Are you ready for Halloween?  We’re excited for the downtown festivities, Nevada City Chamber of Commerce and The County are hosting a kid friendly activity from 3-5pm at the Rood Center and downtown. Halloween Spooktacular will have a scavenger hunt and family friendly trick or treating.

If you’re looking for Halloween activities Downtown Grass Valley has their annual trick or treating event for pre school kids this morning.  And if you need a last minute costume, make sure to stop in Solstice in downtown Nevada City for some creative ideas.  Who’s heading to the see The Polish Ambassador at The Miners Foundry?  We’ve loved having happy campers at the Inn Town Campground, lots of great ways to celebrate the holiday while spending time outside.  For those planning their Halloween activities for next year the campground does Halloween decorations for the entire month of October!  To see some of the fun, check out this TikTok video of some of the holiday lights.

Halloween camping