Nevada County Weather
How many times do you wonder, “What’s the weather going to be like?” Let me introduce you to Giovanni Paredes who has been running a weather station and webcam almost nonstop since 2002. is the only weather site dedicated to Nevada County to feature a nonstop live streaming webcam and weather station for up to the minute weather conditions. Giovanni consults various weather forecast models to develop a very accurate forecast for our very unique micro-climate. He posts at least 3 times a day including a podcast weather report to help you plan your day or vacation. You can also find his weather updates on his Facebook page. Guests at the Outside Inn are often asking about summer temperatures, Giovanni said, “Summer weather in Nevada City can be hot with temps often in the low 90s, with cooler nights into 60s. With so many rivers and lakes nearby it’s easy to cool off. Summer rain is rare in the Sierra foothills, but afternoon thunderstorms over the Sierra Crest are always a possibility May-Sep so planning appropriately for wet weather when hiking or camping along the Sierra crest is always a good idea.” So, if you’re planning a picnic, a dip in the river, praying for rain or wondering if there’s anything in the forecast, check out what Nevada County Weathers has to say to help keep you better informed.
Thanks for the heads up on Giovanni. I think I followed an older incarnation of his weather tracking website. There is another Nevada County Weather Facebook page, but I don’t know who does that….