NEO in the Nevada City Mardi Gras parade
NEO will be celebrating the grand opening on their new Youth Center on Thursday, March 26th from 5:30-8pm with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with the Grass Valley Chamber of Commerce.  The event is free and open to the public. It will include music from a youth jazz combo, appetizers and full use of the new facility. NEO is excited to bring this highly needed facility to local youth and hopes that the community will come out to celebrate this momentous occasion!  The center is located at 139 Joerschke Drive in Grass Valley (next to Smiley Guys BBQ), stop by Saturday, March 28th to the grand opening concert between 6-10pm with Rat Stomp, Loose Cannon Marachi and Hayley Pritchard, free for all ages.
NEO Youth Center, photo by Tim McVicker
NEO, photo by Lynn Skrukrud
© 2015 InnSide Nevada City, © photos by Erin Thiem,  Lynn Skrukrud andTim McVicker


4 replies
  1. Ingrid Knox
    Ingrid Knox says:

    I am so happy for NEO that the group has been able to open this center. Shows a lot of work and initiative!

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