Outside Inn Veggie Cart
The Outside Inn’s veggie cart has made its 2102 season debut, for those of you who have been wondering when it would reappear. The original antique cart didn’t weather the winter and we’ve been trying to come up with an alternative option to house our free neighbors vegetable baskets, so we apologize for the delay in the opening of our free fruit and veggie stand. For those of you unfamiliar with our cart please check out this blog post about the 2011 Neighbors Vegetables season. Lots of great pictures from last year’s bounty, click here to see more. The Outside Inn loves watching the flow of traffic, from the generous people sharing their extra homegrown fruits and vegetables, to the folks who enjoy collecting a goodie or two to the Outside Inn guests who don’t understand the concept that the cart is free, the whole project is another reason why we love Nevada City.
Love IT Erin, loving your blog so much to do here aye?
The veggie cart is awesome! We were thrilled to find it and get some delicious veggies, when we had first moved to nevada city, and didn’t have our own garden yet 🙂