Want to go fishing?  “We live in a beautiful area with fishing options usually year round.  We’re surrounded by rivers and lakes that hold many different species that we enjoy targeting on the fly rod.  Whether it’s trout and steelhead in the Yuba River or higher up in the Mountain Lakes or Smallmouth, Spotted, Largemouth bass down the hill in the foothill lakes, there’s always water to enjoy.  The Sacramento, Feather and Yuba Rivers down below can have world class Striped Bass Fishing on the fly and if you head up the hill, you’ll find the Truckee in a short period of time with incredible wild trout fishing.  The opportunities are vast here in our area and we enjoy sharing the outdoors and the places we love and respect to people ready to explore,” explained local fishing expert Chuck Ragan.  If you’re looking to learn more about fishing locally, Chuck offers drift boat, jet boat and walk and wade trips for all ages and skill levels.

Interested in fishing in the Nevada City/Grass Valley region stop by Tom Page’s shop Reel Anglers, because not only do they sell rods, fly reels, waders, vests, footwear or clothing supply but Tom is a great resource for the area.  In addition to gear Tom also offers guiding on all are local waters: Lower Yuba, Feather River, Truckee River, and all the local Reservoirs.  If you’re looking to try a class check out Drift On Fly’s casting lessons, Spey Lessons or Advanced Technique Classes.  So regardless of your skill level there are lots of great resources for locals and visitors who want to go fishing.

The Fly Fishing Film Tour is coming to Nevada City, Saturday, April 6th at the historic Nevada Theatre.  This popular event is a fundraiser for Cast Hope, a nonprofit that connects kids and mentors together outside through the sport of fly fishing.  Last year’s event sold out, so if you’re interested in going, you can buy your ticket online or at the Reel Angler’s Fly Fishing Shop.

And since many of you know I love giveaways, Tom at Reel Anglers Fly Shop is giving one lucky InnSide Nevada City blog reader 2 hours of fly fishing lessons for one person and $10 gift certificate. Total value is $110.  Post a comment here and the winner will be announced Monday, March 25th.  *Edited to say the winner is Lisa.

© 2019 InnSide Nevada City,  © photos by Craig Valdez, Chuck Ragan and Tom Page.

11 replies
  1. kathy hart
    kathy hart says:

    Nevada County sits in the perfect area, surrounded by nature, picture perfect sights, lots of places to see and visit. Not to mention places to go fishing!

  2. Ingrid Knox
    Ingrid Knox says:

    Living with a fly fisherman, I have heard many stories about the zen of fishing. During my worst (and last) fishing experience, the fish I caught was cut up for bait. 🙂

  3. Elliott
    Elliott says:

    Thanks for all of the info! This past weekend has gotten me excited to get out and practice my cast later this spring!

  4. Elenita Duelo
    Elenita Duelo says:

    Would love to win this for my husband, he’s been talking about learning to Fly Fish!

    Thank you,

  5. Kelly ONeil
    Kelly ONeil says:

    Thanks for posting this! I have been wanting to go fishing around here but I don’t know the first thing. Looks like I will be heading to Reel Anglers to chat with Tom!

  6. Lisa
    Lisa says:

    Thank you for gathering this info! My husband is a longtime fisherman but new to fly fishing and has been looking for fishing spots to practice his newer hobby. Can’t wait till he sees this.

  7. Tim McMillen
    Tim McMillen says:

    Thanks for the post about the awesome fishing in this area. I have enjoyed the experiences fly fishing on these rivers.

  8. Eric
    Eric says:

    As a fishing enthusiast I really appreciate your article. Just brilliant to read & learn. Love all the things described here. Thanks a lot for sharing this. Keep up the great job.

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