California Cycling Tour, Nevada City pit stop

The Outside Inn hosts some of the coolest guests, today’s crew including 6 mates from Australia who are on a self guided cycling tour around the northern part of California.  Their trip will span 4 weeks and cover 1000 miles.  Ferdy, the ring leader and self-proclaimed non organizer, was pleasantly surprised by how cool Nevada City was.  Big Mike, aka “Goose”, thought our town was “eclectic, great food and really interesting architecture.”  Last week we had a couple who rode their bikes from Truckee and arrived with a tiny backpack for their “credit card camping” cycling tour.  We always love our annual visit from the Davis Bike Club.  If you missed my blog post last week on my mother’s ride to Downieville click here.  The Outside Inn is excited to have so many cyclists out exploring our area and are excited that folks from around the globe think that the Outside Inn is a great pit stop on their ride.

Cycling Touring through California, Outside Inn

© 2013 InnSide Nevada City


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  1. […] Tribute Trail, South Yuba Trail).  Or take the little ones biking to Hirschman Pond, go on a cycle tour of California or do a tour to Downieville.  Don’t forget about the fun swimming holes, lakes […]

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