Outside Inn Veggie Cart
Have you been shopping at the Outside Inn’s free veggie stand lately? The popular Nevada City spot is located in front of the motel’s office and you never know what might be in the cart. It is a place for people to drop off extra fruits and vegetables and for others to come and collect. And while things come and go quickly, due to the reputation of the cart, the variety of locally grown produce is vast. I’ve written about the veggie cart here, here and here over the last couple of years, but have been amazed by how some of the photos of the cart have gone viral via Facebook and Tumblr. To see a collection of photos of some of the variety of produce dropped off click here, or check out the Outside Inn’s instagram feed. Our friends at Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply want to help you with your fall garden, because you never know, you might plant too many of something and want to drop it off at the Inn? I’ve got a little giveaway of Peaceful Valley organic, non-GMO seed packets (radish, lettuces, beets, chard, spinach) and small canvas tote bag with a couple extra goodies. For some great ideas on what to plant right now check out their GrowOrganic.com fall planting schedule. Please post a comment on this blog post and I’ll draw the winner for the goodies on Friday, August 23rd.
© 2013 InnSide Nevada City
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Would love to win———thank you for a great blog and facebook page!
I think this is wonderful, just wish I was closer would love to participate
Great idea! I would definitely use this. Maybe I should start one — I will be inundated with tomatoes soon…
What a great idea!
What a great idea! I think my neighborhood could easily adopt this idea.
GREAT idea, hoping someday to visit. Michigan needs to take your lead on a WONDERFUL idea, Thank You !!
This would be amazing to win. Thank you for the opportunity. This would be a wonderful homeschool project with the kids.
I would LOVE to to win. We’re putting in our fall garden in the next few days!!
What a great idea. Love sharing with others. It would be great to win some seeds to keep the love flowing. Thanks for the chance.
I think this is an amazing idea! I may just do a free stand out front of my own place! Thanks for the inspiration and for the chance at non-gmo seeds
I think this is an amazing idea! I may just do a free stand out front of my own place! Thanks for the inspiration and for the chance at non-gmo seeds.
Great idea! Thanks for the giveaway – time to plan the fall garden very soon!
Love the free farm stand! Thanks for the drawing.
I love the Outside Inn’s veggie cart. I have a bumper crop of zucchini and plums so far this year and can’t seem to find enough friends to take them, so the cart is a very convenient way to give them a home!
I love this veggie cart. I use it to give and get fruit and veggies every year. Thankyou.
I live seeing the cart pics go viral- and the variety of things shared is always so fun (olive tree)! Thanks for the chance- I may not be close enough to share my extras at the inn, but have no doubt I can find takers… 😉
I’m just prepping my beds for fall planting! I love being reminded of the cart, we have some extra fruits this year and I’ll bring some by!
Love the photos of the cart….may be bringing some vegies from Grass Valley soon….or maybe I’ll start our own cart!!!
Personally, trying a Fall and Winter garden this year 🙂
What a great idea! Our church youth is planning a “victory” garden against hunger. The produce will go to supplement the local homeless shelter and food pantry. A stand similar to this could be a way to get others to contribute their extra produce, or set up to support a needy community and encourage gardening in that area.
Oh, goodie, a giveaway drawing! I’m just starting out here, gardening in Nevada City, so appreciate all the info received! Seeds, too!
Thanks for the opportunity
Just starting to plan a fall/winter garden. My first. Would love to see what you pick for my garden.
I have not painted since my 20’s, I am 50 plus years past that! I would love to have a painting of the “free Ouside Inn cart!” I adore the idea of trying it myself. Thanks much, I love everything about how you conduct business, thank you,
Judy Madden