Nevada County Giveaways

Outside Inn Blog Giveaway

Nevada City

Outside Inn Blog Giveaway

The Outside Inn’s InnSide Nevada City blog is excited to share our annual end of the year giveaway! It’s hard to believe that I started this blog just shy of 9 years ago, and have written over 1000 blog posts about our local communities, their activities and businesses!  The Grand GiveawayGrateful GiveawayUltimate GiveawayEpic Giveaway, the Crazy Giveaway, InnSide Nevada City GiveawayHoliday Giveaway were a lot of fun; if you have time I highly recommend reading the comments from these previous years.  Not to be overshadowed, this year’s the prizes are from 64 different local businesses with a total value of over $3300.  Can I say, yet again, how amazing Nevada City and Grass Valley are?  I am thankful to call this place home.  When we opened the Inn Town Campground 3 years ago, I really grew to understand that its success is due in large part to the support of our entire community and its residents.  That support has been all the more important this year as the recent power outages have strained many of our local businesses and demonstrated the great power of a small community in overcoming adversity.  I love that I get to celebrate our towns in such an over the top way.  With that in mind, happy holidays to everyone.

This year we’re mixing it up a bit.  Instead of one extremely lucky person winning the entire box full of prizes, we’re going to pick 10 lucky winners (scroll down for the complete list of what’s included).  How do you enter to win one of the amazing baskets of Nevada County goodness?  Add a comment to this blog post and tell me what you love about Nevada City or Grass Valley.  This year I want the focus to be on our community as a whole, not just the blog.  So, I will randomly choose the winners from my top 100 favorite comments that highlight a happy story or experience about a business, organization, event or memory from your time in Grass Valley or Nevada City.  Please put some thought into your answer so other readers can hear about your great experiences.  Also, feel free to add a link in your comment to one of your favorite blog posts or photos from Inn Side Nevada City blog (you can search previous posts with the search box in the footer of the website).  The winners will be announced at noon on Christmas Day.  Want a chance to throw your name in the hat for a second time? Scroll to the bottom of the post for details on how sharing the love will allow you to enter twice.

Outside Inn Blog Holiday Basket Giveaways

Basket #1

Basket #2

Basket #3

Basket #4

Basket #5

Basket #6

Basket #7

Basket #8

Basket #9

Basket #10

Want an extra chance to win?  Like the Outside Inn’s Facebook page and share this giveaway with your friends and use #VisitNevadaCity on whatever social media platform you prefer:  InstagramFacebookTwitterPinterest.  Once you share and tag the giveaway, then post a second comment on here telling me that you’ve shared the love.  Or, if you’re shy and you don’t want to share, sign up for my email feed (see box in the footer of the blog) then add a comment on this blog post saying you subscribed via email.  This will also get you a second chance to win. If you have any issues with posting a comment, please see our FAQ.  All of the share the love comments will be put in the draw for the 10th basket along with the 100 chosen comments.

South Yuba River

Thanks to each and every one of you for helping make our community what it is.  That gratitude includes people near and far who make up the greater group of people who love Nevada City and Grass Valley.  You all play a part in helping to support our town and I’m excited to be a part of it.  I’ve written plenty of posts on why I love our towns, but I look forward to hearing from you all about why you love them.  But I also love seeing your photos of our fabulous community, so feel free to get creative and share via Instagram and use #VisitNevadaCity to share.

*One entry per person, for an additional entry please see above.  Winners will be drawn by from a list of our top 100 chosen comments and announced on Christmas Day.  Winners will be notified by email once chosen and all baskets must be collected from the Outside Inn by January 15th, any baskets not collected by close of business on January 15th will be re-drawn for a new winner.  Any gift certificates are not redeemable for cash.

© 2019 InnSide Nevada City, Photos © by Erin Thiem & Nevada City Scenics

439 replies
  1. Sheri
    Sheri says:

    So nice that you’re splitting the gifts into baskets. Please enter me. Nevada county is home. There is. nowhere we’d rather be. Happy Holidays.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Agreed, because really, how was one person really going to do it all? They’d have to quit their job and become a full time prize winner! But yes, I think this will be fun, 10 fun unique Nevada County baskets of goodies. Happy holidays to you too.

  2. Lindsey Angell
    Lindsey Angell says:

    My husband and I got married outside grass valley in May of 2015. We knew we wanted to get married somewhere outside Sacramento and headed to the Grass Valley Wedding Fair from Joy of Life to see what the area had to offer. We were lucky enough to find the best photographers (Andrew & Melanie Photography), venue, caterer (Antonio Ayesteran Custom Catering) and DJ (Mountain Event Productions DJ & Videography) all in once place, taking advantage of all the local talent. The area will always hold a special place in our hearts! We love going back to the area every chance we get!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Love it, definitely a special place for sure, well this giveaway would give you a few reasons to come and play, so thanks for sharing that loving connection to our community.

  3. Lisa Johnson
    Lisa Johnson says:

    This giveaway is over the top! And it demonstrates not only Erin’s resourcefulness but also the generosity and largesse of our community. We moved here 15+ years ago and immediately experienced the kindness and friendliness of the people and businesses as we learned our way around the area. Over the years we’ve been (mostly) healthy and happy, but when illness or misfortune has struck our Nevada County friends have been right here to help out. We don’t plan to leave the area ever.

    • Ingrid Knox
      Ingrid Knox says:

      Lisa, it just goes to show how great this area is when you think that we met while helping Allison move the Fibers yarn store from downtown Grass Valley to another location. We weren’t employees, just customer who liked the store and we’re willing to volunteer our time. It was a great experience being able to help and have the chance to really look at the yarn. I would have met you anyway through Pioneer Arts, but it’s more special that we found each other in a very random way.

  4. Vicki Stremel
    Vicki Stremel says:

    In the 2 1/2 years since becoming a full-time Nevada County resident, we have discovered so many new areas of our community. From all of the local businesses and restaurants we visit and take our visiting friends to, to the many diverse hiking trails. We enjoy seeing 4 seasons and the changes they bring to our little towns. But most of all, we love the Nevada County residents! They are friendly, helpful, encouraging and so diverse, it makes me proud that we chose this area to live our lives!
    And a big Thank you Erin for all the information you include in your blog that helps us to explore new and interesting areas and businesses!

  5. Kim
    Kim says:

    I love the community of Gv and Nevada City. We went to Country xmas at the GV fairgrounds and everyone was so nice/welcoming and it was such a pleasant experience. I never felt out of place because everyone was so friendly and kind, and I loved seeing the dedication they put into their work. The events that go on here such as country xmas, Victorian xmas, and Cornish xmas are one of the traditions my family goes to every year and enjoy! Without them it wouldn’t feel like christmas!

    I also love the beauty of the area, especially Nevada city when it snows. The downtown areas are my favorite too, with their unique shops and restaurants that are yummy. 🙂

  6. Megan
    Megan says:

    I love that Nevada City gets into the Halloween spirit like no place else. I love that it’s the kind of place where you see familiar faces around town. And I love the focus on trail building and all the amazing hiking, running, and mountain bike trails that leave right from town!

  7. Maisie
    Maisie says:

    I remember moving to Nevada City over ten years ago and the first place I went was the Yuba river. I came here to work on an organic veggie farm and had no idea how much I was going to love this place, let alone that there would be this magical, wild river just a short ways from the farm. I love the farming community here and I love the river, the trees, and the wildlife we see on our walks behind our home. I love how supportive Nevada County is of local businesses, and how our town has thrived because of it. And I love raising my daughter here, taking her to the same river my friends went to when they were kids, and witnessing her explore this place while being surrounded by so many loving and caring people.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Love this… I tell the story about how I kept getting asked for directions to a certain place at the river a number of years ago and I didn’t know where it was, till one day I went and realized I just had a different name for it and it was the place I’d always gone swimming when I was in high school.

  8. Lisa nowlain
    Lisa nowlain says:

    I am no longer the youth librarian, but I really loved working with the families in this town. I love going for walks and knowing the kiddos and parents I see. I love grocery shopping and socializing. It has made the experience of being a new parent får from family so much better!

  9. Darin Wissner
    Darin Wissner says:

    Back in 2013 when we moved to Roseville from Modesto, I wanted know more about outdoor recreation opportunities in the region. One of the top entries on my search was a similar article to this one (but from 2013). So, with this information, my wife and I went out and explored.

    It was at this time during the Summer of 2013, we found the beauty of Grass Valley and Nevada City. We explored the river ways and Scott’s Flat Lake as well. Getting outdoors is what my wife and I do, but now it was time to explore the two towns, and what these little eclectic communities had to offer. We found wonderful restaurants, wine tasting, and cute little shops. My wife shops, and I people watch, which is entertaining in itself!

    Fast forward to today, my wife is now in three wine clubs in the area, and wine tasting is about a bi-monthly trip. Any time we go, we try to find a new restaurant, and we are never disappointed: South Pine Cafe, Cirinos, Sergio’s Cafe, Maria’s Mexican, Pete’s Pizza, Lefty’s Grill, Friar Tucks, Ike’s Quarter Cafe, Bistro 221, and Matteo’s Public House (when it was open. Disappointed to hear of it’s closing).

    Then there is Inn Town Campground and the Outside Inn. We have never stayed at the Outside Inn, but, had our parents stay there a few years back. In following this blog, we learned what “glamping” was. There really was such a thing? Perfect for us because we are not campers. My wife and I love Inn Town Campground. It has everything. Clean, comfortable, and safe.

    The perfect weekend for us is to spend a day at Scott’s Flat Lake, come back to Inn Town, barbecue some ribeye steaks, sit by the fire, chat with staff and other campers, and enjoy some cocktails on the back patio of a glamping site to end the night.

    We now love to bring friends and family up to the area and show them around. Often, it may be their first time up in Grass Valley or Nevada City. We understand how the region has been hit hard by the power outages, so we want to provide some business up that way. Going up the hill is our number one go-to spot with friends and family. We simply love the beauty and all it has to offer!! Thank you for this wonderful blog!

  10. Margaret Handshoe
    Margaret Handshoe says:

    Nevada City is without a doubt our favorite quick getaway spot for camping. Staying at the Inn Town Campground is perfect for enjoying nature, while visiting with local friends and enjoying the unique shopping in the area. We are so lucky to have this bright gem 1 hour from home!

