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GV Wine Co ASiF Artist Showcase

The Grass Valley Wine Company, a joint tasting room for Pilot Peak Vineyards, Solune Winegrowers and Bent Metal Winery, have launched a new partnership with Artists’ Studio in the Foothills (ASiF)  Showcase.  Really, who can turn down the…
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Sierra Vintners Wine Trail

The annual Sierra Vintners Wine Trail is taking place this weekend throughout Nevada County and if you missed today's festivities there's still time tomorrow to visit one of the 15 different venues.  In the name of research my trusty wine tasting…
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Grass Valley Wine Tasting

Downtown Grass Valley is quickly becoming a wine lover’s hot spot, within a two block distance in historic downtown there are 5 different tasting rooms representing a diverse selection of locally grown wines. Here’s a quick cheat sheet if…
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The Grass Valley Wine Company

The Grass Valley Wine Company is a collection of 3 local wineries, Pilot Peak, Bent Metal and Solune Winegrowers.  Their brand new tasting room in downtown Grass Valley just opened and it’s worth a visit. The tasting room is open Thursday…