
Fall Planting, garlic giveaway

Fall planting at Peaceful Valley

Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Natives

Fall planting time, for some inspiration, information and lots of choices I stopped by Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply in Grass Valley.  Carolyn Singer recently taught a workshop on Fall Planting, if you missed her class click here for the workshop schedule.  But now is the time to start thinking about fall bulbs, fall seeds and veggie starters and garlic!  Peaceful Valley has donated 1lb of organic garlic to help you get into the fall planting spirit.  Check out this great video all about growing garlic, it’s time to get organized.  Please post a comment on this blog post about your favorite fall plant/veggie/flower and I’ll draw the winner for the garlic on Thursday, October 5th.  Prize can be shipped, so locals and non-locals welcome to comment.

Seeds, bulbs and fall veggie starters

Succulents at Peaceful Valley

Peaceful Valley Garlic giveaway

© 2012 InnSide Nevada City

30 replies
  1. Sandy S
    Sandy S says:

    My Favorite fall bulbs are Bearded Iris (just added one named “Huckleberry Fudge Iris.”) Would love to add Garlic to my favs list!

  2. Gail Waller
    Gail Waller says:

    I have room for a little more garlic in the garden and would love some. I hope to visit you next time we have company. Thanks for Shari g

  3. JD
    JD says:

    I’m planning to plant garlic for the first time this year. I like the blog here. Sent from peaceful valley for the garlic giveaway. Pumpkin is my favorite fall veggie…especially pie! Thanks from NM.

  4. Kim Hogan
    Kim Hogan says:

    What’s not to love about GARLIC, it’s good on most anything, my hummas wouldn’t be the same without it, and it has beautiful flowers too! I garden in containers when I do because things in my yard start out great, hit something in the soil and die! Diss appointing to say the least. Someday I’ll invest in a few garden boxes, full of garlic, he he…

  5. KR
    KR says:

    I think butternut squash might have to be my favorite fall veggie to eat, and definitely garlic is my favorite fall thing to plant!!

  6. aaron irons
    aaron irons says:

    Thanks for sharing this information. Not sure that I have one favorite fall planting. Garlic is certainly one though.

  7. Nancy
    Nancy says:

    Been growing garlic about 20 years: this advice is all really sound and helpful. Home gardeners, even with small space, garlic is well worth trying. A good way to use a raised bed thru Winter, and still have time to plant some late Summer Squash when it’s harvested.

  8. Lynn
    Lynn says:

    In addition to garlic, garlic and more garlic, we’re planting cover crops- fava, bell, and cow pea bean cover crops to help fix nitrogen in the soil this fall.

  9. Ann Hobbs
    Ann Hobbs says:

    Last year I had parsnips only growing. This year it will be them and Swiss chard, if it survives. But what would be really cool, Brussels sprouts and artichokes!

  10. jen shears
    jen shears says:

    I adore everything that grows- much too hard to pick a favorite! 🙂 I have some dahlias blooming with flowers as big as my head! I’d love to try some garlic! What fun! Thanks for the chance to try something new!

  11. Solducky
    Solducky says:

    Beautiful! And garlic actually is my favorite. I love this time of year! Cut the tops off of a bunch of garlic, drizzle with olive oil and roast to use for whole chickens, soup, or just to smear on crusty french bread!

  12. Karen
    Karen says:

    I love planting garlic and shallots in the fall, letting it sleep all winter, and have a wonderful surprise come spring-summer.

  13. Janet Katherine Wind
    Janet Katherine Wind says:

    My Honey just closed escrow on a new house yesterday! Now to plan the garden, which is currently covered in dead grass and gravel. Bulbs, bulbs, bulbs. We’ll have the place tasty and flowering by Spring.

    Our favorite fall crop has to be anything falling to the ground in every corner of this county… plums, apples, peaches, figs, pears… Thanks to all the homesteaders who came before, this place is ripe for a Canner’s delight.

  14. Emmon
    Emmon says:

    My favorite fall veggie/plant flower? I confess I love mums. I’m red-green colorblind, and — unlike red leaves in the trees – mums have colors I can actually see! I love the dome-like shapes. I just wish they lived longer than 3 months here in Michigan! Thanks for having this great giveaway! -Emmon

  15. The Subversive Hippie
    The Subversive Hippie says:

    I like the saffron crocus for fall planting, but garlic is also a delicious treat planted in the fall. @SubvrsiveHippie

  16. Brandi Smith
    Brandi Smith says:

    In the fall in Mississippi we like to plant out greens. Mustards, turnips, and kale are on the top of the list. Rich in vitamins and minerals, these plants survive our tempeture swings without a problem. I do grow the giant garlic that my family has planted for the past 20 years or so, but would live to experience a new variety.

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  2. […] 13th and 13th.  For a complete map of the tour click here.  And the winner from last week’s Fall Planting garlic giveaway is Sandy S, […]

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