Cub Scouts Pack 23 Pine Wood Derby, Nevada CityPinewood Derby, Nevada City Cub ScoutsNevada City Cub Scout Pack 23 came together last night to race their Pinewood Derby cars.  For those of you unfamiliar with this event, each Cub Scout is given a wooden block and encouraged to created a gravity powered car.  Creativity is rewarded as well as speed.  Pack 23 put 60 cars to test last night at Forest Charter School, racing the family built cars in 60 different heats.  The top speeds went to Cayden, Jake, Cody, Eric and Devon.  Congrats to all the boys, for more photos of the winners click here.  “Cub Scouts is about developing boys into leaders, and having a ton of fun doing it!” say Den Leader Dave Retzler.  Former Cubmaster Rich Bodine was excited to hear that the kids had another strong showing at the Pinewood Derby and invites all the enthusiast to come to the 2014 Soapbox Derby.  Applications are still be accepted for the annual Nevada City Soapbox event, click here to see photos from last year’s event.

Nevada Cty Pinewood Derby, Cub Scouts

Nevada City Cub Scout Event Photos

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  1. […] I hope everyone had a good time. Erin Thiem of the Outside Inn wrote a nice story about it on their blog. I will upload some pictures soon as […]

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