Revolutionary War Living History Days
Nevada City Constitution Day festivities, stop by Pioneer Park to check out the Haslet’s Delaware Regiment Revolutionary War living history. Check out the Continental, French and Redcoat Soldiers & Camps. The activities include drilling and firing, mock musket training, colonial life living history. Be sure to visit the tent about surgery and medicine and learn about the tools and techniques for amputation and other life saving techniques, the success rates were not very high. In addition listen to the military fife and drum music by the California Consolidated Drum Band. Don’t forget to join the 48th annual Constitution Day Parade down Broad street on Sunday, September 14th at 2pm, for more information about the events (including the 49er Rotary Duck Race and Nevada County Concert Band concert) check out the Nevada City Chamber of Commerce.
© 2014 InnSide Nevada City, © Photos by Erin Thiem
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[…] annual Constitution Day Parade featuring the world famous Marching Presidents, in addition to the Revolutionary War Living History at Pioneer Park, the Gold Country Duck Race on Deer Creek, and a free Nevada County Concert […]
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