Are you on Instagram? I wrote a blog post recently about my new account Visit Nevada City feed, but you can also follow me along as the Outside Inn and the Inn Town Campground. The next worldwide InstaMeet Up is October 3rd and I’d love to extend an open invitation to anyone who’s interested in meeting up for a photo walk. Local photographer Kial James and I will be at the Outside Inn at 9am on Saturday, October 3rd. Please park somewhere in downtown Nevada City and walk to meet us at the motel. The theme for this meet up is #TodayIMet, portraits of people you meet, but we’re going to go for a walk around the neighborhood and take a few fall colors photos. If you’re not on Instagram and you want to join us for a photo walk, you’re more than welcome, click here for the last time we had a photo walk. Look forward to meeting some of you.
Sounds like fun but there are so many things happening on the 3rd. (Make sure to swing by the book sale at Foley.)
Can’t make this one. Would love to join the next if you do another.
Ya, looking forward to this!
Thanks Kial, me too!
Oh, just found out about this! I’d love to join if/when you do this again!!