  11. Vanessa Saavedra
    Vanessa Saavedra says:

    Reflecting on my sweetest memories of Nevada City & Grass Valley is a timeline of my life… I remember going to Caroline’s with my mother in my teens, to Cafe Mekka and Cooper’s with my sister in my 20s, to sip cocktails in the National’s bar with a boyfriend in my 30s, and now to relish breakfast at Ike’s and camp at the World Music Fest with my soul mate in my early 40s. The area will always occupy such a special place in my heart.

    • erin
      erin says:

      What I love is how some of these businesses are still going strong and some have turned into something else new and exciting… Happy holidays.

  12. Lois
    Lois says:

    I moved here from San Francisco six years ago. I could not be happier about the change. One thing that is very obvious is how people interact with each other. I love going into any of the businesses, and seeing clerks ask customers how they are doing, and really meaning it. There is a French term “community over commerce” which comes to mind when I see these interactions. They aren’t ringing your purchase up and pushing you out the door, so they can handle the next transaction. We have a great volunteer network, an independent radio station, good restaurants, access to excellent raw ingredients, for prepping our own meals, and I could go on and on. When we all experienced the power outages , everyone banded together to help and to share whatever resources they had that were needed by others. This is a rare and special place. There is no way I could move back to a major city.

  13. Leslie Jodrey
    Leslie Jodrey says:

    We fell in love with Nevada City & Grass Valley years ago as kids attending the Nevada City Victorian Christmas. The cold air on our face while strolling the streets listening to Victorian Christmas music, hopping in and out of all of the stores, eating all of the delicious food from the vendors and wishing for snow to fall as we walked back down the hill. As adults we fell in love again with Grass Valley (shopping, eating all of the food and drinking all the amazing drinks at the local spots.) AND then we fell in head of heals in love with the then Northern Queen Inn. On Oct 8th, 2005 we got married there and fell in love with the staff, the location and enjoyed staying the night in the little cabins with family & friends celebrating all weekend long. We hooked up with a local baker and a local musician to a make our small wedding beautiful. We live in Lincoln and often drive up to soak up the local scene because we feel that Nevada County is still funky, hasn’t been sold out to the same old box stories you see EVERYWHERE now…in EVERY STATE. Now years later I enjoy the hiking, running trails and rivers. We always try to make a point to drive up often to stroll through each city, including Lake of the Pines. We love to stop in at our friends flower shop ‘Forever Yours Flowers’ and hook up at local festivals. We recently got to see a local artists wood shop where he and his wife make the coolest cheese boards. I can’t wait to have one in our house to celebrate the collaborate effort of these two dreamers. I hope everyone gets the chance to check out Inspire Wood works and add a piece to their home. #keepnevedacityfunky

  14. Todd Lawson
    Todd Lawson says:

    Thanks for everything you do, Erin. This community is the best for a variety of reasons, but my favorite are the civic minded organizations that thrive here. Sycrl, Music in the Mountains, Sierra Harvest, Center for the Arts, Wildlife rescue and release, numerous scouting troops/packs, the list is nearly endless. The thing that really amazes me is the generosity of the people and businesses in the area. You would think that a smallish community with this many charities would be fighting over a limited number of dollars/donations, but the people who live here really open their hearts and wallets throughout the year. It renews my faith in people.

  15. JoAnne Middleton
    JoAnne Middleton says:

    What’s there not to love about Nevada City & Grass Valley!!!
    The beauty of living here is enough, but then you get all these extras which it makes it perfect!
    You can’t beat all the farmers markets, street fairs, parades, food and drink, trails and of course the quaint stores! I love it all and can’t think of anyplace else I would want to live!

  16. Melissa Estes
    Melissa Estes says:

    I really appreciate Nevada County as I was raised here. I moved to the Los Angeles area for 10 years and NC is the only place I’ve experience community, love and respect. My hometown friends welcomed me to this town when I was 8 years old. When I had gotten sick with my Kidneys, my friends pulled together a little fundraiser for me to help out. One of my older brothers showed me how to grow a garden and to shop local. I love being back home and volunteering where I can. I believe in pay it forward and help one another. Much love.

  17. Mellisa Hannum
    Mellisa Hannum says:

    It had been a very cold and rainy night. Winter had decided it was finally settling in to stay in Nevada County. The Grass Valley Library had been open for about an hour when a young man came in, freezing and shoeless. He had fabric wrapped around his feet with plastic bags covering them. Evidently, his boots had disappeared at some point while he was sleeping. While he got warm and began to dry off, a clerk from Mountain Recreation came in and surprised the young man with a new pair of shoes. The compassion and true sense of giving in this community constantly amazes me! I am so grateful to call this place home and to witness such wonderful acts of kindness, honestly, in so many ways, on a daily basis.

  18. D.L. Finn
    D.L. Finn says:

    Great giveaway, thank you:) I always make sure to bring the grandkids though your Halloween decorations. I’m entering under my pen name since that’s what all my social media is under but also will post on my facebook account, too under my actual name:) So same person.

  19. Tammy Veralrud
    Tammy Veralrud says:

    I’m so excited to see this giveaway again! I like that you’ve separated the baskets this year. I did like on Instagram (which is where I found out about the giveaway) and am crossing my fingers!

    Thanks for the chance!

  20. Maureen Gerecke
    Maureen Gerecke says:

    I feel so fortunate to be in a community who helps seniors and people with disabilities get through power outage ordeals like FREED did by bringing batteries to power medical equipment in their homes. They literally saved lives. What a blessing to have a non-profit who cares so deeply. We are lucky to have them in Nevada County.

  21. Debbie Carter-Smittle
    Debbie Carter-Smittle says:

    Erin – I love this annual tradition and the way you bring our community together all year long! This year has been especially humbling to me as our community came together during all of the fire watches and power outages. Watching our neighbors help each other, along with the collective sigh of relief during our beautiful Thanksgiving snow, makes me realize yet again that this is home.
    You consistently shine a light on Grass Valley and Nevada City and we all thank you for it!

  22. Collette
    Collette says:

    I grew up in Nevada County and have always loved this small community. My favorite recent memory is of the 3rd day of one of our power outages. I went to Safeway and the parking lot was full. When I walked in, I noticed people just standing around talking, waiting for coffee and not in a hurry to get anywhere. Our shared struggle brought us closer together.

  23. Susan Schreiber
    Susan Schreiber says:

    I love that you are doing the giveaway basket again. It is a delight to see all of the contributors names from our sweet little town. My favorite Outsideinn postings are your pictures of fall, especially your own backyard around Halloween!

  24. Erika Kosina
    Erika Kosina says:

    There are so many wonderful traditions in Nevada County — I’m sure you can find all of them highlighted in this blog! Thanks Erin, for capturing Victorian Christmas, Halloween in downtown Nevada City, the incredible Fall colors, and our beloved Yuba River. But my favorite Nevada County tradition is kindness. When we first moved here over nine years ago, after the first big storm on our dead-end street I was surprised and delighted to see our neighbors jump into action with chainsaws to remove the THREE big fallen trees that were blocking the only way out. This year, my son got to return the favor when he woke up early after our last snowstorm and cleared some large branches that had fallen in our road. He has learned kindness from watching all of the kind people in our community.

  25. Jessica Dax
    Jessica Dax says:

    I grew up in Nevada City and feel extremely lucky to have experienced this little town and all that goes along with it. From the gorgeous fall colors to everyone knowing someone you know to the overall small town feel. My then husband and I stayed a night at the Outside Inn the night before he left for basic training with the Army, which was just a few weeks after we got married. We lived with my parents at the time so it was nice to have a little “us time” before he left. Even though we are not longer together, that will always be a special memory for me.

  26. Sherry Costa
    Sherry Costa says:

    I am looking forward to coming up for Christmas…love going to Cornish Christmas. All of Grass Valley and Nevada City really get into the holiday spirit which makes it so special to spend it with my family. I am so glad that your camping area has become so successful. Stayed there the first year you opened.

  27. Kris Vasser
    Kris Vasser says:

    From the beaches of Santa Cruz to the foothills of the Sierra Nevada….life couldn’t be better. How does a newcomer integrate into a small town? Volunteer! Opportunities abound and each has its unique focus and people to share experiences with. Master Gardeners, Empire Mine, Habitat for Humanity, Bridgeport wildflowers, the County Fair, AAUW, OLLI classes at Sierra College have provided hours of fun, friendships, and learning experiences. We couldn’t have settled in a better locale! Thankful to be here.

    • erin
      erin says:

      We both know that the rivers brought my mother here (and therefore me), so I love this answer. I went back and looked to see if that was the post that included the photo of you 🙂 We should go for another river walk–and since I know you walk in the rain, it could be anytime!

  28. Kat
    Kat says:

    How to choose a favorite aspect of this area? When I moved here from Chicago 10-1/2 years ago, so many of my friends thought I would be bored. Little do they know about the music scene here, summer Art Walks, photo walks, the theater, movie scene, all the festivals, and the list goes on and on. What I’ve appreciated most about living here is expanding my alternative healing options and mystical wisdom. This area is truly a hotbed of amazing, caring healers, body workers and herbalists. I so appreciate the Psychic Fair, which expanded my personal awareness and curiosity and that I now enthusiastically participate in. This community has given me many gifts, and I only hope I’ve done the same. It continually expands me and invites me to step up.

    • erin
      erin says:

      A hotbed of amazing, caring healers… what a sales pitch! But thank you for your welcoming and inviting ways to someone like myself, who has never considered herself to be too alternative… but I do love a good tarot reading (especially in picturesque locations!).

    • erin
      erin says:

      Your photos from the recent snow storm were beautiful, it’s always so fleeting that I always appreciate when someone captures it. Happy holidays.

  29. Heather Siebels
    Heather Siebels says:

    We just love taking a Staycation at The Outside Inn and wondering around town shopping in the stores! Hope to be one of the lucky winners this year!!! Happy Holidays!

  30. Sadie Barquilla
    Sadie Barquilla says:

    I have lived here since 1978. I was 3. I was raised here, got married here, and raised my three beautiful babes here, all born in the same hospital room at Sierra Nevada memorial. At one point, we had to move away for 5 years and the entire time I knew we had to get back and we did! It’s home. There is no place like it. The beauty, the community, the love, the vibe And of course… mama yuba we are all blessed.

  31. Sarah Whittaker
    Sarah Whittaker says:

    What I love about Grass Valley is that every where you go, it still has that small town feel. So much history and so many kind people!

  32. Moragan Keyes
    Moragan Keyes says:

    I would love to be entered! I have so many special memories in NC and GV . Any excuse to come visit for the day is fantastic!

