More Nevada City Wine Tasting
Nevada City has been on the wine lovers pit stop list for some time with Nevada City Winery, Indian Springs Vineyard and Clavey Wines. Click here to read my post on those tasting rooms from earlier this year. But, my list was not complete, so with a little help from my helpers, I went to visit the new tasting room for Szabo Vineyards and the fun and forward thinking BYOB.
Szabo Vineyards opened their tasting room on Broad Street just last week and while winemaker Alex Szabo has been growing wines out on his Bitney Springs property since 2003, he felt it was time to move into town to provide a better outlet for his award winning wines. He jokes that “the foot traffic on Broad Street is a bit better then Bitney Springs.” He’s proud that his wine is made from 100% local grapes and that his vineyard has worked hard to gain their sustainable farming certification, thus leading to his 2004 Conservationist of the Year award by the National Conservation Resource Services of Nevada County. Szabo Winery currently makes 7 varieties of red wine, tasting are available of a number of the wines for $5. White wine drinkers don’t be disappointed, the a white wine will be coming out in June. The tasting room is open Thursdays 12-5, Fridays & Saturdays 12-7 and Sundays 12-5.
BYOB is also a tasting room, located on Zion Street next to Fudenjuce, but with an environmental twist. Tony Norksborg, winemaker and founder for Nevada County Wine Guild and maker of the well known series Our Daily Red, wanted to do take his organic wines to a different level and offer a place where customers can purchase moderately priced wine in a bottle that can be refilled at a discount. Stop by BYOB and have a complimentary tasting, you’re bound to go home with a cute reusable canvas bag with 6 bottles of wine. Once you’ve enjoyed your wine, simply rinse the bottles in hot water and take them back for a refill. BYOB has 3 wines in bulk, a daily red, a select red and a select white. Another bonus is that you can always find at least one red sulfite free wine. The BYOB slogan is “Save a Bottle, Save a Buck”. The tasting room is open Thursday through Saturday 12- 5:30.
found your site on today and really liked it.. i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later