Nevada County STEAM Expo
The first annual Nevada County STEAM Expo took place today at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. The free family friendly event combined science, technology, engineering, art and math. Kids of all ages had the opportunity to do hands on art projects, play with robots, watch videos and chat with local businesses in the STEAM fields. Many thanks to the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools for brining together so many vibrant examples of technology. The science fair exhibits on display gave a lot of great examples of creativity in the local students. Congrats to those students who participated in the math competition. And many thanks to the Music in the Mountains Youth Orchestra, Girls Who Code, SYRCL, Nevada County Arts, ACME Robotics, Sierra Streams Institute, NU STEM Club, Nevada County Library, to name a few, for providing inspiration to the next generation. You can check out more photos, follow NevCoExpo on Twitter, #NevCoExpo.
© 2016 InnSide Nevada City, Photos © by Erin Thiem
Thanks for sharing this event. It’s great to see students interested in learning. I like that the arts have been added to the math, science and technology!