  33. Sue
    Sue says:

    What a great bunch of businesses we have here in Nevada County! They had to deal with the losses from the power outages and *still* manage to give from their shops for this amazing set of prizes. We’ve been in Nevada City over 19 years now and we still count ourselves as some of the luckiest people on earth to live in such a beautiful area with always so much going on. It’s no wonder we’re always in the Top 10 little towns to visit! I’d love to be entered to win one of these prizes. My birthday is Christmas day so you know…it’d be extra special! 🙂

    • erin
      erin says:

      Happy early birthday!! And yes, as a small business owner who was definitely impacted by power outages, I understand and also appreciate the community support.

  34. Sara Phillips
    Sara Phillips says:

    My favorite things about our community are the different street fairs and the local restaurants, like Thirsty Barrel and Maria’s.

    • erin
      erin says:

      There are definitely a number of street fair fun opportunities, I love that we celebrate parades in different seasons! Happy holidays.

  35. Michelle Matteson-Richins
    Michelle Matteson-Richins says:

    This place has a unique energy. I’ve lived many places throughout GV and NC, celebrated birthdays at The 49’er Fun Park, Del Oro, and the bowling alley. So many memories here. My number one most cherished part of this place is Halloween! Oh my goodness, people just never believe how magical it is here on Halloween I think it’s especially a time that showcases just how much pride there is here. Every year people put so much love into making it a special day for the community. As a kid I remember being absolutely awestruck by a couple dressed as Cats. Their costumes were so elaborate I thought they were real for a few years hahah!

    • erin
      erin says:

      My mom tells people that her goal with her over the top Halloween haunted house in Nevada City is to “ruin” Halloween forever, so that you can’t ever leave Nevada City, bc it’s just not the same experience. So yes, I get it, 100%!

  36. Galen
    Galen says:

    My father’s office was in a building right up from the Nevada Theater. I would walk from Deer Creek to his office after school. I would beg him daily to let me rent a VHS from what is now Broad Street books. Years before I went to daycare called Dawn River right across the street from the Cemetery. My father would walk up during nap time and we walk down the street to have lunch with my mother at Apple Fare restaurant. My mom was waitressing and she would take her break to have lunch with us. My very first memory of Nevada City was watching my mom in Pirates of Penzance at the Nevada Theater. Every sidewalk, each alley, and every building reminds me of childhood.

  37. Julie Bair
    Julie Bair says:

    Thank you Erin for sharing our wonderful community through your lens. I have loved living and teaching in Nevada City since the early 80’s. Your photography captures the beauty of the seasons, the people, the landscape and the wonders of living here. Thank you.

  38. Catherina Rosevear
    Catherina Rosevear says:

    I love our community so much! There is always something going on, a fair or concert or event. My favorite thing is do on a Saturday is go to one of the wineries downtown and get a couple glasses of wine then go see a movie then stroll the shops after. I always find something!

  39. Keri Matheson
    Keri Matheson says:

    One of my most favorite towns I’ve ever been to! I haven’t been back to NC for about 15 years now, my grandma used to live there. So many memories of going to the hat store with her and the little moon cafe. We would picnic at Empire State Mines, go to the covered bridge on the Yuba, my grandpa would take me to the fair❤️ Someday, I would love to move there. I definitely plan on coming back to try your cute camp ground or one of the nice ladies from kitkitdizi recommended your little inn. I WILL be back soon! ❤️

  40. Bridget
    Bridget says:

    We moved to Nevada County from Tahoe in 1999.
    We got married, had both of our kids here & have a local farm and business – it has been home to us longer than where we grew up and we are blessed to raise our family here.
    The community is safe and fun – boating, paddling, hiking, biking, the river, the fair, Halloween festivities in Nevada City & Victorian Christmas to name a few.
    It’s the best home anyone could ask for & we are so thankful to enjoy each season here every year!

  41. Carolyn M. Ayers
    Carolyn M. Ayers says:

    Going through the power outages was hard on everyone, but our local businesses really suffered. We decided to eat out afterwards to try and pump things up a little to support them and ended up trying a restaurant we had never been to. We were so pleased with Alloro Cucina Italiana! That used to be our favorite location when “Papa Pasta” ran it, and the new owners are doing a wonderful job. The food was incredible, the prices reasonable, and the service had that personal touch that we look for. We found a new “favorite”!

  42. Andrea Dimock
    Andrea Dimock says:

    This past summer we went to the Nevada County Fair and Nevada City. Last year my family lost our home in Paradise, CA during the Camp Fire. Being Nevada City and the fair amongst the pine trees waa the first time I felt back at home. Nevada City is a gorgeous small town which I miss ahout Paradise so much. Not to mention that was the best fair I’ve been to and my family and I plan on going back next year!

  43. Roseann
    Roseann says:

    Beautiful photos, Erin! I love the idea of ten winners, it definitely makes the prize feel within reach. 🙂

    Anytime we have friends or family come to visit I feel eager and proud to show off these towns. If it’s spring, we’ll definitely hike the wildflower trail at Buttermilk Bend. If it’s summer, I’ll recommend a trip to the Nevada City Farmer’s market followed by a dip at Bridgeport. And ice cream at Treats or Lazy Dog later, for sure. In autumn, we’ll go to the playground at Pioneer Park where we’ll be surrounded by fall color, hike the Independence Trail, or check out Empire Mine. In winter, we’ll grab some goodies from Three Forks or Heartwood, and a stroll up Commercial and down Broad street for some shopping (Two Little Birds and Kitkitdizzi are favorites!). Or if we’re feeling adventurous, we’ll snowshoe Bear Valley. And we always get Bubba’s Bagels and Briar Patch bacon when we have guests. Because you can’t beat the best.

    And if it’s just our little family of three? You can probably find us at toddler group at The Nest, or one of the AWESOME new playgrounds, having pints and fries at the Grass Valley Brewery, or grabbing some fresh made pesto and ravioli from Back Porch Market to cook at home.

    Year round this county is strikingly beautiful, and there is lots to do. But it’s the quality of the people that stands out to me. The hardworking farmers who supply our restaurants with the most beautiful produce. The friendly shopkeepers and restaurant staff. There are so many good food options, so many cute shops, so many beautiful hiking trails, it’s almost overwhelming. Where to start?? We’ve been here four years and have only scratched the surface. And more great spots are popping up all the time. We feel so lucky to call this place home and to have built community in a relatively short period of time. And thank you, Erin, for the opportunity to reflect on it, and for all you do to help keep this community thriving.

    • erin
      erin says:

      What a fabulous love letter to our community! Thank you for all your hard work capturing moms, love and life in general in our sweet community.

  44. Jessamy Ross
    Jessamy Ross says:

    I love this town! I’ve lived here my whole life and I’m happy to raise my son here! I think what I love so hugely about this place, especially with my son being in school, is everyone’s willingness to contribute to fundraising! It’s just awesome! And it’s rewarding and encouraging!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Well this fabulous fun fest isn’t a fundraiser, it’s just a fun raiser 🙂 But, always good to know you’ve got community support.

  45. Ed Hensley
    Ed Hensley says:

    One of my favorite things from this past year was attending Gage McKinney’s class on the history of the Cornish in Nevada County, offered through the OLLI program at Sierra College. It brought to life the history that formed the county as we know it and how much that development depended on immigrants, emphasizing the Cornish, of course. It made our history real, coherent, and above all human.

  46. Trisha
    Trisha says:

    Nevada County is a magical place to call home. When friends visit, no matter where in the world they’re from, they comment on the welcoming idyllic atmosphere, the amazing adventures to be had and the delicious restaurants, breweries and wineries to be found. This summer friends from England came to celebrate their honeymoon and Nevada County outdid itself in making their trip special. A highlight was our afternoon at the Nevada City Winery to taste and enjoy a brilliant conversation that helped give loads of tips for the next leg of their journey down to Yosemite. The hostess went out of her way to listen to what they were hoping for and give advice to make sure their trip was all it could be. That helpful spirit is one of the best things about our gold country community. X

  47. Hindi Greenberg
    Hindi Greenberg says:

    During the first week after I moved to Nevada City from San Francisco, almost 19 years ago, I went to the Sunday night movie at the Nevada Theatre–alone, since I moved to Nevada County without knowing anyone or ever having visited here before. Everyone seemed to know at least a few other people in the theater, so I felt quite lonesome sitting by myself. But after getting active in the community by volunteering with various organizations, I soon found that I had to allocate an extra 15-20 minutes each time I’d go grocery shopping to SPD because everyone is so friendly and, because it’s a small town, there’s always a familiar face. My friends from San Francisco warned that I’d be bored–wow, were they wrong! There is so much good art, music, theater, community events, shopping, restaurants, and nature here that it’s often necessary to choose between varying happenings and interests. This county is beautiful, the people are kind and giving, there is so much mental and physical stimulation and activities, the business owners are overwhelmingly generous with their donations, there are non-profit organizations available to help or bring enjoyment to every resident, and I realized within a short time after moving here that it was the best decision I had made in many years. I can’t imagine living anywhere else! And Erin, your blog is the icing on the cake, since it highlights all the things we all love about this special place, so thank you for all you do.

  48. Hindi Greenberg
    Hindi Greenberg says:

    I have previously “liked” your Facebook page and am already signed up for your email feed, so I just now shared your giveaway post on my Facebook page.

  49. Christine Acosta
    Christine Acosta says:

    First of all what an awesome giveaway this is, so many wonderful shops from town that contributed, all of the prizes are a dream. Well let’s begin back in 2014 when I first moved to this beautiful area and began working in Grass Valley. I met my (now husband) at work and right away knew that I’d made the best decision of my life moving here from Fresno, CA. He was a local performer over at Off Broad Street Theater and I absolutely loved going to see his shows and being in the magic of a summer night in Nevada City. We’d go for drinks at Friar Tucks afterwards then walk around the corner for crepes late at night. Waking up the next morning of course we had to go to Bubba’s Bagels and make an extra stop at Caroline’s coffee (who also supplies Bubba’s Bagels). We grew in love here in Nevada County and have endless memories, so it’s hard to ever see ourselves leaving. Ice cream every Saturday at Lazy Dog, building beautiful relationships with other mommies at the Nest, being a kid again at Cornish Christmas and Victorian Christmas the list of things to do is endless. We love our little community and will continue to support our small businesses and share the greatness that is Nevada City and Grass Valley!

  50. Michella
    Michella says:

    Thank you for your hard work on this blog. What’s not to love about Nevada City? It is quaint beautiful, surrounded by nature and full of wonderful businesses and people!

