Nevada County Celebration of Trails, photos by Erin ThiemThis Saturday, May 30th is Nevada County Celebration of Trails Day and the Bear Yuba Land Trust has organized an entire day to encourage folks to get outside and enjoy the trails.  A full list of the day’s activities can be found online here.  So whether you’re joining Hank Meals on Missouri Creek to Poorman Creek, the family hike to Hirschman Pond with FREED and the Sierra Club, walk along Tribute Trail with Nevada City Rancheria and Sierra Streams Institute, the BONC bike ride or one of the many other activities, there’s something for everyone.  This year the event is including a Trails Day Fair, stop by the Tahoe National Forest Service headquarters on Saturday from 11am-3pm, we’ll be there representing the Outside Inn and the Inn Town Campground.  In addition to chatting with us you can grab some food, redeem a drink coupon (Three Forks Bakery & Brewery is a sponsor) and learn about other local organizations and businesses who support the local trails.

What’s your favorite local hike?  I’ve put together a list of some past blog posts on local hikes and bike rides, some inspiration to motivate you outside.  No mater what your ability level there are opportunities throughout Nevada County to get outside and enjoy the trails.  And for those of you who are looking for more maps, feel free to stop by the Outside Inn’s office for our colorful collection of local trail guides.

Local Nevada City/Grass Valley Hiking Trails

Cycling Rides

Mountain Biking

And while we’re talking about reasons to love Nevada City, check out my new Instagram feed Visit Nevada City and use the hashtag #VisitNevadaCity to share your photos of our community.

© 2015 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Erin Thiem

2 replies
  1. Ingrid Knox
    Ingrid Knox says:

    I know there are so many good places to hike in the area, but I’m spoiled since I can just walk down my driveway and start hiking on the Tribute Trail. But it is good once and a while to try something new. Thanks for the list!

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  1. […] are you inspired to get outside and hit the trails?  Check out my recent post for some outdoor adventure ideas.  If you missed the event and you can stop by the Outside Inn […]

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