An Honest Pie
An Honest Pie, the Nevada City food truck serving up hot fresh sweet and savoury pies. If you’re hungry try Bry’s Turkey Pie or the Chicken Pot Pie, if you’re looking for a warm dessert the Boston Cream pie is fabulous and the cool Luscious Lemon is delicious. The pie truck is located in the Walker’s parking lot in Grass Valley Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 12-6pm and the Ol’ Republic Brewery parking lot in Nevada City on Thursday evenings from 5-9pm. I love their motto, “If you don’t eat ’em, we will.” An Honest Pie also gives back to local charitable organization, check their facebook page to see how much money they’ve raised each month. Do you have a favorite pie, leave a comment and share. And the winner from last week’s California Organics giveaway is Wendy Van Wagner.
© 2013 InnSide Nevada City
Such a tough job you have- looks delish!
Terrible job….
Good grief that Turkey Pie with cranberry is going to be my Thanksgiving next year! So good~
So fun to see you and your family at the brewery.
I’ll take one of each please. I love blackberry and their whole gig really! Not too bad a day to end with one hand Ol Republic and the other a pie.
Sounds like a date my friend. Picnic with a pie?
you sold me. i’m picking up pot pies after lunch. yum!
Hope you enjoyed ’em.
Pie, pie, me oh my. Honest Pie makes me sigh!
Do you professional tasters that you bring to your photo shoots?
Yes, they take their job very seriously.
You have the BEST website I’ve visited in the motel/travel class … full of fun and information and welcoming beauty. What fabulous ambassadors you are. Way to go!