Nevada City Summer Nights
Nevada City Summer Nights celebration continues tonight from 6-9:30 throughout downtown. The event includes live music, vendors, street food, entertainment and more. You can also check out the dance of Troupe Al Ama Belly dancers, look at classic cars or grab a beverage. The free event is a great family outing, kid activities include face painting and a bounce castle.
Live Music Line-up tonight includes: Dream & Dreamer, Star People, David Ayala, Ivan Najera & Friends and Nut Boyz. July 27th music includes: Lorraine Gervais, World Beatnix, George Souza, Crackerjack Jazz and David Ayala.
If you’re looking for the Beyond Fire Tribe dancers, mark your calendars for the final street fair, Wednesday, July 27th, they’ll perform at 9pm in front of Three Forks Bakery & Brewery. And the winner of last week’s Sierra Storytelling Festival is Deanna.
© 2016 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Erin Thiem and Lenkaland Photography
One of my favorite local events. I look forward to it every summer.