The Cool Girls
“The Cool Girls” by Roseanne Burke is a series of encaustic portraits of iconic women opened last weekend at Szabo Vineyards downtown Nevada City tasting room. Roseanne took a workshop from Deborah Bridges at ASiF Studios to learn the technique of painting layers of hot wax and was inspired by the documentary MAKERS “Women Who Make America” and decided to create a show about the exploration of the lives and work of remarkable women. “Cool Girls” features Diane Arbus, Ruth Asawa, Josephine Baker, Mary Cassatt, Camille Claudel, Emily Dickinson, Billie Holiday, Frida Kahlo, Yayoi Kusama, Annie Lennox, Anais Nin, Toni Morrison, Georgia O’Keefe, Edith Piaf, Patti Smith, Alice Walker, Beatrice Wood, Virginia Woolf and Marilyn Monroe. The initial response to the show has been great, 13 of the 20 paintings have already sold. Stop by Szabo this Friday night during the First Friday Art Walk and meet Roseanne between 5-7pm. “Cool Girls” will be on display till May 31st with a closing party on May 30th from 5-7pm. Leave a comment for Roseanne with your suggestion of which female icon she should paint next. If you make it to the show, feel free to join the Outside Inn’s facebook “Cool Girl Selfie” contest, if you’re not on Facebook feel free to leave a link on this post, winner will be announced on May 31st.
Mother Teresa!
One of my favorite women is Katharine Hepburn.
They were all so great. My favorites were the ones where you could really see the texture from the process – Virginia. ..Mary…Ruth. Yayoi for her fabulously shocking red hair and Camille for her haunting eyes…and 105 year old Beatrice for her spry quote about young men. God I wish I had $500
Debbie Harry!
Debbie Harry for sure (that would be 2 CBGB babies). Maya Angalou, Barbara Walters, Nora Ephron, Aubrey Hepburn, Shirley Temple, Janis Joplin, Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton, Wanda Jackson, Gilda Radner, Dorothy Parker, Madonna, Rachel Carson, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman….. This could take awhile.
Thanks for all the suggestions – I’ve been looking for images of Debby Harry and Audrey Hepburn – but now you’ve given me a whole new list to think about – I love Gilda and Shirley and Patsy and Dorothy…
these are truly inventive and wonderful..swimming in Greece must have cleared the boards so you could dive into this series..wonderful and keep it up..I think Elizabeth the first and of course Georgia O…Jane Austin…and some of those women artists who worked in their fathers last they would get credit.. I am happy you are so involved….xo..s