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Celebration of Life Triathlon Training

Every September for the past 15 years an ever growing number of ladies celebrate life by competing in a women’s only sprint Celebration of Life triathlon at Scotts Flat Lake, raising money for the fight against breast cancer.  All proceeds stay local by paying for mammograms at Sierra Memorial Hospital and funding scholarships for local graduating high school students entering the health profession.  Check out bsmtri.org for more information about the upcoming event, this year’s race takes place on Sunday September 18th. To get ready for the event come join the fun at the Cascade Shores side of Scotts Flat Lake each morning where a group of local women swim in the morning glow of our beautiful local resevoir. The water temperature is perfect this time of year and no matter how fast or far you can swim, somebody will be there to support and encourage you.  The best time to swim is between 8 and 9am.  Entry into the lake at the Cascade Shore ramp is free before 10am.
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