  51. Kelly
    Kelly says:

    just posted all the love on facebook. What a wonderful give away, how fun. Living and visiting in Nevada City is so very special. Living close to town and being able to walk is so enjoyable. My dog and I love walking and running into our friends, there are always greets, smiles and wags. Shopping is fun with many shops. Eating is very delicious with all the dining places. Halloween is so spooky fun for the whole family. Victorian Christmas definitely gets you in the mood for the Holiday.
    Thank you Erin for all your blogs, I don’t delete any of them. What a special gift you have to bring happy readings to everyone.

  52. Leah Williams
    Leah Williams says:

    One of the things I love most about our community is our real feeling of being, just that, a community. When someone needs help, we all get together to help them. When our businesses lose from psps, we all step up and support them. Our Community pride is strong here and it keeps us together and striving to be our best! Thank you for all you do to contribute! This giveaway is a favorite of every one, every single year!!!!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Community pride is so important and I love that everyone who has commented has taken a moment to reflect upon it. Happy holidays– and yes, the giveaway is a favorite of mine too.

  53. Aya Brackett
    Aya Brackett says:

    I grew up outside of Nevada City and as a high school student at NU, I crossed the Edwards Crossing bridge early every morning on the way into town. The low hanging river canyon fog, the rushing Yuba and the green canyon foliage with maples, oaks and pines will be a memory of living in Nevada County that I will never forget. I now live with my husband and two small kids in Oakland, but I am lucky I met my husband at NU and we have the chance to visit our families together for each holiday. We were married in North Bloomfield (Wendy Van Wagner made our feast!) in the small ghost town and our friends came from all over (NY, Sweden, LA etc) and they were completely charmed by the area. Many have since come to visit again.
    The beauty of Nevada City’s old architecture, the hiking trails and the creative community are always enticing. We always wonder when we might move back….

  54. Sandra G
    Sandra G says:

    Gosh, where do I begin? The first time I really spent time in Nevada City was when I was studying for my yoga certification and the program director took us to Ananda Villiage – yoga retreat center. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but nestled in (what I considered to be) a remote area, was a small community of people, people who had made Ananda their home. I was hesitant at first to explore the center, I didn’t know communities like this existed. But as soon as we got out of our vehicles, I instantly felt this peaceful energy, it was quiet, a very peaceful quiet. No one moved fast at Ananda, everyone moved with intention and selfless service was everywhere in everything they did. I didn’t really understand what selfless service was, better yet how easy it was to practice. It didn’t require you to volunteer your time or donate money. It was easier than that and it was simple. It was as simple as wiping down the water from the bathroom sink, so the next person could enjoy a clean area. Seems simple right? And so small of an act and in that discovery I now practice simple acts of selfless service everyday. That’s what I learned at Ananda. That’s what I took away. You can serve others daily, by simply being mindful of the small details. Our class meditated and enjoyed the grounds, which were so serene. It was a beautiful day, one I’ll never forget.

    My second recent experience in Nevada City was the Inn Town Campground. I was looking for a place to glamp with my family. As an avid backpacker and hiker, once I had kids the freedom to roam and explore kinda took a hit, well a BIG hit. But the desire to camp and be outdoors hasn’t gone away and I want for my family to experience what it means to be outdoors. I stumbled upon Inn Town Campground through a Google search and started to following the campground on Instagram and booked a stay. I was so impressed and in awe at what the two owners created. How creative of an idea! Glamping – canvas tents with HEATED blankets?! A swimming pool and what I loved the most a COMMUNITY KITCHEN! You could prepare your family a nice meal and still camp! My favorite was/is the propane fire rings! The ones available for personal use and the ones guest could use. Oh and the outdoor sink, by the picnic tables! Yeah, I wanted to wipe that stainless steel counter down! Also remember the small details and acts of selfless service? Well, when I went to take my daughter to the bathroom to wash her small hands, there was a STEP STOOL! I couldn’t believe it! Someone took the time to think of people and their families. It was such a small detail, but for anyone with little ones, it mattered GREATLY.

    I can go on about both places. Nevada City is pretty magical. We have even looked into moving to the area and maybe when the time is right and it’s our destiny we will find ourselves there.

  55. Sarah Hendrickson
    Sarah Hendrickson says:

    I moved here in 1993, fresh out of college, to be with my sweetie. I struggled at first, as it was very much a locals only vibe and I had a hard time finding my people. Over time, and a million walks and events and community gatherings it started to feel more inclusive. What I love about your blog is that it encourages that! I love both towns, both pretty unique for being only a few miles apart! Thanks for sharing events and gatherings and places…thanks for encouraging community!

  56. Megan Perez-Carpenter
    Megan Perez-Carpenter says:

    We celebrated 2 years in Grass Valley yesterday and there has never been a place where I have felt more at home. I love indulging in the magic of the seasons, each one feeling like my favorite when it comes around. Summer stole my heart this year as I dove deep into the Yuba river with solo morning swims. As a new mom, alone time is far and few between. My morning hike and swim at the Yuba was healing balm for my soul. Often times I had the river to myself, and every time I was completely in awe of it’s beauty and power. Playing on the rocks, laying on its banks, and diving into its cool and refreshing waters brought me back to life after a hazy post-partum time.
    I was sad to see summer go, but Fall is full to the brim with new family traditions – Pumpkins and Apple Picking at Bierwagen’s, the Fall Shindig at the North Columbia Schoolhouse, and a gorgeous Thanksgiving feast with a Turkey from Pharis farms and local produce from Nevada City Farmer’s Market.
    Looking forward to many more year round traditions in our little slice of heaven.

  57. Beth
    Beth says:

    What I love about Nevada City/Grass Valley is that my kids can walk from home to school to downtown – and so can I! I love the bike trails and am thankful for groups like BONC for taking care of them and adding more. I love that there are great places to eat in many parts of town from Pete’s Pizza to Three Forks to Leftys… I appreciate the seasons and the desire for most people to go out and enjoy them.

  58. Jess D
    Jess D says:

    This December marks our one-year anniversary of moving to Grass Valley! We have loved settling into our home here and getting to start building our place in the community. I never tire of waking up to a view of pine and oak trees and the unique sounds of each season.

    We’re slowly but surely trying to convince our friends and family to move up here as well. 😉 It isn’t a hard sell when you can share our beautiful rivers and trails; our charming downtowns with awesome shops, restaurants and breweries; the richness of our arts and cultural community; the bounty and commitment to sustainability of our local farms and ranches; and learning from our complex local history that isn’t without its challenges but includes the importance and endurance of the indigenous Nisenan people.

    I’m so proud to be a Nevada County resident, and I’m looking forward to continuing to find ways to explore and contribute to the community!

  59. Noah L.
    Noah L. says:

    There is so much to love about living in Nevada City that it’s hard to fit into a short blogpost comment. But I will try!

    Having moved here three years ago, after growing up in the busy Sacramento suburbs, the first thing I came to appreciate is the more friendly, and relaxed pace of living. While driving, I notice [most] people are much more willing to yield to fellow drivers and pedestrians. Perhaps because living in such a small town you realize you’ll eventually encounter that person face to face.

    The weather here is about as perfect as I could ask for (climate change notwithstanding). It doesn’t get as hot as the Valley, and we get snow! And typically it’s the perfect amount of snow: enough to make it feel fun and seasonal a few times per year, but not so much that you have to own serious snow removal equipment. Autumn colors, and the Spring bloom are also spectacular!

    We have the most incredible trails! Whether on foot, mountain bike, or horseback, our vast network of trails are the perfect way for us to interface with the epic landscapes of Nevada City, and surrounding areas.

    The. Yuba. River. Words simply cannot do justice here. It’s one of the most magical waterways I have ever been to. Scott’s Flat Lake is also stunning! You can enjoy these rivers and lakes no matter your societal class or how much money you’ve got. For example, I love how Scott’s doesn’t have a bunch of snooty people vying for who has the fanciest wakeboard boat. Instead Scott’s has a welcoming blue collar vibe; folks will happily take out their early ‘80s ski or old aluminum fishing boat, without a care in the world! It’s all about being around friends, family, and even chill strangers, in a beautiful natural setting!

    Finally, I just love how old school we are. I’m not referring to the historical Gold Rush era built environment (although that is another priceless asset of the area). I’m referring to old school subtle nuances that may often be overlooked. Simple things like the local burger joints being staffed mostly by high school kids. How you can still get fishing tackle, camping provisions and basic hardware items at the grocery store (SPD!). Oh, and the grocery store also still has a water fountain :). The produce sharing baskets at Outside Inn. The fact that we still have a legit video rental store. And you can even still pay your parking meter with nickels and dimes!

    Nevada City is a truly magical place of friendly vibes, simple living, and breathtaking landscapes!

  60. Matt margulies
    Matt margulies says:

    Erin- Once again you have done it!
    There is so much to love about our community. I had the great pleasure of being heavily involved in the Nevada City community and the joy that I take from helping others has been one of the greatest feelings. From free Thanksgiving dinners, to gratuity bowls, and just being able to help our local people. These reasons are one of many as to why this is such an amazing place to live . My role has changed but my love for the people in our community has not. I look forward to helping and serving where I can. Thank you Erin for you’re continued and amazing support of our little town.

  61. Kathie M.
    Kathie M. says:

    We have called Nevada County our home for 8 years now and absolutely love it. For me, I feel at home here more than any other place I’ve ever lived (we’ve moved around a lot over the years). Driving toward GV on highway 49 and seeing those big beautiful trees alongside the highway makes me feel as if I can breathe again….those trees and these mountains welcome me home every time I’ve been away and there is always a sense of relief coming back home. As John Muir said so perfectly “The mountains are calling and I must go.”

  62. Ali
    Ali says:

    Grass Valley has been my home for 20 years so I have made many wonderful memories in these foothills! One of my favorite, and most recent, was when old friends came to town for the weekend of Thanksgiving… We ooh’ed and ahh’d at the red and orange leaves during our walk on Tribute Trail, watched as our pizzas were tossed into the air at Three Forks, took delight in the many unique flavors at Treats across the street, and enjoyed one (or two ) delicious scoops of pumpkin and mushroom cap ice cream. To top it all off, Haven underground was open for a night of karaoke and dancing so we got our groove on and made a couple new friends along the way! My friends said it was one of the most fun trips they had taken in years and are hoping to come back again in a couple months.

