost all of them are so special. I don’t need all these wonderful prizes, but if I win, I’d like to donate the basket to Hospitality House! That would be the best Christmas present for me.

  185. Arly
    Arly says:

    I love how you show the beauty of our little neck of the woods. I’ve seen reposts on FB, but thanks to this giveaway, I’ve now subscribed. I shared this on FB because you show the good, and we need that, plus, who wouldn’t want to win this gift basket?

    • erin
      erin says:

      I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t want to win, even if they don’t use everything… it is nice to be reminded of the good, there is so much of it around us, but we all need a positive feel good love-fest from time to time.

  186. Valerie Cassity
    Valerie Cassity says:

    Wow, what an amazing representation of this community this basket is! I stumbled upon your blog about a year before I decided to move here, and it made me feel like I was already part of the community. Now that I do live here, I love not only the blog but your Pinterest page that shows us all of the great options we have for great stuff to do any given day. You show everyone, both local and “Outside” how great it is to live in this unique, magical place, and the grand diversity that makes up this community. Thank you for being the voice of what is going on around town, and for making it come alive for us even when we can’t be at a certain event. You rock, sister!

    • erin
      erin says:

      I’m glad the blog gives you the welcoming Nevada City vibe… and glad you follow the Pinterest board, I’ve come to accept that I can’t actually do everything, so sometimes a teaser or someone else’s photo is a great way to include more. It is a magical place… Thanks for the kind words.

  187. Summer Scanlan
    Summer Scanlan says:

    What I love about this blog is your commitment, connection, and engagement with downtown Nevada City! I grew up downtown (NCE alum!) and love the area, and really appreciate that other people, do, too. I remember the Outside Inn before it was Outside Inn, and kudos on making the place so nice and inviting!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Yeah, I’m not sure if the Airway Motel would’ve had a blog… and we’re all happy that the Outside Inn is here and a great place to stay. NCE alum… love it!

  188. Ron Carrara
    Ron Carrara says:

    Love your blog. Great photos. Thanks Erin for all you do to share the beauty of our little town and all the wonderful people that contribute to make it so.

  189. Sue
    Sue says:

    It is fun to come up and visit and see all there is to do in the area via your blogs. Not that there is much time with the grandkids sports, dance, etc. I especially like your blogs on the river. Thanks for all the time it takes to put these together.

  190. Addie
    Addie says:

    I love your posts on Treats Ice Cream. They are such a teaser and always result in a trip for a treat! YOU are wonderful for this community!

  191. Mackenzie Hardwick
    Mackenzie Hardwick says:

    It’s all about community. Your blog so perfeclty captures all the small treasures, events, and people that our community has to offer is one rad place. Thank Erin <3

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Mackenzie… I’m confident there are plenty more offerings in our amazing little community, I only capture a slice of it, but happy to share the love with others. Thanks for playing along.

  192. Kamryn Wisner
    Kamryn Wisner says:

    I love the variety on your blog, and how your photos so accurately portray everything I love about living here. I was addicted to your fall colors photos!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Fall is such a stunning time here… but remember when it snowed last December? I got giddy with excitement over photographing Nevada City covered in snow…so, more photos of all seasons coming your way. Thanks for playing along.

  193. Karen
    Karen says:

    Thanks Erin for all your hard work! The outside inn Blog is my go to
    Site for everything Nevada City & Grass Valley. I’m always recommending your blog to people new to the area as well as those who have spent many years here!
    What a generous community to contribute so much to the gift basket.

    MEGAN BLACK says:

    I love the way you guide me around my own home town. I have lived here 35 years and you are showing it all to me in new ways. Thanks for all the big and little ways you create a strong, healthy community for us all and to be shared with visitors.

    MEGAN BLACK says:

    Have shared on FB too as I want to let others away from here see why I love it so much and encourage them to come play with us here. Thanks again.

  196. Cheryl Berg
    Cheryl Berg says:

    I love the Innside Nevada City Blog because it is convenient one-stop-shopping. Looking for a place to eat? Start with the blog. Looking for something to do? Check out the blog. Wondering what’s new in town? It’ll be on the blog. I check in frequently, and I always mention it to out-of-town guests. I sell real estate in Nevada County, and the blog is a great resource that I especially recommend to clients who are considering relocating to our area. It’s a terrific introduction to all that is fun and fabulous about Nevada City.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you, so glad to hear the blog is help provide a good resource for potential new Nevada County folks (we get them at the Outside Inn on a regular basis, “I’m thinking of moving here and love your blog.”).

