Holdrege and Kull Fall Classic
Because the weather has been great, and the fall colors make bike riding so satisfying, Holdrege and Kull, that fine engineering firm in town, once again sponsored a community mountain bike, road cycling, and hike followed by a band and a bbq. This free event, held earlier this month, was open to whoever in the community wanted to participate in the sport that worked best for them. Holdrege and Kull were wonderful hosts, shuttling the hikers, marking the way for the cyclists, guiding the mountain bikers, and then grilling us fabulous chicken or beef sandwiches, while we sat on hay bales and listened to the music. “It just made me feel lucky that we live in such a wonderful town enjoying the outdoors with other great folks,” said local Evans Phelps. Have you been out riding lately, what’s your favorite ride?
© 2012 InnSide Nevada City, Photos supplied via Evans Phelps