Cornish Christmas
‘Tis the holiday season, last week was the kick off for Grass Valley’s Cornish Christmas. The downtown street fair includes vendors, food, music and a great opportunity to stop into the downtown merchants for your holiday shopping. The event is tonight and continues Friday evenings from 6-9pm through December 19th. I’ve also included some photos of Foothill Flowers two-story Christmas tree, stop in and check out the Nevada County Plein Air Painters showcase upstairs during the Cornish Christmas celebrations. The downtown Grass Valley wine tasting rooms are open and invite you to join them, click here to read about my recent holiday wine tasting post. This year Cornish Christmas has a free shuttle, park your car at the Nevada County Fairgrounds (Gate 1) and the bus will drop you off behind The Owl. The shuttle runs from 5:45- 9:30pm, compliments of Network Real Estate.
Nevada City Victorian Christmas starts on Sunday, December 7th, 1-6pm. Click here and here for photos from previous years. And speaking of holiday celebrations, we had so much fun with the #NevadaCityColor photo contest the vote has been cast and I’d love to invite those who want to play along to a #NevadaCityxmas photo contest (it can be photos from Grass Valley too!). I’ll share more details on Sunday, but time to think about your most festive local photos.
And for those of you who missed the Crazy Outside Inn Blog giveaway, click here. For those of you who have left comments sharing the love, I am humbled and grateful for the overflowing love and support, thank you.
© 2014 InnSide Nevada City, © photos by Erin Thiem
Warren and I will be at the NC Plein Air group’s show on the second floor of Foothill Flowers tonight. I’m planning to sneak out and enjoy Cornish Christmas but I hope everyone who comes this evening will take the time to stop by to meet a few of the artists and see there work.
Thanks Ingrid, hope the turn out was good, nice that the rain held off. So amazed by the tree in Foothill Flowers.