Fire Safe Council

Wildfire Awareness week in California is coming up and to help raise awareness the Fire Safe Council of Nevada County is hosting the Wildfire Community Preparedness Event at Sierra College on Saturday, May 7th. Stop by the Grass Valley campus between 10am-3pm and watch live demonstrations, participate in the kids activities, learn fire safe information, landscaping ideas and more. Don’t forget to say hi to Smokey the Bear. The Fire Safe Council is a non-profit, local volunteer organization dedicated to making Nevada County safer from catastrophic wildfire through fire prevention education, fire break clearing projects and creating Firewise Communities. If you’re looking for more information about the bark beetle kill, check out their website to “help understand why there are so many dead trees,” explained Executive Director Joanne Drummond. And to help support the Fire Safe Council, the Outside Inn’s blog has 2 tickets to give away to their upcoming Wine & Culinary Adventure at the Miners Foundry on Friday, May 13th, donated by Ingrid & Warren Knox. You can travel to four tasting stations (Greece, Thailand, Italy & Ireland) with cuisine by Emily’s Catering and live Music by Three Times Through. Post a comment on this blog post and I’ll announce the winner on Friday, May 6th. *Edited to say the winner is Dick Spring, congrats.

© 2016 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Erin Thiem, John Daly and submitted by Fire Safe Council
I work for Emily’s and would love a night off to attend with my fiance. Might take my daughter to see smokey the bear!
You are fast… lots of amazing kid activities this Saturday (I’ve got more blog content in the works to help you keep track of it all, or check out the Inn’s FB page tomorrow). Cheers!
The community event sounds like it will be lots of fun. The wine and food event is always a delicious and fun event. The Fire Safe Council do a lot of work to help keep our area fire safe. It is a great organization to support!!
I will have a RedCross booth so stop by and say hi. I would love to win the tickets please. Sounds like a great time
Thank you Erin for letting us know about this very important event.
Wow what a generous gift!
What would we do without these brave men and women?
I LOVE the Fire Safe Council’s work. I sure hope they get MORE funding based on these darn “Fire Tax” Fees we all pay each year. I am still so frustrated by this tax/”fee” …. are people in the Bay Area paying earthquake fees? are floodplain folks paying “flood fees”? ocean coast line folks … you get the idea. If ONLY our money went straight to the Fire Safe Council .. that would be a HUGE help it thinning all this fuel and improving the health of our forests. Okay .. there, I’m done. And yes, I’d love to go drink some wine!!
Thanks for the update on events.Seriously so much to do ….Including going on a date with husband on MAy 13th if I happen to win tickets.
Thanks Erin. Let’s hope that fire season is a relatively easy one this year. Last year was so hard on so many…
We went two years ago FANTASTIC!!!!