  197. Kaeleen
    Kaeleen says:

    My favorite part about the innside blog is that it keeps me reminded of home, I love seeing all the posts, especially now that I’m away from home, because it reminds me of all the wonderful things that make Nevada county home.

  198. Anna
    Anna says:

    I moved here in May from the east coast and just discovered your fantastic blog, full of information about my new hometown ! I am now subscribed!! Wonderful photographs!! And very excited to hear about the campground you are developing!! Happy Holidaysand thank you for offering this CRAZY giveaway!!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks! You could spend a lot of time going back in the blog and finding lots of things to do. And yeah, we’re also very excited about the Inn Town Campground… 2016 seems like a long ways away, but it’s coming sooner then we realize.

  199. Carolyn
    Carolyn says:

    I learned about your blog from volunteering at the Chamber.
    You do a wonderful service for our community. We live in a very special place and you show it off well. Thank you!

  200. Jennifer Nunez
    Jennifer Nunez says:

    I’ve been searching for somewhere to move, different to the LA Area, low & behold, I’ve fallen in LOVE with Nevada City!! My son & his buddies have already scheduled a date to go and visit and me? I sit and dream of living in this amazing place! I never knew Nevada City existed! The town looks like somewhere I have craved, all my life, to live and be apart of an outstanding Community! I’ve started clearing my home and I watch all the homes for sale (too many gorgeous homes!) trying to pick one to go after! I can’t wait to get to you all!! I look forward to starting a new life in this amazing town! I can’t wait to meet you all and be in this amazing place! It looks like my “Heaven”!! 🙂

    • erin
      erin says:

      Wow… I love hearing comments like these… well if you win the basket you’ll have no excuse not to visit and stay at the Outside Inn.

  201. Moira
    Moira says:

    One of my many favorite things about your blog are your posts about the Yuba and knowing that there are maps and info at your office. Thank you for all you do for out community. This giveaway is totally crazy!

  202. Mike Mooers
    Mike Mooers says:

    Erin – This blog is the best resource for the area. When friends come to visit and ask what to do? I just point them here. Good job – and thanks for the service.

  203. Athena
    Athena says:

    Wow girl! You’ve completely outdone yourself. This is no joke of a give away, how do you do it?!! I am entering my name, but 400 responses???? Sheesh…… this is going to be one lucky winner!! Thanks for all you do…. always.

  204. Laurie T.
    Laurie T. says:

    Your blog is a great source of information for fun things to do (especially for families) and interesting businesses to visit. I appreciate the time you take to put this together and look forward to reading each new post. I always learn something new. 🙂

  205. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    I love that this blog represents our community: so many fun things going on, with such great people, in a beautiful location! I’ve found out about many events that I didn’t know were happening because of this blog. Thanks for all your work on it!

  206. Susan
    Susan says:

    I agree with Megan. I’m learning new things from this blog about the place I’ve lived the last 11 years!

  207. Molly
    Molly says:

    Love this beautiful blog! This area is so photogenic, and you know how to capture it perfectly. Appreciate the coverage of local events and sights. Thank you!

  208. Wendy Riley
    Wendy Riley says:

    Outside Inn is the place I am so proud to send my out of town friends and relatives. It speaks volumes, representing our small town for the warm and fuzzy community it is. Erin you do a fabulous job connecting us all together. I especially want to thank you for reaching out to us as we started our new business, with pictures and commentary on your blog. Much appreciated!

  209. Kerri Olson
    Kerri Olson says:

    My heart is with Nevada City to which direction I gaze, I dream of my future in your arms, while my hands will work in clay. The fresh of the air, the kindness that’s there, in a place I will call home one day. My blood becomes even when I arrive, coffee in hand, no need to drive. Have not had the honor to stay at your inn, but should need arise, it’s where I’ll begin.
    Merry Christmas my lovely Mountain folk!
    (from Orangevale)

  210. Holly
    Holly says:

    I live and shop here locally, and I love that I continue to learn about new shops and events from your blog Erin. You are truly a great local resource. But my favorite part of your blog is the effort you put into your photographs. They’re gorgeous. Thanks for all the time you put into supporting our local community!