    A special thank you to Erin for the outside inn blog and Instagram account! Without these activity archives I would not know what fun events were happening around town every week. Without the scenic shots on Instagram, my friends would not be as enticed to come pay a visit either. After sending them pictures of the fall leaves and trees of Nevada City they couldn’t stay away. Thank you!

    I am also subscribed to your weekly newsletter

    • erin
      erin says:

      I love this… I never truly realize how people see and do because of my social media, so it’s always nice to get some fun feedback.

  63. Kelly F
    Kelly F says:

    Over the last year I’ve been on the search for unique experiences with my kiddos and to explore all that our area has to offer. I booked a night at the Inn Town Campground and have memories with my two little kids to last a lifetime. I loved exploring the town of Nevada City again and keep having the urge to visit and support all the locals businesses in town. It’s such a unique place to visit.

  64. Chantal
    Chantal says:

    Honestly what is there not to love about Nevada County, it’s only one of the most amazing places in California and I am so proud to call it home.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Well, we can be honest, obviously there are things not to love– but since this is a love letter to Nevada City, we can leave them unsaid. So glad we all get to call it home, happy holidays.

  65. Stephanie Ruiz
    Stephanie Ruiz says:

    My fiancé and I love Nevada City! This will be our third year celebrating our anniversary in Nevada City. We appreciate the small town charm and hospitality, and the delicious food. We’ve stayed at several AirBNB’s with wonderful hosts. We decided to take a last minute trip to Nevada City last Memorial Day weekend but unfortunately we couldn’t find a place to stay. We booked a BNB in Grass Valley instead- the Swan Levine. We enjoyed meeting Howard and Posey and learning about the legacy of Howard’s late wife. A few weeks ago, we ran into Howard and Posey at the downtown Sacramento farmer’s market. We weren’t sure if they would remember us, but sure enough, they gave us a big hug and said they were so excited to see us! We look forward to staying with them again on one of our upcoming trips to Grass Valley and Nevada City.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Always good to make connections with folks in Nevada County– and you have options of places to stay (we can think of a few we recommend).

  66. Robin
    Robin says:

    I love so much about Nevada County! However, this year I had such an amazing Life coming “full circle” moment, and I’m so excited to share it.

    My oldest daughter began Kindergarten at Bell Hill Academy this year. It just so happens that she is in the exact same classroom that I was in when I was a Kindergarten student 30 years ago. It’s also the same classroom where I worked as a Kindergarten teacher for several years, including when I was pregnant with my daughter! I can envision where I was sitting in that room when I learned about the Five Senses. Much of the art that still hangs on the wall was hung by my husband when I was 8 months pregnant, and just last week I volunteered as a parent in that room and helped my daughter and her friends make turkeys while we watched the snow fall outside the window. That one room at Bell Hill holds so many memories for me, and it fills my heart to know that she is continuing that tradition. I’m sure many other families in our area have similar “full circle” moments, and that is what makes our community so special.

  67. Amber Aldrich
    Amber Aldrich says:

    One day while standing in line at 3 Forks I was eyeing the plate of salted chocolate chip cookies. The two men in front of me were apparently eyeing it also but discussing trying to “be good” when they noticed a broken one on top. They asked the man behind the counter how much for the broken cookie and without missing a beat the staffer shoved the broken cookie in his mouth! We were shocked by this and then he grabbed a whole cookie and presented it to them. They proceeded to break it into thirds and share with each other and me. And another man in line bought another one and again split it amongst us. It was such a silly experience, but we all left happy to have a little bit of a treat and a feeling of connection/community with one another. I can’t imagine another community where these sweet little moments and connections would happen!
    I’m also blessed to call Outside Inn a neighbor and am grateful for all of the ways you contribute to the sense of community here!

  68. Ann
    Ann says:

    Hi Erin: I’ve been following you on your blog for years. One of the things I love about Nevada City is going grocery shopping at SPD. From buying groceries, to nuts and bolts on a Sunday after the hardware stores have closed has been great and saved many a project with the right hardware. My kids would hate to go with me when they were younger because we always would run into someone we knew. That meant a conversation in the aisle that could be for quite awhile why we got caught up. When the kids figured out there were comic books in the back, they would go there and sit on the floor and read. Sometimes there would be row of kids reading there. The fun part was that when the groceries were paid for and I was waiting for them, I’d have the checker page them that I was waiting. I sure miss those days. Did you know the aisles have numbers? I know that place so well without them.

  69. Erin Bassie
    Erin Bassie says:

    I have lived here for 9 years but the last has been the best as I met and have been in love with a wonderful man. We moved in together quickly and nesting here together has been heavenly. We both had family visit us this fall, and everyone was delighted by the fall colors from the top of Sugarloaf Mountain, the incredible produce, meat, and flowers at the Farmers Market, the wonderful restaurants, hiking, and shopping our towns have to offer. We have a fairytale back yard, and when the power went out the second time we bought up the local perishables and hosted a “blackout bbq” and offered use of our backup generator’s power to those in need. We ended up hosting 3 such events. Our parents say we are living the dream. We tend to agree. Being in love with each other and this place is a blessing beyond belief. Thank you for appreciating it as much as we do!

  70. Emily Gravenstein
    Emily Gravenstein says:

    Thank you for all that you do for this small town. I know I appreciate your hard work to promote our small businesses, and attractions. This blog is such a great resource to send to those who are visiting and also for us who live here and need to shake up our routine and try something new.

    Your baskets all sound amazing but the ones that stood out to me was basket 7. I love KitKitDizzi and Hex. Plus, the climbing gym sounds like so much fun!

    Have a great holiday season!

  71. Heather
    Heather says:

    Grass valley has been home to my daughter and I for going on 4 years and we love it! I have to say that the Yuba river is our favorite part of this area! Also, seeing familiar faces everywhere we go warms our hearts and makes us feel at home! I would love to donate a massage or two for next years giveaway basket, let me know how I can do that. Happy holidays to everyone!

  72. Sharon Rick
    Sharon Rick says:

    In my experience, whatever your world looks like when you’re a child is what you think is “normal.” I thoight my childhood in Nevada City was normal. The safety, the community, the magic. I figured everyone had a childhood like mine. It wasn’t until moving VERY far away that I realized how abnormal my experience was. Nevada City will always be “home” in my heart even though I live on the other side of the country now. I will forever be grateful for the enchanted childhood it gave me, the memories I will always carry, and the beauty it continues to bring to this world.

  73. Susannah Schoff
    Susannah Schoff says:

    I was back in Grass Valley/Nevada City just this past Thanksgiving for the first time in a few years, and I realized how much I missed my hometown! The snowstorm reminded me of childhood and sledding in the woods out past the 5 Mile House, and walking along the river at Southfork reminded me of how magical the Yuba is. It was my mom’s favorite place in the whole world, and I like to imagine her spirit there. My family and I made a pact to return every year, even though none of us lives in the area any longer. Thanks for encouraging me to post here and for adding a little extra incentive with your giveaway, Erin 🙂

  74. Alice
    Alice says:

    When I moved to Grass Valley almost 20 years ago, then Nevada City a few years later, I felt a little lost and without community. Well, along the way so many wonderful people have welcomed me into their circle. I used to tease that, “I wasn’t hip enough to live in Nevada City.” It didn’t take being hip. It just took opening up to the wonderful people who live around me. Erin, in getting to know you, I’ve been exposed to many of the business owners in the area. It warms my heart to see your/their generosity, not only with your wonderful community gift give aways, but with so many of the other philanthropic events which are sponsored by the business community.

  75. Pat Osborn
    Pat Osborn says:

    I love hiking in Nevada County. There is so much to choose from, whether in the mood for river, lakes (so many!), meadows, views, easy or hard, there is a trek that is perfect. I like that there is so much history to pick up along the way. Whether out on the trail or stopping in town for a bite to eat or a little shopping, everyone is friendly. Makes for a great day!

  76. krystle
    krystle says:

    Nevada County holds a special place in the hearts of all that visit here, but a piece of your heart becomes Nevada County when you reside here. We’ve lived here six years (can you believe it! You were one of the first people I met after moving here, thank you for your time that day) we have have loved every minute since we became a part of Nevada City. We actually stayed at the Outside Inn and The National when we were house hunting and giving the town “a test run”. And of course we feel in love, not only with the hospitality but the likeminded community, the communal love that you feel when you become a part of it. It’s truly magical (and sometimes unexplainable to city folk). Thanks for all you do to keep the community threaded together Erin.

    • erin
      erin says:

      And I love that now you turn up with cute little people trick or treating at my door! The world comes full circle, honored to be a part of your welcome story.

  77. Sunny Ostrom
    Sunny Ostrom says:

    I love Grass Valley because it feels like a neighborhood. I was born in Nevada County, but I have lived several different places. Nowhere else I’ve lived has felt like a neighborhood and a community. The people here love to support one another, keep the independent flavor alive. We have so many businesses here who have been around for decades, and both GV and NC have thriving downtown shopping districts. It’s full and alive and welcoming, not just for the locals, but for those who visit.

    A few years ago, one of the owners of Swiss House passed away. A memorial was held and the turnout was standing room only! So many people wanted to come and share their love for the people and the place. Everybody had the best stories to share, so it was not only a memorial, but a celebration of her life and the life of the restaurant. That’s why I love this place.

    I have liked and shared on facebook!

  78. Diane gould
    Diane gould says:

    Love Nevada City! Unique Victorian gold rush architecture sets the mood for this vibrant town. Downtown offers unique shopping with local art, trendy clothing, and etc. the music scene provides variety of choices crazy horse, Stone House, Miners foundery, Nevada Theatre and etc. Great restaurants many with farm to table menus. Then you add in all the amazing people who live here. Never disappoints

  79. Victoria
    Victoria says:

    I Love Our Nevada county and Nevada city community. So much diversity and love. I love having the opportunity to win a basket. What a treasure we have to enjoy!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  80. petert
    petert says:

    Really like the approach this year. I’d be thrilled to even split one of them. We live in such a generous community.

