More Fall Color
Nevada City is still bursting with fall colors, everywhere you turn another tree is a vibrant red, orange or yellow. Since I love taking photos I’ve been having fun capturing the autumn color with Instagram, (follow me at @outsideinn). But I love finding photos of our fabulous little town by other locals online. The top photo is of Nevada Street by Ashley Kosher, one of the other fun uses of instagram is to see other local photos, either with local tags or locations. What’s your favorite fall spot? And the winner from the Szabo Vineyards Wine Tasting giveaway is Addie. There’s still time to comment on my Facebook wine giveaway for the upcoming David Sedaris show at The Center for the Arts, click here to look for the post online.
© 2012 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Erin Thiem and Ashley Kosher
Gorgeous pics!!!