Merry Christmas and the winner is….
Merry Christmas from the whole crew at the Outside Inn. I wish I could say I have a favorite comment from the Outside Inn Crazy Giveaway, but we’d be here all day. I want to take a moment and thank all the amazing local businesses and organizations who played along, I’m still blown away that the bucket is worth $1800! We live in an amazing community and the blog gives me an opportunity to showcase, share and appreciate our town every day.
Some great feedback from folks: “Truthfully, the blog captures the spirit and essence of our community in a colorful and gorgeous way that consistently impresses me and appeals to high aesthetics,” wrote Marina Bernheiemr. The top favorites posts included fall colors, the Yuba River, Farm to Table dinner, the veggie cart, Halloween and new local businesses, to name a few.
I appreciated the positive feedback on my blog agenda, from “tireless promoter” to “Miss Nevada City” to “relentless efforts” to Kim Blix’s comment “My favorite part of this blog is YOU Erin. Your commitment to our community and how you magically appear anywhere and everywhere that excitement is happening but somehow sneak in and out under the radar and then produce amazing photos for us all to admire and share. THANK YOU!” Amber has a point too when she calls me a “mad woman.” I also like Cristine’s comment, “Such a wonderful way to build community and let peeps know about all of the awesome things happening in our fair hamlet.” If you have time and want to read all 627 comments, it’s bound to make you smile. If you’re an active blogger in our area I’m hosting a meet-up in January to kick off the year, click here for info and sign up.
And without further adieu…. the winner is: Gene Grapel. Congrats! And thank you to everyone who played along. There’s still time to enter the gift certificate at the Nevada City Chocolate Shoppe if you want to drown your sorrows in chocolate? Happy holidays to everyone.
© 2014 InnSide Nevada City, © photo by G Aronow Photography
Lucky Gene. Merry Christmas!!!!
Merry Christmas Erin and fam!
yay! Thanks for what you do all year long, and it’s so fun to watch this crazy giveaway every year.
WOW! So excited. We are blessed to live in this community.
Love your blog.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
That was fun to wait for, and I love the pic of you here, lovely! Thanks for the fun, Erin!