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Nevada City Craft Fair

Did you make it to the Nevada City Craft Fair at the Miners Foundry?  Photos include works from Pioneer Babe, Halfpence Design, Kitkitdizzi, Gather Jewelry, Full Circle Press, Moonboot Printing, Nevada City CSK and Femmes de Famille.  Always…
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Ultimate Nevada City Giveaway

The ultimate Nevada City giveaway... I've decided that I've had so much fun on the blog this year, that why not end the year by going big.  We live in the an amazing community and I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing a slice of our world, so…
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Nevada City CSK

If you're looking to sample some amazing food from the comforts of your own home, think about trying out a CSK (Community Supported Kitchen).  Jessica Flannigan has put her food magic to work with Lemon Star Larder  and is about to join…