Merry Christmas and the winner is….
Merry Christmas from the whole crew at the Outside Inn. I wish I could say I have a favorite comment from the Outside Inn Crazy Giveaway, but we'd be here all day. I want to take a moment and thank all the amazing local businesses and…

Living Wild: Manzanita
Do you know about the native Manzanita plant and all the things they can be used for? Alicia Funk, founder of Living Wild, shared "Manzanita, an abundant evergreen shrub that grows through out the Sierra Nevada foothills and California,…

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! Without further adieu the winner of the Outside Inn's Epic Giveaway is...
Jenn says:
December 4, 2013 at 12:35 pm
I love the photography. And the local angle is wonderful, as well – so much to learn about this county.…

Epic Outside Inn Blog Giveaway
Are you ready for the Epic Outside Inn blog giveaway worth over a $1000? Last year I had an Ultimate Nevada City giveaway (read the comments if you need a reminder why Nevada City is a great place), and this year my end of the year blog…

California Organics
California Organics, a specialty grocery store in Nevada City, is known for the Organic Grill Restaurant, but did you know in addition to organic foods and deli counter, they also have a well stocked health and beauty section? Learn how…

Top 10 Reasons why I love Nevada City
Happy New Year's Eve... Before we get to the winner of our Ultimate Nevada City giveaway I thought it would be fun to list my top ten reasons why I love Nevada City. The comments on the giveaway were fabulous. I was in awe of the variety…

Ultimate Nevada City Giveaway
The ultimate Nevada City giveaway... I've decided that I've had so much fun on the blog this year, that why not end the year by going big. We live in the an amazing community and I have thoroughly enjoyed sharing a slice of our world, so…

Celebration of Life Triathlon Raffle Giveaway
Are you training for the upcoming Barbara Schmidt Millar Celebration of Life Triathlon out at Scotts Flat Lake? The event takes place on September 16th at 9am on the Cascade Shores, with women of all abilities and ages swimming, biking and…

Fixing the Future, Think Local First film screening
Think Local First has teamed up with the Nevada Theatre to bring Nevada City a screening of the film Fixing the Future A nationwide screening is taking place this month and we're lucky enough to host the event on Sunday, July 22nd at 7:30pm.…

Outside Magazine best towns
Every year, Outside Magazine puts out an issue that features the best towns to live in if you’re an outdoorsy, active person. The list usually includes a lot of the usual suspects: Boulder, Colorado, Burlington, Vermont, Bozeman, Montana,…

Soroptimist Garden Tour plus giveaway
The Soroptimist Garden Tour will be taking place this coming weekend (May 19th and 20th) throughout Nevada County, for a map click here. Take a tour of some amazing gardens either Saturday or Sunday between 10am and 4pm and help support the…

The weather is warming up in Nevada City and it's a perfect time to visit our friends at Treats. As you can see below their ice cream doesn't last long! Peggy & Bob Wright describe their ice cream as "Homemade artisans ice cream,…

John Burnett Photography Winner
I'm super excited to announce our winner of the web design and photo shoot contest is Sheila Cameron. She has won a prize package by John Burnett. When I asked Sheila her thoughts on winning she replied with the following, "Thank you so…

Photo Shoot and Web Design Contest
The Outside Inn's blog InnSide Nevada City has teamed up with local photographer and web designer John Burnett for a chance to win a professional photo shoot and custom web site design, click here for details on the prize package. Check out…