  211. Lisa Petrella
    Lisa Petrella says:

    Wowzers! What an incredible giveaway!!! I love your blog for all of the gorgeous photos and the stories you share of all the fun and creative events that happen in your awesome little town! The Outside Inn is on my short list of places that I am determined to visit one day! It would be so amazing to hang out with you again, Erin, and to experience Nevada City and its magic in person!

  212. Dawn Narvaéz
    Dawn Narvaéz says:

    Hello Erin, While I just recently started watching your blog. I love the posts I’ve found on facebook and your photo’s WOW! I must subscribe here as I do work right downtown and rarely know what is going on right outside my door. I come to work, WORK, then go home — boring I know. However, it always hits me funny when I walk out the front door right onto Broad Street and the Street is jumping and I don’t know what is going on. People are partying and having a good time in the streets and I feel like “HEY I’m working here” you can’t have fun while I”m hard at work!!! What is wrong with those people. Or when you walk to grab lunch or a snack and Tourists are posing for pictures right as you walk by. Makes me giggle, again I’m working here — you can’t have fun during MY work hours!! Anyhow, if I followed your blog more I would BE IN THE KNOW and KNOW what is happening and get off work and GO PARTAKE TOO!!! Thanks for all you do. Thanks 🙂

  213. Tani Russo
    Tani Russo says:

    Hi! I started following the blog at the beginning of summer because a story on Pinterest caught my eye. Although I grew up in the area, and thought I knew everything about our unique little slice of paradise, I was pleased to learn that there are so many new events happening throughout the community. I love seeing the pictures of the things I treasure most about the area, such as the river posts and the pictures of the fall colors, but I also enjoy learning about new events such as the farm to table event and Friday Night Art Walk. My family and I currently live in Rocklin, but we are always in the area visiting my parents or checking out something I discovered on your blog. Thanks for sharing!!

  214. Denise Bryant
    Denise Bryant says:

    Over the top with this one, Erin! It is CRAZY!
    I love that you introduce me to so many businesses that I would never otherwise know about, even if they are practically in my own backyard!

  215. Bill Hicks
    Bill Hicks says:

    Outside Inn is the best. have found many great things thru them, bread share, polly’s palladar, hiking trails etc. the list goes on and on. THANKS

  216. Jeanne
    Jeanne says:

    How fortunate we are to live in this wonderful hamlet in the foothills…and at Christmas time the town just glows.

    Thank you Erin for sharing our little hamlet in such beautiful photos with the world.

    Happy Holidays!

  217. Ann Hobbs
    Ann Hobbs says:

    My bad, did not read the directions. While I don’t have a favorite post, I find, that the title of the blog, through email, catches my attention, and is able to draw me into reading the news. That is my favorite part, and the most beneficial.

  218. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    I couldn’t tell you a favorite post, as I really love the coverage of the whole county, and variety of events. Erin, you are always on top of what’s happening in town and I love all of the photos you take to help portray the story. We always check out the blog for happenings and love forwarding the link to out of town friends and family, so that they can also experience a little slice of what life is like here. Thank you!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Stephanie, glad to hear I’m helping spread the small town life to folks near and far. Thanks for entering my crazy giveaway.

  219. Nancy Guenther
    Nancy Guenther says:

    I liked (a long time ago) and shared. I’ve always lived driving past the Outside Inn. What a wonderful place to stay. Recommend it to all visiting friends. Reasonable, unique, great atmosphere and owners. I love the photos you post on Facebook and the news about local events.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Small town life is all about local events, but I’m glad you’ve liked us for a long time and shared… We try to be unique, that’s definitely in our agenda.

  220. Kristin Aguilar
    Kristin Aguilar says:

    Whoo! This is amazing! You should include one crazy hard spin class too:) See you in the morning? Thank you for all that you do for the community!!!

  221. Sierra Commons
    Sierra Commons says:

    Erin, you have really out done yourself with this. What a fun thing for the Nevada County community! Sierra Commons is proud to be a part of this wonderful gift basket.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you Sierra Commons for joining the crazy giveaway, I love that there’s something in here for everyone, who knows, you might get a new co-worker?

  222. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    What a fantastic giveaway!

    I started following this blog shortly after moving to Nevada City and it continues to let me in on awesome spots to explore and events going on! Needless to say it has been great for both local information and its visual beauty!

