Fable Traveling Cafe
Have you tried Fable Traveling Cafe’s coffee? Amanda & Jacob Daley’s mobile cart is parked at the top of the street at the Nevada City Farmer’s Market every Saturday morning, 8:30-12:30. Try their cold brew, made with the “pour over” extraction with Insight Coffee Roasters freshly ground coffee. This fall Fable plans to add more non-coffee drinking options to their menu like hot cocoa, Fable chai and apple cider, but while it’s still warm I recommend trying their refreshing fresh squeezed lemonade. Fable has offered a special discount to InnSide Nevada City blog readers, the first 20 people who mention this blog post will get $1 off their coffee drink, so head on down to the Nevada City Farmer’s Market and tell them the Outside Inn said to say hi.
© 2012 InnSide Nevada City
yahooo for coffee:)
yummy – everything Farmers Market with a side of Cafe!
This is my favorite coffee! I love their cold brew. xo
Amanda and Jacob are sooo nice and their cold brew is real nice too!
Slow drip = a great opportunity for some stimulating conversation with two North State gems!