Getting Ready for Ski Season, *giveaways
It’s time to start thinking about the ski season. Lake Tahoe ski resorts have announced their opening days, it’s time to get in shape, get the gear and get out there. To help get you ready Mike Carville from South Yuba Club has made a 6 plus minute You Tube video with a great pre-season workout. The Clubhouse kicks off their pre ski season workouts Monday, November 5th, click here for days and times. Mountain Recreation has some great deals on season rentals, if you want to get the kids out this winter, but don’t want to commit to purchasing the gear stop by their Grass Valley shop, seasons rentals for kids 12 and under are $99 for the season. The annual Nevada Union Ski Team fundraiser showing of the Warren Miller ski movie is coming to Nevada Union, Saturday, November 24th at 7pm, $10 tickets available at Mountain Rec. So now you’re in shape, you’ve got the gear and you’re ready… well we’ve got a great giveaway for you. We’ve got 2 lift tickets* to Sugar Bowl, a Flylow Gear Apres Ski t-shirt, a $10 off coupon for a tune up at Mountain Rec and a 7 day pass to South Yuba Club. Post a comment on this blog post about your favorite way to get ready for ski season and I’ll draw the winner on Wednesday, October 31st. See you on the slopes!
© 2012 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Megan Michelson,*lift tickets valid Sunday through Friday
I am commenting on behalf of my 12 year old, slope loving son Jack Matteini, who would flip out at such an offer.
What a great package!
Jack says he trains for skiing by mountain biking and going to “Woodward” at Boreal and practicing tricks on the trampolines!
It’s the legs! Time to work a little harder on building leg strength for those turns and jumps (well not too high).
Lot’s of stretching and a little mulled wine or spiked hot chocolate does the job to loosen everything up.
Nothing says get ready for ski season like a Job Fair! For Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows on Nov.3 at the Olympic House!
Great giveaway Erin! I get ready for ski season by (trying) to keep up with general conditioning. Running, cycling, strength training, and of course stretching are all activities I try to ramp up in the fall. SYC’s ski conditioning class sounds great! I might have to give it a try 🙂
New skis and boots!
I mountain bike with Tahoe Mountain Guides every day all summer and workout to P90X six days a week… I’m ready for deep POWDER days!
Boot camp!
Our favorite way to get ready for ski season is to start fall hiking in squaw valley. Great giveaway Erin !
Running, cycling, hiking, making sure the kids all have ski gear that fits, having them practice wearing their helmets and goggles around the house, and walking around the carpet with ski boots on. Maybe this year I can try teaching them to stand up after they fall down with boots and skis on too 🙂 Or maybe I should focus on lining up a powder day babysitter…
I look so funny walking and squatting .. but Gary taught me that trick to ready for skiing!
Oh and the other way — is trying not to miss the ski swap in truckee to fit the growing kids!!
First I pray for snow, then I’m going boot shopping!
How to prepare for ski season:
1. Buy discounted season passes to Sugar Bowl
2. Wax On!
3. Commit to training by signing up for 1/2 Marathon
4. Attend High School Ski Team ski swap meet
5. Attend annual Warren Miller Film sponsored by Mountain Recreation
…and pray for snow!!
Since it’s almost 90 degress out, it’s really hard to start thinking about ski season- although Erin was modeling an awesome Flylow Gear jacket today that made me wish for freezing temperatures!! And the early brid catches the worm so I better get to Mtn. Rec ASAP before they run out of kids skis in my daughters size. anyone up for a parent/kid carpool to Suger Bowl on Fridays??
Oh… and to answer the question…We cross-train all year and then add an extra day of all leg strength to our workouts followed by beers on barstools all while wishing for an early appearance by the snow gods!
Wall sits are my ticket. Bring on the snow.
Mountain biking in Marin!!!!!
Naked Warrior followed by a 3 mile run, followed by Bodystep, followed by Bodyflow:)
Spoken like a true SYC girl, you go girl!
Wow, look at those beautiful photos!! And a great prize to win too!
Oh my! What a great prize package! I’m a little worried about my lack of prep for the season! It will be my first ski season in over 15 years! Will have to try out the video!!!
Anything and everything to stay active! No matter what, heres hoping for sore legs at the end of the good, long first day of skiing!
This year I’ll be teaching Simon how to ski – I can’t wait to spend all season on the bunny hill! 😉
Picking up little people over and over again on the bunny slopes is hard work, better get some wall sits in there before the snow falls 🙂
Run, walk, bike, hike, SUP…gotta love Tahoe!
I really want to do the ski conditioning class at SYC too! Then I need to buy new ski pants and I’ll be ready to hit the slopes 🙂
MTN bike, Cycle trainer, hiking, stretching, and Lagunitas beer.
I like that you’ve covered it all… Cross training with carb loading.
physically: I play soccer year round and cycle
mentally: I’m always ready
financially: buy a pass in the summer
There that’s it. I’m ready!!!!
Taking care of the ranch and longer walks with the dogs.
Practice falls on snow saucer an dry grassy slopes. You are bound to tumble.
Fabulous giveaway! I am not sure how to get ready, since we haven’t been skiing in sooo long. But this year we plan to get our 5 year old and maybe our 3 year out there!!! So getting a little more fit would be good!
Get rental skis for the ever growing 6 year old. Practice jumping off huge cliffs in anticipation of trying to keep up with him this year.
Looking forward to better snow then last year. Time to get the four year old on skis and the six year old is ready to go from skiing to snow boarding. Only a couple more years until I cant keep up with them. I guess they will be able to find me in the lounge. 🙂
Purdon’s crossing _up_ to the top of Round Mountain on the mountain bike. Are there 9 or 12 switchbacks? I’m always too beat to remember!