  81. Julie Goldman
    Julie Goldman says:

    When I moved to Nevada City 5 years ago, I thought that my favorite part of living here would be being surrounded by trees, having more space, the river and the cute downtown. Turns out I was wrong. All of those things are great, but my absolute favorite part about living here is the people. I love the people I have met, whether they are aquaintances I only see occasionally or people who I’ve become closer with. So many of my new friends now feel like family and I can’t imagine life without them!
    (And, I love the drone pic of you on the bridge holding the gift basket:)

  82. Lisa Cunningham
    Lisa Cunningham says:

    Oh Erin! How can I possibly highlight just one local business or event, when the welcoming vibe is omnipresent? I will start by tipping my hat to my longtime downtown favorite Off Broadstreet Theater for their cozy seating and up-close-and-personal performances. Eat your effing cornflakes, indeed! But to really encompass the lifestyle of NC/GV…kudos to KVMR FM. Truly the voice of the community with music from all over the planet. And speaking of music… I had the pleasure of volunteering at Celtic Festival this year…what a dedicated team. And how can we get through fire season and snowstorms without essential updates from Pascale at Yubanet? Volunteerism, activism and independent news sources keep this community vibrant, informed and progressive. I miss living in the Yuba River area but your blog and KVMR and Yubanet keep me in the loop. Thanks!

  83. Miles
    Miles says:

    I love that my family lives in Nevada City and that I get to visit a couple times every year. I also think this thing is rigged and Erin won’t let family win, but I keep trying anyway 🙂

  84. Diane Richards
    Diane Richards says:

    I love how welcoming folks are and the incredible community spirit everyone has in Nevada County.

    Your beautiful slice of California always gives me peace and I always leave feeling happy and my heart filled with joy, anytime of year, whether it is an incredible day hike along the South Yuba River or one of the fantastic events or festivals.

    The love and support anywhere you go, shows!

  85. Diane Richards
    Diane Richards says:

    For the extra bonus entry, I shared this fantastic Holiday Giveaway on Facebook!

    Good Luck and Merry Christmas Everyone!

    And a huge Thank You to all the incredible businesses and organizations who made donations in order to make this Holiday Giveaway possible, making 10 lucky winners’ Christmas 2019 a little more Merry and Bright!

  86. Marea
    Marea says:

    I love the fact that I can walk out my front door every morning and still be in awe of the beauty that surrounds me.

  87. Gianna
    Gianna says:

    What isn’t there to love about Nevada city and Grass Valley. My husband and I are both born and raised here, we moved away for school and jobs for a few years, but no where else we lived truly felt like home. We made the jump to turn down a very lucrative job to grow our family here, in our true home. The favorites list can go on and on, the yuba is unlike any other in the world, the kind smiles from locals as you walk downtown streets, on any given day or my personal favorites Hot Summer Nights, Victorian and Cornish Christmas. Our delicious restaurants throughout all cities and the wide array of weekend festivals! The Nevada county fair is something I haven’t missed, every year it’s like greeting an old friend. My husband and I both have found dream careers serving our beautiful county members and try giving back to the incredible non profits such as The friendship club and NEO. Our lives wouldn’t be the same anywhere else in the world. We love our little mountain town! ❤️

  88. Marlene
    Marlene says:

    I have some fond memories of Nevada City when I was young. My brothers and sisters and I would go to town and our favorite place was Osborn Woods. We would go into the store and always check out the little slide shows that they had and the little trinkets we would buy. Then we would visit the ice cream shop. Now that I’m older, when we have friends from out of town visiting, the first place we show off is our Nevada City hang outs. Then it’s off to Nevada City Winery and dinner. We also love to show off all the Fall colors. The memories always warm my heart.

  89. Marlene
    Marlene says:

    Just wanted to let you all know I share the love! Now all my friends and family will get a chance to enter this wonderful gift opportunity and learn about the outside Inn. I shared the outside Inn on Facebook.

  90. Joslyn Inderbitzen
    Joslyn Inderbitzen says:

    I’ve only been skinny dipping twice in my life… both times in Nevada County. I think that sums it up.

  91. Tani
    Tani says:

    My family moved to Nevada City back in 1976. I have so many happy memories from here, it is hard to pick just one. One that continues to bring me joy each summer is the memory of the first time I shared the Fair with my then boyfriend, now husband. I love the Fair and have only missed two since 1976. The first time I brought my husband to the Fair, we parked at my friend’s house with the intention of walking to the fair. We were young and broke and wanted to save the few bucks it cost to park. 🙂 As we were walking, a truck pulls up and the driver asks if we are going to the Fair. When we replied yes…the driver told us to jump in the back and they would give us a ride. (Yes…I am THAT old…back when it was legal to ride in the back of a truck.) My husband was alarmed. WHY would someone that doesn’t know us offer us a ride. He was from the Bay Area and that sort of thing just wasn’t done where he lived. I told him it was ok, afterall…people are friendly here. We made it safely to the Fair and proceed to enjoy our night. At the end of the night, my husband renamed our town..Happy Town, USA. He said he had never experienced so many friendly people in one place. Now I know times are changing, but I still think that most people in Nevada County are kind and friendly. And THAT is why I love it and would love to win one of the baskets!

  92. Erica Jo Rewey
    Erica Jo Rewey says:


    You know that my fam and I love visiting you and your fam in Nevada City! Some of my best memories involve hanging out at your mom’s house, at the pool, with the kids – remember the bouncy slide? – and at your place having fires in the front yard. Remember when Matt and I split and stacked all that wood from the cutting for the campground? Those were good times!!

    One of my favorite memories is only funny in retrospect, when two of our kiddos decided to take themselves for a walk to the ice cream shop without telling us! But that’s one of the greatest things about Nevada City – it’s small, friendly, and super accessible! And it has great ice cream!

    Whenever we get to visit, it’s always special to be able to spend time with you and Dan hiking in the forests of Northern California, and taking trips to the Yuba to swim and take pictures. I love that no matter how busy you are (and I know you’re extremely busy) you always take time to spend with friends.

    Nevada City is lucky to have you, and I’m lucky to call you a friend! Lots of love to you, Dan, and the boys! I hope we can come see you soon!


    • erin
      erin says:

      You go down in friend history for that wood stacking incident– I mean who does that kind of thing? (Well I guess one could pay someone, but that’s not what we’re talking about). I guess we’re all about giving our kids independence around here, even if they’re sneaking off to the ice cream shop without telling us.

  93. Bekah
    Bekah says:

    There is everything to love about Nevada county, but the last few months our favorite weekly activity (with a baby) has been a jaunt down the tribute trail and then a hot drink and treat in one of our many incredible cafes downtown afterwards!

  94. Kathryn
    Kathryn says:

    My favorite town…my favorite place – I’m sure it shows upon my face. The smile I wear does not compare to the smile that would come if I won…..❤️ NC forever

  95. Leeann
    Leeann says:

    There are so many things that I love about Nevada City and Grass Valley. Probably one of my top 5 favorite things to do is go hiking. There are so many fun and beautiful places to hike with a wide verity of inclines and lengths.

  96. Stephanie Liel
    Stephanie Liel says:

    My wife and I got engaged at the Yuba River. We were staying at the Outside Inn at the time as well. Nevada City will always be special to us for that reason! We love coming up for the day to wall around, go in the shops, go to the river and attend Victorian Christmas. It’s a very magical place all year round!

    • erin
      erin says:

      I love hearing these sort of stories, b/c I know many people have special connections to the Outside Inn, but I hardly know all of them, so the beginning of a chapter in a marriage is an awesome connection. Happy holidays.

  97. Ingrid Knox
    Ingrid Knox says:

    There are so many things about our area that I love, but most of all I think the people make this place amazing. I moved here knowing only one acquaintance but I feel that I have better friends here than any other place I have lived. I have met people who went out of their way to introduce me to others; invite me to their homes and make sure I was connected to the community. I have been impressed with all of the people who are willing to give to others, ensure their neighborhoods are safe and beautiful and care about the community. I guess that’s why there seem to be more non-profits here per capita than elsewhere. I also love that we are a small community and that when the power was out at least one restaurant told us to come back later to pay our bill – “You’re Local” means a lot. Our corner of the world is breath-taking but it wouldn’t be half of what it is without the amazing folks who live here. Thanks for another amazing give away and thanks as well for keeping us up-to-date!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you for your year round morale support on all things blog, I appreciate your willingness to help, comment, support… it really does take a village 🙂

  98. Ari
    Ari says:

    I subscribed to your email list! I don’t have Facebook but I will share the post on my Instagram! Love there giveaways you do every year! What a fantastic way to bring the community together!

  99. Steph LoCoco
    Steph LoCoco says:

    Shared the love ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️
    We recently got A travel trailer & camped at the Inn Town Campground for the first time this past September with our young family and had the best time. Would love to come back and explore more of the area…

  100. Anjali
    Anjali says:

    I don’t have a specific example for this post but I have to say that Nevada city has truly given me the most meaningful experiences of community I could have ever hoped for. Not having a super close or easy relationship with my immediate family, I have been so lucky to be welcomed into so many amazing Nevada City families over the years of growing up here. Working locally, making and participating in art and being a part of the local community has given me everything I could have ever wanted and more and I don’t think I will ever find this feeling anywhere else. I feel so grateful to have been raised in such an amazing place.

  101. Bray
    Bray says:

    What brought me to Nevada City was the river, the trails, the festivals, and the music scene. That was plenty.

    But what has made it my first-ever forever home is the community spirit. This year I dove in deep to finding my tribe. I trekked historic vistas with Hiking for Good and Folk Trails. I witnessed NC Habitat for Humanity complete a 16-house neighborhood– and without taking a beat start the next one. I enjoyed the warmth of indoors while my own neighbor cleared my driveway at 5AM– ‘stay inside, I’ve got this’. I experienced a full-on Cinderella moment when Tiger Alley found & then hand-tailored a vintage dress the night before an unexpected work trip. I’ve received the patient guidance of a sommelier when selecting cheese from Wheyward Girl. I’ve sat and watched coffees served with a side of welcomed hugs at the Foxhound, set to the tunes of a Yuba Rio jam session. And I saw a community come together with the power outages: first in shared pain, then in resilience.

    I’ve found connection here and I’m so proud to belong.

    • erin
      erin says:

      I’m so glad you’ve joined us on the Folk Trails and photo walks— and next year we’ll do up the Halloween fun even more (it’s a Saturday, better start planning now). Resilience is such a great word for our community.

  102. Andrea M
    Andrea M says:

    We moved to Grass Valley to be near our kids and grandkids from Florida 4 years ago – not a short trip! We stayed with our daughter in San Francisco while trying to find a home to rent in the Santa Rosa area. We spent three months looking and didn’t find anything we liked. It was exhausting trafvelling up and down hwy 101 and dealing with city traffic and city drivers! We decided to take a day trip to give ourselves a break and found our way up to Grass Valley and Nevada City. We immediately fell in love with the towns and the terrain. But more than that, every single person we spoke to – people in parking lots, store clerks, passers by on the main streets – literally everyone was friendly, smiling, happy, and helpful. We have never experienced that before and we have been all over the United States. We felt love everywhere! We knew we wanted to live here and came back the nest weekend and rented a lovely house on 2 1/2 acres with an amazing view. It was November 15th and our family all came up for Thanksgiving. It snowed, the grandkids built a fort under the trees, we were visited by a family of foxes, several deer, and we had one of the best holidays of our lives. It’s everyone’s favorite place to visit and they all come now for every holiday, renting Air-bnb’s and enjoying the shops and restaurants. We plan on being here for a long time thanks to the beauty of the Sierras and the warmth of the community.

