South Yuba Trail in Fall
Nevada City received its first winter storm and while some may think the colder weather it’s time to stay inside, we think it’s a great time to get out and explore. These photos are from the South Yuba Trail, starting at Edwards Crossing and walking downstream. While the river may be a bit cold for a dip, there’s still lots to see and enjoy. Stop by the Outside Inn’s office for a map and directions. And hiking is a great way to get in shape for the upcoming ski season, click here for our getting ready for ski season giveaway, we’re giving away 2 lift tickets to Sugar Bowl and more! There’s a lot of color in Nevada City at this time of year for more fall themed photos click here, you can see the color at the Outside Inn, around downtown Nevada City or by the river.
© 2012 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Evans Phelps
Nice photos. Hiked Filler Lake to Spaulding last week. Hard to believe it is cold! Thanks for posting your photos!