Train? Huh?
(He’s 11 … the body is so incredible at 11 .. he just plays his soccer, rides his bike, reads his books, and waits for the snow .. and puts out his clothes the night before a ski day!)
Ski season not makes me think of fun in the snow, but getting an apres ski deep tissue massage with yours truly, me.
The best way to get in shape for ski season is to run, mountain bike and do lots of squats!!!
new boots and jacket!!! also gear for my 2.5 year old, can’t wit to get her on the slopes!!!
The snow is coming! Get prepared.
1) Sit ups – think of pushing through deep powder.
2) Wall sits – watch the clock and remember that your favorite run is the longer unstoppable run.
3) Side to side jumping – blast some good tunes and dream of carving. Pass a medicine ball from hand to hand to add simulated force and arm strength.
4) Walk the dog by bending the front knee to 90 deg, and lowering the back knee to nearly the ground – even if you are not a tele skier, you want to be strong as one.
This last storm is getting me excited to ski. Let’s pray for a great winter. Meanwhile I will do my best to get back in skiing shape….
Wow. What great work out tips. I feel like I’ve lost 5lbs. just reading them! I’ve never invested in my own pair of skis before, but if I did I’d probably be just as serious about prepping for the season. Personally, I prep for my ski days by inviting fun people, making sure the resort has nicely groomed bunny slopes and renting the shortest skis I can find. Oh, and extra layers to pad my bum are always a must seeing as how I spend most of the day falling on it.
Let me count thy ways! Some good visualization of deep soft fluffy powder always helps get in the mood and inspires me to get in better ski shape. My mountain bike is my favorite training tool, followed by a little running and the occasional hill climb. But also important is to assess those gear needs so I don’t find myself scrambling once the snow has fallen to pull it together, maybe a new layer of glue on those skins? Early start in the Sierra this year! Keep it coming!
New tires for the car, new CDs for the commute, and weekend reservations at the Outside Inn, of course!
Working in South Lake Tahoe and watching the flakes fall from the sky! This first dusting of snow mixed with the fall colors are quite the photo opp, so if you don’t win the passes, might just go for a drive to the summit for hot cocoa and a snowball fight!
This is from my son whose 8 and my daughter who just turned 6: when asked how they trained for this skii season, they said “no way! We get to ski again this year!!” They would think mommy and daddy are so very cool if they won 🙂
This year getting ready by attending the Ski & Board Expo in SF (buying all new gear!!!), also practicing Yoga asanas that work my arms and thighs. I also get pumped by checking my fb for all the snow pics! 😉
As soon as we get our discounted passes we(or my husband, rather) start praying for snow and talking about skiing with our four kids trying to keep everyone pumped up for the snow all summer. We try to step up our normal routine a bit and then make sure everyone has coats, pants, boots and skis that fit. I was tempted to drive up to the summit last week to see the snow- but settled with pictures.
Well … if I mention a word about skiing, Dylan will talk about nothing else for about 24 hours. So I guess that’s the mental prep. Next comes decreasing my workload so I can sneak some midweek time up there when the snow comes!!
Thanks for this opportunity for a “treat” on your Halloween Day drawing.
My daughter gets ready for the snow season by wearing her pajamas inside out and putting a spoon under her pillow when going to bed on a stormy night. This is her best friend’s proven method for getting a snow day.
We’ll be trying this very soon so we can head up the hill.
Just careful skiing down a hill, or cross country skiing over hill and dale!
walking lunges!
I’m always ready, but it usually starts with changing out the tires for the studs, waxing the board, digging out my gear and duct taping any tears and holes because it’s hella vintage from the 90s, a couple laps around the house in my boots to reacquaint my footsies to my boots, and calling my brother to meet me in the parking lot at Sugar Bowl for first turns!
Bouncing my kids on my legs while lying on my back, and running.
Paule says he puts on all his gear and runs around in circles to get ready for ski season, haha…me, I make sure I have enough coffee around!
I do not ski or snowboard, bad back and knee but my kids do. They are naturally fit and lean and never stop moving. I would say if you mirrored everything your 8 year old does during the day, you would be in great shape!
I like to bike our hills and just grind it out. And then throw in something to strengthen the core and hope for the best. Bring on the white stuff! Whoop Whoop 🙂
Hey guys
I really love this photo. Such a great community of health and fun. Can’t wait to see everyone at ski conditioning. Remember guys it starts in November. South Yuba Club is offering both morning and evening classes. The Club House is the place to be. Thanks you Erin and Dan for everything you do in our community. Now to answer the question. I strap on hevier boots every morning walk to the barn and begin training. Plenty of shoveling and a few wheel barrel pushes. Run in my heavy boots back to the house get ready and look forward to greeting youv all dark and early.
Love sugar bowl…convenient and great skiing!!!!
legs, core, flexibility … work on them all.
What a great giveaway!! – Can’t wait to get the girls up to the slope this year!!! –
New batteries in my beacon
Sign up for an AIARE avalanche safety class.
Beacon practice, practice, practice…
Make a donation to the avalanche center
Spend lots of money at my LOCAL ski shop
Hit the swaps for the kids who just keep on growing
Ski films! Powderwhore, Backcountry Film Festival, Further…
And then we stock our freezer with our backcountry favorite, empanadas!
my sons have been getting completely suited up: helmets, goggles, coats, pants and gloves and then standing on their boards on the living room floor, while they pretend and visialize themselves snowboarding!
I am working out with Erin
Wall squats and naked snow dance
Buying flylow gear and skiing lOcally before I come ski with the pros.
Can’t wait for the season to start. You can smell the snow across Europe and this year we are headin the the US as well!