Nevada City Summer Nights
Nevada City Summer Nights was in full force last night, it’s always fun to see our little town transformed into a huge block party. The Nevada City Chamber of Commerce brings together music, vendors, food stalls, entertainment, vintage cars and more. So if you’ve missed the first two Wednesdays, mark your calendar for the final Summer Nights, Wednesday, July 30th, 6-9:30pm. While my photos don’t capture all of the activities, I do spotlight a few musicians, Fable Coffee, some local vendors (including Nana’s Bakery and Phoenix Rose), food from An Honest Pie, Clavey Vineyards, Troupe Al Ama, DANK art gallery and Beyond Fire Tribe. What was your favorite part about the evening? Did you run into someone you knew? Dance on the streets? Post a comment here and share.
© 2014 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Erin Thiem and Waking Crow Studios
Love the fire photos!
Truthfully Peggy, while Waking Crow Studios are amazing, the Be On Fire Tribe is so much more amazing in person. They’ve recently been added to the final Summer Nights, so you can go check ’em out.
I worked the Chamber of Commerce booth and was not able to walk around. Thank you Erin for taking me on a photo journey of what all was happening last evening. Great images!
Thanks Jeanne, so fun to keep bumping into you in real life too 🙂
Waking Crow really outdid himself on this assignment. Awesome shots!!! The Mile High Chicken Pot Pie from An Honest Pie did NOT disappoint and the sangria from Clavey’s needs to stay on their menu permanently!
Truly, thank you, trusty blog assistant for the help… we’ll have to work on those balcony clearance shots, who should we ask?