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Children’s Festival

The Children's Festival returns to Nevada City's Pioneer Park this month, mark your calendars for Friday, July 19th.  The one day Renaissance Fair has 2 sessions (9am-noon and 5-8pm).  The admission price of $3 includes arts &…

The Children’s Festival

The Children's Festival returns to Nevada City's Pioneer Park this Friday, July 27th.  The one day Renaissance Fair has 2 sessions (9am-noon and 5-8pm).  The admission price of $3 includes arts & crafts, faeries, craftsmen, face painting,…
The Children's Festival
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Nevada City Children’s Festival

The Children's Festival returns to Nevada City's Pioneer Park this Friday, July 21st.  The one day Renaissance Fair has 2s essions (9am-noon and 5-8pm).  The admission price of $3 includes arts & crafts, faeries, craftsmen, face painting,…

The Children’s Festival

The Children's Festival returns to Nevada City's Pioneer Park this Friday, July 17th.  The one day Renaissance Fair has 2 sessions (9am-noon and 5-8pm).  The admission price of $3 includes arts & crafts, faeries, craftsmen, face painting,…
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The Children’s Festival

The Children's Festival returned to Nevada City today, with two sessions (9am-noon and 5pm-8pm) and transformed part of Pioneer Park into a mini Renaissance Faire geared for children.  There were more than 20 interactive sessions were set…
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The Children’s Festival

The Children's Festival is returning to Nevada City, head to Pioneer Park on Friday, July 19th for either the morning (9am-noon) or evening (5pm-8pm) for some amazing activities, crafts, entertainment and fun.  The lively Renaissance Fair is…