Buttermilk Bend Photo Walk
Last weekend Kial James, of Nevada City Scenics, and I organized an Instameet photo walk. Twice a year Instagram puts out a theme and a date and encourages folks around the world to have a meet up and take pictures (search online for…
Hiking Trails
Spring has arrived, if only for a brief visit between storms, but with these unseasonably warm temperatures it's a perfect time to get outside and go for a hike. For a great list of outdoor adventures check out the highlights on our website.…
Buttermilk Bend Wildflower Hike
The wildflowers are starting to bloom along the Buttermilk Bend trail by Bridgeport, South Yuba River. The docent led walks start today, Saturday, March 7th at 11am and continue every Saturday and Sunday through May 10th. The 2 1/2 mile…
National Trails Day
This Saturday, June 7th is National Trails Day and the Bear Yuba Land Trust has organized lots of events to help encourage folks to get outside and enjoy the trails. A full list of the day's activities can be found here. So whether you're…
Buttermilk Bend Trail, South Yuba River
Buttermilk Bend Trail along the South Yuba River, down at Bridgeport Covered bridge is one of those spring walks you just need to do while the wildflowers are out. I've promoted the hike here, here, here and here, but finally managed to make…
Spring Flowers
It's that time of year when the flowers start to bloom and everywhere you turn around town there is a new pop of color. These flowers were all found within a block of the Outside Inn, so come for a visit (still a few more weeks left of our…
Buttermilk Bend Wildflower Hike
The wildflowers are starting to bloom along the Buttermilk Bend trail by Bridgeport, South Yuba River. The docent led walks start today, Saturday, March 16th at 11am and continue every Saturday and Sunday through May 19th. The 2 mile…
Best of Nevada County hikes
There are a lot of great walks and hikes in our area and I've been profiling a few of them throughout the year, so I thought in honor of the end of the year it'd be nice to compile a best of list with a few photos to help motivate you to…
Buttermilk Bend Trail
Buttermilk Bend trail at Bridgeport on the South Yuba River is covered with wildflowers and worth a visit. Docent led wildflower walks are held every weekend at 11am between now and early May. The walk is suitable for all…