Inn Town Campground Photo Walk
Do you like to take photos? Come join me for the next free photo walk, this time we’re going to go visit the Inn Town Campground. The photo walks are a collaboration between myself and Kial James, from Nevada City Scenics, and create a great opportunity to connect with other photo happy folks. All abilities are welcome, we welcome you and your iphone, your DSL camera or your point and shoot camera. This is an opportunity to get outside and look for inspiration. We’ll take a walk around the campground, look inside a glamping tent, check out a vintage trailer and take a walk on the railroad tracks. The event starts at 3pm on Sunday, May 19th. And for those who missed the recent campground spring tour, this is a great chance to get more information about the campground and what we offer for your next camping adventure, because sometimes a staycation is just what you need!
© 2019 InnSide Nevada City, © photos by Erin Thiem, Lenkaland Photography and Nevada City Scenics