Tea Light Soup Night
Tea Light Soup Night is the culinary project of Shana Maziarz, every couple of weeks she updates the facebook page and invites folks to stop by for all you can eat soup, homemade bread and “fresh seasonal drinks” on the deck. Tonight’s menu included Italian Vegetable Stew, Corn Soup with Roasted Red Pepper, plus options of additional salads and decadent desserts. The meal is a first come, first serve, by donation only, come meet some new friends and enjoy yet another fun foodie adventure in Nevada City.
© 2013 InnSide Nevada City, Photos by Erin Thiem
Awesome idea. I’m going to go and like her FB page now! Maybe I’ll get to go to the next one. 🙂
this is wonderful! thanks for sharing erin – we had no idea this was happening. will have to follow their fb page for future soup nights. 🙂
Lovely pictures Erin. Shana’s spread looks fabulous!
SOOO yummy. GREAT pics!!
Excited for another one tomorrow!! : )