
Nevada City Food Swap

Jessica Flanigan, Nevada City Food Swap

The Nevada City Food Swap, a perfect place to get to know other local foodies, sample some amazing homemade goodies and go home with a basket full of new discoveries.  Organized by Jessica Flanigan, the swap happens usually once every 6 weeks, check out the facebook page for updates on the next one, as pre-registration is required.  The event usually takes place at the Nevada City Vet’s Hall from 11am-1pm.  A $5 donation is all it costs, come, every swap is a new adventure.  For some photos from a previous event check out Alex’s blog post on her fig goodies she shared last fall.  What would you bring to share?

Nevada City Food Swap

Nevada City Food Swap

© 2013 InnSide Nevada City

1 reply
  1. Jessica
    Jessica says:

    Erin you are an amazing photographer! Thank you so much for sharing this well loved local event 🙂

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