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Gold Country Ultimate Frisbee

Nevada County Ultimate Frisbee

Did you know there’s an active Ultimate Frisbee league in Nevada County?   The summer season may be almost done, but if you were looking to connect with other ultimate frisbee players check out Gold Country Ultimate Frisbee, pick up games on Wednesdays and Sundays in Nevada City.  The sport is great for all ages and all abilities.  The Outside Inn decided to show our support for the league and put the white team in fabulous Outside Inn t-shirts (from Ooshirts.com).  Would you like to win a shirt?  Post a comment on this blog post and I’ll draw the winner on Saturday, July 27th.

Things to Do Outside Nevada County: Ulimate Frisbee

Nevada City Outdoor Adventures: Ultimate Frisbee

© 2013 InnSide Nevada City

3 replies
  1. Darrell Robinson
    Darrell Robinson says:

    Looks like a total abundance of fun, either as a participant or spectator. Awesome t-shirt and great photos.

  2. Coryon Redd
    Coryon Redd says:

    Thanks for coming out Erin. We appreciate your support of the league and your great pictures. Ultimate season for our league is winding down but we have pickup available 2 times a week. Beginners are welcome. Sign up for NC_GV_Ultimate@yahoogroups.com to get updates or to ask questions about the local ultimate scene.

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