Neva Co Artisan Boutique
Have you finished your holiday shopping? Neva Co Artisan Boutique in downtown Nevada City has over 100 locally made artists on display with gifts ranging from soap, candles, jewelry, art, toys, hats, bags, napkins and more. If you’re looking for stocking stuffers there’s a huge selection of items, whether it’s a ornament, jewelry or health and beauty. Cynthia, who owns Neva Co, has offered a nice post holiday pamper yourself giveaway to one lucky InnSide Nevada City blog reader. So if you didn’t get something on your holiday list and want to treat yourself to a present, post a comment on this blog post I’ll draw the winner for a $75 gift certificate to Neva Co on New Year’s Day*. And for those vintage loving friends, mark your calendars because January is a big vintage blow out sale in Neva Co, all vintage clothes will be 50% off. But, now… back to that last-minute holiday shopping, what’s left on your list? Who’s got everything wrapped and ready and is drinking eggnog by the fire? Have you entered the Outside Inn’s Epic Giveaway yet? Wishing you all a fabulous holiday season, whether you’re shopping or relaxing.
© 2013 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Erin Thiem, *gift certificate must be redeemed by Janurary 21st
This store is so cute. I make sure all my visitors get a chance to stop in. I love how creative our area is and this store is a great way to showcase that. 🙂
I am always amazed by the variety too, who knew all these creative souls lived within our little community?
In our global economy, with everyone complaining that there are too many “Made in China” things to buy, I love it that there is a whole store devoted to locally made items. I love walking through just to see what the creative folks around here are doing! And there are some great things throughout the store.
Ingrid, do you have any of your work on display in there?
My smackers would not have survived last winter without the cranberry butter chapstick I got here. I loved it so much, I had one for my house, one for my office and one for my nightstand ( an application before you go to sleep and your golden.
I get so many compliments on the jewelry I buy here- specifically the rings I have that appear to be fashioned out ofrefurbished flower buttons.
I always love to shop around at Neva Co! It’s nice to be able to buy something small and inexpensive but still thoughtful and homemade.
I haven’t had a chance to fully explore this shop…but stopping in during the unseasonably cold Victorian Christmas a couple of weeks ago taught me that they do have great cards and nice people working there 🙂
Beautiful store and wildly inspiring owner. I love Cujo too!
I look forward to checking this place out!
I must admit, my last several trip to Nevada County were focused on hiking and taking in her beauty.
Your beautiful blog is inspiring me to make a stop, once in awhile, to do some shopping.
The few creations, shown, look far better than many of the ones I saw at the Art and Harvest Festivals in Sacramento a few weeks ago and shopping at Neva Co Artisan Boutique, I would be supporting hard working folks much closer to home.
Happy Winter and Merry Christmas, everyone!
Looks like Neva Co Artisan Boutique has some fabulous things to choose from! I need to check them out!
This store is amazing. Customer service is high end. The store is beautiful. The merchandise is spectacular and its set in a beautiful town.
So grateful for the above comments. I moved from Southern California to Reno about 3 years ago and miss the little shops that are more to my taste. I just discovered Grass Valley last year and find that the drive there is beautiful and the little shops are definetly worth the trip. This shop sound like it is perfect for me. I will put it on my list to check out at my next visit.
Love small businesses that support local talent! Thanks, Neva Co
I love our unique local shops! I am so impressed with the gift selection! I will keep dropping by. Such good ideas!
NevaCo is way too much fun- and Im a huge fan of Ursula Young’s work. This shop is a great place to get lost in the local crafty rabbit hole!
I am still amazed every time I’m in Nevada city at the amount of creativity that everyone seems to have. Having a store like Neva Co is the perfect way to represent our town!
I haven’t been by Neva Co yet, but I will definitely have to check it out. It sounds like a place my daughter and I would enjoy!
I love homemade gifts! On my next visit Erin you must show me this neat looking shop. I am excited to check it out.
Neva Co is an inspiring place to visit and a wonderful place to purchase locally handmade gifts. A must stop when visiting Nevada City.
a true gem for our little town – a place where locals can sell their crafty creations, and when I say crafty – I in no way mean this as a slight – these items are amazing – vintage jewelry, handmade soaps and cards, clothes, calendars it’s like you are instantly transported right into an etsy shop..the hard part is getting out of there easily…you will definitely say “I’ll be back” and then you will walk down the street thinking…wish I had bought that Sheila Cameron print or those super cool vintage button earrings or the simple necklace that was hanging by the cash register….or the….
I can see you would spend the $75 gift certificate with ease my friend.
We love stopping by and seeing all the creativity. I love finding great, natural, affordable products there!
Loving the local pride and talent!
Love our local businesses!
Love this store!
I LOVE this place!
I frequent Cynthia’s little amazingness often!
i heart cynthia and her shop! the kids and i can spend hours there – always spotting something new to covet.
The MOST unboring store in town! I only wish i had more money to spend there!
I love how into the local community you are.
I just shared Neva Co give away on my Facebook Page..
I also have my hand painted tiles in this fun and quirky store owned by a beautiful young lady friend who is adding some fire and great ideas for the Downtown area,,,,,,,,,
I love your giveaway contests. So much fun.
Thank you for your beautiful photographs too!
Looks gorgeous! I’ve never been inside, but it seems dreamy from your photos.
While most towns and cities have to rely on “the mall” that is filled with the same genetic items, Nevada City has the good fortune of having unique stores such as Nev Co.
This community is SO talented and Neva Co. is an amazing showcase of them. Cynthia has such flair!
I love NEVA CO. Artisan Boutique! It is everything about Nevada City wrapped up into one place. And Cynthia is such a nice lady!