  103. Jeanne Doty
    Jeanne Doty says:

    Nevada City is an amazing place – I never tire of exploring the shops in town. I always feel welcomed. If you are so inclined, there is something to do all year long. The creativity of so many people – art, music, fiber. I have met more solid people here than any other place that I have lived in. Outside Inn is a solid rock in the town. We lived there on weekends for a year while building our house. Thank you for sharing everything that goes on and your beautiful pictures.

  104. Lacey Oliver
    Lacey Oliver says:

    Wow, such an incredible giveaway! People like you are what make a small town like ours thrive. So thank you.
    My husband is a beekeeper I myself am self employed so we know how important it is for a community to support one another, without it small businesses wouldn’t survive. We so enjoy the farmers appreciation dinner Three Forks puts on yearly, so wonderful of them to show the venders apperaction. It is things like that which make this town so incredible.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you, I’m really just one piece of the community, but my enthusiasm for all things small town life are genuine. But I do agree that supporting each other is key– word of mouth has a lot of power in a small town. So please thank some of these merchants/organizations next time for playing along… Happy holidays.

  105. Sarah
    Sarah says:

    We are a military family and have made our home around the world. We hadn’t ever lived in California before getting stationed here. In fact my husband hadn’t ever been to California other than the airport. We are so happy to be here! This community is very unique and there is som much to see, do and eat! We have quickly adopted the NorCal is best Cal motto. Our favorite things to do include wine tasting (shout out to Linda at Luchesi and Pilot Peak), try new restaurants, and hiking anywhere along the Yuba River. Home is where the military sends us, but for now we are happy to be here and take advantage of all there is. Thanks for being our home!

  106. April Holland
    April Holland says:

    We’ve lived here a bit more than 5 years (and my husband was raised here), so we have lots of love for many local businesses, landmarks, and events. However, I’d like to highlight two local businesses that are near and dear to me.
    I am eternally grateful to the amazing women of Sweet Arrivals Midwifery for facilitating two of the most transformative, magical, and WILD events of my existence. Kathy and Cindy are the perfect duo of baby-bringing: ever calm, deeply wise, and oh so connected to mama and child. Two years + after the birth of my second babe, I still carry deep tenderness for these women, and I always will. And the second? Our area has an amazing parenting resource for everything from classes to breastfeeding to bonding to self-care. Our community is so much richer thanks to The Nest. I would have gone completely bonkers without Katie’s competent and peaceful guidance in those first months. I’m sincerely grateful.
    We do live in such a wonderful place.
    Gosh, while I’m at it I want to give a shout out to Terri the AWESOME children’s librarian at Madeleine Heller as well as the entire dang staff of SPD. Part of living in a community like ours is that we really all do connect in meaningful ways. We live our lives, maybe raise our children in this village, truly caring for those around us. It’s aesthetically beautiful, yes, absolutely yes! But it’s so very much more.

    • erin
      erin says:

      I love this— and I love that I saw you you in SPD with your kids today and almost made some silly off hand comment about giveaways and dogs and small town life (did Kris show you the Halloween video I sent him?). But then I thought you would find me weird, but obviously small town life is all of these connections.

  107. rachel
    rachel says:

    I love that my kids think it’s incredibly normal to go to SPD and always run into half the people you know.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Laughing… mine groan and think it’s normal and they don’t like it– or a walk downtown, “Mom, is there anyone you don’t know?” Which we both know “yes, of course”- but to them their version of normal is that I know half the town.

  108. Georgette Aronow
    Georgette Aronow says:

    What an amazing give away!
    I can’t think of one story, but the things I love about Nevada City/Grass Valley is the small town vibe and sense of community that I have living here. I rarely go into the grocery story and not run into someone I know. It is an warm, caring community!

  109. Ali
    Ali says:

    When I first came here in 2012 I instantly fell in love with Nevada City. A small town, but not a sleepy small town, instead a small town with a LOT going on- musicians, artists, film festivals, an indie movie theater, a grocery store with the funniest layout but the best employees, dedicated environmentalist, activists, parades out the wazoo, funky local stores, delicious food, and of course the breath taking Yuba River. And although the wonderful memories are too many to count, one of my favorites was seeing the community band together during recent power outages. I went for a walk in down town one morning there were folks giving out coffee and snacks. Others were offering to let me charge phone on their generators. Town looked stunning at night with just our gas street lights burning. While the roar of generators was not my favorite, it was very kind of the businesses to stay open to keep everyone fed and give them a place to get out and socialize. There were people offering all sorts of support for each other and it just reminded me of why I love it here, because it is such a supporting community. The community is continuing to offer support to local businesses and all of it members and planning so that we can face these challenges better together. It is magical. Nevada City is magical.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Supporting community is a common thread in these comments, but you’re right, it’s great to see it in action. And I tell people that the blog has given me an opportunity to learn about all the amazing things that happen in our own backyard. Happy holidays.

  110. Daniel P
    Daniel P says:

    I love being able to walk to town to do my shopping, the smell of the air after it rains, the way that the sunset seems to happen in the east and the west at the same time, how the clouds roll in on a winters day. It really is gold here….

  111. Aspen Drake
    Aspen Drake says:

    This time of year always makes me think of visiting Eddie the Elf in his Christmas cottage every year in Nevada City. Sadly Eddie has since retired, but I have fond memories of going to see the lights and the excitement of being able to talk to one of Santa’s elves! Not only did Eddie give a sweet and funny reception to all the kids visiting, he always remembered what my siblings and I wanted from the years previous. If that’s not small town magic, I don’t know what is!

  112. Aspen Drake
    Aspen Drake says:

    Also I’ve subscribed by email, something I definitely should have done earlier! Thanks for all the local love Erin!

  113. Leia
    Leia says:

    Another amazing year here in Nevada County almost complete. Another year of following all your adventures and enjoying you highlighting our beautiful area. I always recommend your blog to anyone new to the area. Thanks for always reminding me of the great things our town has to offer. And your photography (Kial’s too) is my favorite.

  114. Courtney
    Courtney says:

    Such wonderful gifts from stores in the county, so many in which I love. I am born and raised here and absolutely love the warm vibes everyone shows. There really is no place quite like home ♥️
    Having friends and family out of town come up and stay, commenting on our rivers, our cute little town, the unique boutiques, the fun events, the community, and just how gorgeous this place is confirms I am so lucky to call Nevada County my home. ✨

  115. Judith C
    Judith C says:

    We fell in love with Nevada City when we attended the Tour of Nevada City Bike race in 1975. Over the years we have attended so many events and supported local businesses that it would be difficult to select only one or two as favorites. However, my heart is very fond of Victorian Christmas, especially on Wednesday nights when the moon is shining over Broad Street….it is truly magical! I feel fortunate to call Nevada County as my home.

      • Judith C
        Judith C says:

        I have tried every year to walk downtown to see the Race and my Son yearly takes his children to the Kid’s Bike Parade . This year is the 60th year of the Race and I plan to be there with my small cowbells cheering on the riders.

  116. Katrina Schneider
    Katrina Schneider says:

    As my son approaches high school graduation (he started kindergarten in Nevada City!) I really appreciate this invitation to consider what I love about our home.

    First and foremost, I love the HUGE care and compassion and generosity of this community. This community is full of incredible forward thinking people ready to come up with progressive solutions to big or small challenges. This community in fact provides a template of solutions for other communities as well. And with so many wise and generous people, as well as stunning creatives (arts, healers, musicians), we really are set up to respond to the huge challenges in our future (climate change impacts, fire risks, power outages, local food resources, water supply, …). In fact, it is quite a challenge to find a local business that does NOT care deeply about ALL parts of this community, thinking far beyond their own interests. Just look how local businesses come together during hard times — which I observed first hand as a good dozen local restaurants and others brought food to Lefty’s peeps as they tried to keep floodwaters out, to the ongoing and recent community support during our fall power outages.

    Second is our gorgeous South Yuba and surrounding lands. Whether underwater with a mask or snorkel, lounging on a smooth granite boulder, or hiking near the river, we are all so nourished by Mama Yuba! And the desire to steward the river is so present in the locals — seen at the river as people look out for each other, to participation in the SYRCL River CleanUp, to the incredible work of the Yuba Safety Cohort which proactively addresses river safety and fire risks. And the larger watershed — SO many incredible hiking spots and mountain bike trails (Hoot hoot!). Sunsets — yummm! And the WILD — regular visits of bobcats, fox, bears, coyotes and even mountain lions here on our land only a couple miles from town!

    And of course the FUN! SOOO much to do right in our back yard. Worldfest, Celtic Festival, Hot Summer Nights, Victorian and Cornish Christmas, Halloween, Eddie the Elf (even if just in memory), and of course SYRCL’s Wild and Scenic Film Festival coming up!

    So much more I could name if i could just remember all our riches .. and I will add a few: the incredible gift of KVMR, YubaNet, great range in school options with so many great charters, Camp Augusta, NC Arts Council, Center for the Arts, the South Yuba Club, Sugarbowl, and YOU and your awesome blog!! Thanks for always reminding us how lucky we are to be here!

    (and ps .. i LOVE that you broke up the gift package!!)

  117. Dan Frisella
    Dan Frisella says:

    Gotta say… we’ve got that small town thing going for us, where you feel like you know your neighbor… and the folks in line at the grocery store. BUT, we have enough amenities that we don’t miss out on the finer things in life. And, to mirror many of the comments on this blog, we’ve got the scenery, and the space, to BREATH and spread our wings.


  118. Rose Sponder
    Rose Sponder says:

    I’m having so much fun as a former-resident of Nevada County now getting to enjoy it as a visitor! I have new appreciation for the natural beauty I’m exposed to just driving down the highway. There is always something fun and active to do alone, as a couple, or with our kids. There are always amazing food and drinks to enjoy – and I’m happy to say that in recent years there is always something new to try! (This year, Roost in Grass Valley – awesome!) And I’m not much of a shopper, but the original and authentic shops make the effort so worth my while. Happy to still get to visit often!