  223. Karin Tintle
    Karin Tintle says:

    Erin..I really loved your FALL COLOR photo contest. You inspired me to get my camera out and take pictures on my walks. I appreciate your inspiration and constant support of our community.

  224. Michelle Noe
    Michelle Noe says:

    I love how you us all of the great things going on in our area, and you make me feel at home with your enthusiasm. You set a great example of how to be in community!

  225. Hildy May
    Hildy May says:

    We stayed over Sunday night of Labor Day Weekend in the Creekside Hideaway after reading about its remodel in the blog. Had a great time and would love to stay there again. I’m already a subscriber but will share the giveaway on Facebook.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks, glad you enjoyed the Creekside Hideaway… there are often little giveaways on the blog, never quite this large, but feel free to keep tabs, another excuse to come visit.

  226. Samantha Hinrichs
    Samantha Hinrichs says:

    I love your photography Erin, and that is why I look at the blog. Your shots of our town and area capture some of the intangible yes-ness of here. And that’s great. Thanks for all your joy!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Sam, did you see your “mug shot” on the Craft Fair post? Trying to think of what your defintion of “intangible- yes-ness” would be…

  227. MariVal Bayles
    MariVal Bayles says:

    Wow, Erin! this is such an awesome give away!!!

    I am fairly new to this area (3 years) and I have learned so much about places to go and things to do.in our beautiful Nevada City and Grass Valley that I really appreciate all you do for our community.

    I friend you on Facebook and made a comment.

    Thank you very much!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you, hope you’ve had fun getting out and exploring our lovely little community in these three years. Thanks for playing along.

  228. Bev Dittberner
    Bev Dittberner says:

    Your Blog rocks- I especially love the gardening season posts. You do an outstanding job of loading your posts with links that send me on an adventure exploring local gardening centers, activities, markets – and your PHOTOS are stunning. Yes it’s true- your Blog rocks.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Bev, glad that we could include a few goodies from Full Circle Press to help share some amazing letterpress goodies with the lucky winner. Gardening… better get back on those posts….

  229. Julie
    Julie says:

    I love seeing the photos and reading about the generosity of the residnts of our beautiful town, the garden cart set up to leave excess bounty so someone else can enjoy is wonderful. I hope you are safe, I recall photos of flooding in past years!

    • erin
      erin says:

      We did not flood with the rains, but thanks for asking. And yes, 2 years ago our creek got a bit too high for my liking. The garden cart is indeed one of my favorite things too. Thanks for playing along with my crazy giveaway.

  230. Lynn Cameron
    Lynn Cameron says:

    Oh, Erin, I love so much about your blog, where should I begin? How about with your great sense of community, or your amazing photography; your updates about all the lovely happenings around town, and the coverage of new businesses. Now that I don’t live in Nevada City (at least for the time being), I’m especially grateful for ALL of it, as it makes NC feel just a little closer than it really is. Thank you!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks Lynn, glad we could bring you reminders of your home to your in box. Your to do list is going to be long- but at least you can write it off as a landlord expense? Maybe you’ll have to stay at the Inn?

  231. Joan
    Joan says:

    Okaaaaaaayyyyyy, your Outside Inn Crazy Blog is Great, the Gift Basket fabulous, but your most unassuming gesture, started when you did, offering a Place to Share fruits and vegetable! It is so sweet, so perfect, so who you are and so who we are.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Grin, thanks for this lovely shout out. The veggie cart brings so much joy, such a great to share the love with the whole community.

  232. Jenny Godwin
    Jenny Godwin says:

    I just moved here to town a few months ago and am already so impressed with this beautiful little town. I love seeing the beautiful pictures on Outside Inn’s Instagram – they’re nice little celebrations of this wonderful place!

    • erin
      erin says:

      I must admit that I’ve become a bit of an Instagram addict, I love seeing what other people are capturing too. I’ll probably organize another Insta Meet up, so watch that space.

  233. Jenny Godwin
    Jenny Godwin says:

    Just followed Outside Inn on Pinterest and shared the gift basket giveway on there. Great pins, thanks!

  234. G McLarty
    G McLarty says:

    The blog is always so informative and on top of the current events of our lively county! Also, Erin’s awesome photography is such a vibrant addition!

