Outside Magazine best towns
Every year, Outside Magazine puts out an issue that features the best towns to live in if you’re an outdoorsy, active person. The list usually includes a lot of the usual suspects: Boulder, Colorado, Burlington, Vermont, Bozeman, Montana, and Bend, Oregon, often make the top 10. But this year, there’s a new town up for voting. That’s right: Our very own Nevada City.
My sister, Megan Michelson, a former editor at Outside Magazine and a Nevada City native, has a unique perspective on this. She has been in the editorial meetings at Outside’s Santa Fe, New Mexico, headquarters when the editors are debating the merits of one town versus another. She recounted some of the previous debates:
“Boulder has the best road cycling in the country,” one person would say.
“But Boulder has been on this list every year for the last five years!” another would object.
“I loved living in Asheville,” someone in the corner would chime in.
“Oh yeah, Asheville! Perfect. Let’s add that.”
“Or something like that, anyway” say Megan. The system wasn’t exactly scientific, but rather, a collective conversation that would somehow result in a list of 10 or so towns editors had heard good things about or had personal experience in.
That was a number of years ago, and now, the process is a little different. Now, Outside is holding a fan vote to determine the best river town over on their Facebook page. Nevada City is up against the likes of Missoula, Hood River, Nashville, Durango, and more. Which means you get to weigh in, you get to help choose which towns make the list.
What are you waiting for? Go vote for Nevada City! Thanks Megan for the insider tips, let’s see if we can all work to help beat Richmond, Virginia.
Thanks for the Innside scoop! I think anyone who lives here is passionate about this place – so VOTE. Did you know that you can vote every day until the contest ends?
It looks like I have the same comment as Carla: you can vote everyday, so if you’ve already voted, do it again today!