    —-> Please choose me to win this amazing prize pack! 🙂 I have already liked the page on Facebook & just signed up for the email updates!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks, it’s random.org that’s going to pick the winning number… but I appreciate you playing along. Vibrant is a good choice my photos, I certainly love things of color.

  235. Mary
    Mary says:

    This is such a great site, lots of fun things to do with beautiful photos to inspire me to plan another trip. You really capture the heart of Nevada City and County. Thank you for putting it all together. Happy Holidays.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you, I don’t know if I really capture the heart of Nevada City, I think of it as a slice of life. But there is so much beauty around us, who can resist?

  236. Bridget Gabriel
    Bridget Gabriel says:

    I always love checking out your blog for reminders of upcoming events and announcements of new businesses in the area. I especially use your blog when my parents come to town, to see if anything interesting will be going on. They love staying at the outside inn almost every time they visit (unless you are booked up!). Thank you for all that you do.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks! We promise folks cancel around here, so always leave your name and number if we’re full. Glad to know the blog is helping you figure out what to do.

  237. Bridget Gabriel
    Bridget Gabriel says:

    Ok I liked on facebook, and shared the link to this giveaway 😉 count me in for entry #2 please.

  238. Mark
    Mark says:

    Hi, I really like your webpage – very informative with great pictures and write-ups. The Outside Inn is now on my weekend getaway bucket list for the coming year! Speaking of buckets, that’s quite a prize bucket. Fingers crossed!

  239. Todd Lawson
    Todd Lawson says:

    The main thing I love the most about this blog is how it captures and reminds me of all the fun stuff to do in the area. It is the one stop shop of “where to go, what to do”. Many of us know about the various activities, but miss a bit here and there. Erin always reminds us of the good stuff! Thanks for all the great work, Erin!


  240. Sabra Kaeding
    Sabra Kaeding says:

    Oh what fun this town is! i love meeting new people and places, My favorite yes is the Victorian Christmas, walking among all the people that make this town. i love the fulfillment of the Christmas spirit. And now for the cherry on the banana split is to venture to the Outside Inn.

    • erin
      erin says:

      I love thinking of the Inn as a banana split… (having taken plenty of photos of decadent ice cream creations at Treats). Thanks for entering my Crazy giveaway.

  241. Alice Enochs
    Alice Enochs says:

    I love reading about things in town that I have never heard of on your blog. It has brought so many great events to my attention that I would have missed otherwise. Thank you!!!!!!

  242. mandy lucchese
    mandy lucchese says:

    You are unstoppable and creative and fun. I am constantly inspired to make my business thrive by the energy you bring to our community. It shows that you love what you do!

  243. Chip
    Chip says:

    What a great basket. Pick me! I like how much information you provide,and the pictures. Thanks for promoting our town.

  244. Jennifer Langdon
    Jennifer Langdon says:

    Though my parents have lived in N.C. for 25+ years, I just moved here from SoCal in search of dark green quiet. The Outside Inn blog has been a godsend in learning about what’s happening in town. Thanks for all you do!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks, we’re happy that the Airway Motel got an upgrade, would be sad to lose that much history. And while we love hikers and runners, you can tell the walkers and the folks who like to drive, that they can stay with us too!

  245. Jennifer Burt
    Jennifer Burt says:

    Love your blog, we moved up here a few years ago now and your blog has been invaluable to us for finding out about cool businesses and events in the community, thank you again! And wow, what a giveaway, pick me pick me! 🙂

  246. Amanda Simpson
    Amanda Simpson says:

    Super helpful blog! I reference it often. Thanks for this incredibly valuable service to the community!

  247. Mariia Kharlacheva
    Mariia Kharlacheva says:

    I love your amazing blog! Thanks to you posts I can learn what’s going on in the town! We just moved here, so in the beginning it was confusing what’s going on, but now we don’t miss cool events:)

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks, please note that I often share events that are coming up on our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest boards and the blog often covers things that have already happened….

  248. Erin
    Erin says:

    Thank you for being such a wonderful business in our town. From the bowl of jellybeans, to Kurt, to the produce basket outside, you guys are rad!

  249. Cathy Williford
    Cathy Williford says:

    I love being informed about local events. Thanks for all you do! I posted on facebook too! 🙂 Does this mean I’m entered in the drawing or do I need to do something else?

    • erin