    • erin
      erin says:

      I’m not a shopper either… but I do love trying new restaurants– went to the new location of Calla Lily Crepes today, so there’s always something fun to inspire another trip home.

  119. Todd Wahoske
    Todd Wahoske says:

    I moved to Nevada City in October 2006 from Hollywood. I didn’t know too many people in town and always liked the idea of playing music on the radio, so I pursued a KVMR Broadcaster Certification in 2008. Once certified, I began doing Red Eye Radio shows from Midnight to 4 am, here and there, and volunteering for the Music Department.

    In late 2009 I auditioned for his own show titled The Funk Hole: A Mostly Modern Mix of Music and was awarded the time slot every other Tuesday night from 10 pm -Midnight. The Funk Hole aired from January 19, 2010, to March 27, 2012. The Funk Hole was honored with KVMR’s Night-Owl Award in late 2010.

    I’ve also been a guest-host for Night Vision and an infrequent substitute broadcaster for various shows including The Other Side, Bohemian Groove, The Avant Garage, and The Back Room.

    Beginning early 2013, I became a featured guest on Jerianne’s Morning Show, every other Friday from 8:30-9:00 AM. Together, we performed a brief segment titled Todd’s Two, where I played 2 new music tracks including information about new music releases and upcoming music shows in the area.

    In 2014, we expanded the segment to 2 + 2 songs beginning around 8:30 AM. The format changed slightly: Todd played two songs by an artist, then two more songs by a different artist with a new or recent album. The name was changed to Todd’s Two Too.

    I also help Jerianne with all the Membership drives and Ticketpalooza days at KVMR. Together we have hosted radio shows on The Other Side with themes such as Space, Love is Strange, The End of The World, and an annual Christmas show that airs during the KVMR Volunteer Appreciation Party. We also just finished our 2nd Annual KVMR Pet Calendar with Adriana Kelly and Olaf Jens, which is available for an end-of-the-year donation to KVMR.

    Our community radio station is a great way to become part of the community in Nevada City, entertain others (and yourself) while volunteering for a great community radio station that serves people in this region.

  120. Stefanie Sarradet
    Stefanie Sarradet says:

    I love the Yuba river. It is such a sacred place, plus fun boating/tubing adventures. A place for the whole community

  121. kasey wilson
    kasey wilson says:

    My top ten list of wintertime memories from growing up in Grass Valley, CA.
    10.The giant Christmas tree inside Foothill Flowers every year. Covered in ornaments.
    9.Cornish Christmas. Holding a steaming pastie while hoping to run into friends along Main Street. Usually found them around Pizazz.
    8. My parents allowing me and my friends to walk into Grass Valley by ourselves to Christmas shop. We would hit Foothill Mercantile pretty hard. I believe my parents got lots of Hello Kitty pencils.
    7.That year it snowed and snowed and we didn’t have school for what I remember to be 3 weeks (may have been 1). As an adult, I realize this was probably less fun for my father who had to shovel our cars out on a daily basis.
    6.Wearing paper antlers and a red paper nose and parading with cans of food all around Hennessy school.
    5.Perfoming in “A Christmas Carol” at Foothill Theatre. We had to wear crowns of leaves on our heads that we could bend into letters and style into mohawks. Probably shouldn’t have done that.
    4.Grey Eagle for skiing! My dad asserted that cross country was the right way to ski. He believed that you had to work your way up, to enjoy the way down. As a result- I really liked when you got to stop and drink hot chocolate.
    3.Dressing up in Victorian garb and performing on the streets of Victorian Christmas. We sang such hits as “Here we come a Wassailing” and “We Three Kings”. Nice people brought us hot apple cider to warm us up…or keep us from singing.
    2.Craft fairs out at the Fairgrounds and Miners Foundry. I always bought an ornament, hot chocolate, and a ceramic cup for my mom. She has 80 of them.
    1. Christmas Lights. The yearly desire to pilgrimage to see the Ameral (I think I’m spelling it right) Christmas lights. I went once. My friends parents took me. It is a running joke in our family to this day, that NEXT year Tim and Susan will follow through on this adventure. I remember there being about 1,000,000 lights and a very kind adult huddled in a tiny house handing out candy. It was awesome and I can’t wait to go this year.

    I love my hometown.

  122. Jerome Keyes
    Jerome Keyes says:

    Nevada City and Grass Valley are the locations my wife grew up as her dad was a real estate agent up there. We like to head up and check out the cities and walk along the streets. Friendly people smile and wave. The pasties are delicious and the Yuba river during the summer is a blast to swim in.
    thank you for continuing your blog

  123. Renee Herrenkohl
    Renee Herrenkohl says:

    I love that this years gifts are being spread out to multiple people. More love to share. One of the things I enjoy about being up here is that I get to participate in different activities for each season. It’s not always the same. I don’t have to go far to sled in the snow. I can jump into the lake or pan for some gold right down the street. The fairgrounds always has me coming to visit them throughout the year. Especially during the hot summer nights for the fair. Most of all, the people in Nevada county amaze me. So many will go out of there way to help a stranger. I’m so fortunate to have my daughter grow up in this beautiful county.

    • erin
      erin says:

      I know the Fair isn’t Disneyland, but glad to know that you’re at home in our fabulous community, inspiring many and using the most awesome reusable coffee cup in the process!

  124. CiCi Stewart
    CiCi Stewart says:

    Nine years and over 1000 blog posts… That’s an incredible commitment and all of us who have had the opportunity to follow you these past nine years are thankful. For me, living in Nevada County has been a great blessing for nearly 20 years. I moved here after my husband died to start a new life and I have done exactly that with the help of this beautiful community who welcomed me with loving arms at a time I really needed it. Thank you community and thank you Outside Inn for all you do for our community.

  125. Adelle Davison
    Adelle Davison says:

    My husband and I live in Sacramento and got passes to the film festival. Jessie was really helpful in helping me get my passes via mail. Jessie also help me in letting me know another method I could use if I didn’t get my passes. The entire week at the film festival the workers were so nice and helpful made us feel like we were part of the community. The events were fun to attend and the theaters were beautiful. We stayed at the Inn Town Campground and enjoyed roaming around the campgrounds, cemetery, and ventured to the trail next to the campground. The staff was so helpful and made us feel comfortable as well as giving us a great space to hangout on our down time. We enjoyed walking to the film festival from the trail that started at the campground. One of the mornings we went over to the railroad museum and ended up talking to one of the lovely volunteers for an hour or more. He was so friendly and had so much information on the trains, the ones that they were fixing up, where they got them from, where they came from, and were getting. He also allowed us to go in the back to see the trains they were working on. He also was able to answer all of our questions. He was able to tell us the past behind the area, we learned about what past the campground, hotel, and museum all had in common. How the hotel, campground, and railroad tracks would take guests to the wedding site. And how the campground, hotel, and railroad museum are coming together now to try and clean up the wedding venue.

    I really enjoyed visiting Nevada City during the film festival. The people were very friendly and nice. They made us feel like we belong and were neighbors instead of visitors.

  126. Celise
    Celise says:

    I absolutely love the Inn Town Campground. I wish that I didn’t live here just so I could stay there. I have taken a Women’s Mountain Bike Day clinic there and enjoyed the campground and the community kitchen. I have also had the pleasure of getting to utilize your halloween decor and campground to make up a pumpkin patch for a field trip for our county special day programs for kids with special needs. I love how festive Nevada City gets during the Holidays. One of my favorite pictures is of the s’mores kit and then a picture of a well made s’more made over the campfire. I shared your blog post on Facebook as well. Thanks for all the information you put in your blog and the care and time you put into doing it. I often check your blog to see what is going on around town.

  127. Jakki Garcia
    Jakki Garcia says:

    I love Nevada County! I moved here from Lemoore, California. My husband and I just happened to be driving through on our way back from Reno. All I had to do was look out my car window and I turned to my husband and said, “I want to live here”. A year later, my dream came true! Since then, I have given birth to two children here, opened my own business, and bought a house. I never want to leave!

  128. Eleni Rodgers
    Eleni Rodgers says:

    My top 10 Nevada City/Grass Valley experiences, businesses, places, organizations as recounted by a recent ish transplant and current member of the community with kids.
    10 OusideInn Blog- For all your event needs! and a great writer and family behind it 🙂
    9 Warren Miller Movie @ Nevada Union – because skiing and snowboarding and supporting your local HS ski team is great and it is winter so this is what is on my mind today.
    8 The Northridge – Kid Friendly food, great salads, great burgers.
    7 City Council – Coffee Shop and Burritos- what could be better.
    6 Proximity to the Tahoe. We love skiing, snowboarding, and snow.
    5 Gold Country Soccer League – I have kids, we like soccer.
    4 Pioneer Park – did I mention I have kids? Pool in the summer, events in the fall and spring, fields to play soccer, baseball, basketball. The snack shack during the spring to feed my family and watch local kids play baseball.
    3 The Yuba River… because the Yuba River.
    2 The community. Nevada County is an amazing place full of great people. No really it is!
    1 My house- where I am surrounded by trees and back up to BLM land

  129. Nicole wright
    Nicole wright says:

    Tysa, Hex, Kitkitdizzy, oh my!!! This is the best giveaway every year and I love living in a community that has so many amazing artist and small business that I love supporting. I can’t even begin to choose a favorite basket!

  130. Kristen
    Kristen says:

    I love this community where ever you go you run in to someone you know. This community is a very giving and loving , they always step up to the plate

    • erin
      erin says:

      I love that I run into people, but I recognized that my children are not always as entertained…. small town charm. And I felt that same way about stepping up to the plate the year our creek at the motel overflowed and KVMR put out a call for help and people just turned up.

  131. Kristi Smith
    Kristi Smith says:

    So much to love about the community- GOOD live music any night of the week, yummy food, great locally owned shops, and fantastic places to stay (Inn Town Campground is a favorite). Plus…the Yuba!!!! Gorgeous!

  132. Pamela Porter
    Pamela Porter says:

    I love Nevada City! From the guided walks around town to the one of a kind stores- it’s such a fun town to explore!

  133. Mary Say
    Mary Say says:

    I love our community for it’s charm…the buildings the trees and the people are charming and kind! There is such beauty here. I enjoy the charming businesses downtown and the kind faces in them!

  134. Elsie Lopin
    Elsie Lopin says:


    I live in Nevada City and own a business in downtown Grass Valley.

    The support of our community literally feeds my family and keeps a roof over our heads. So thankful!

    Seeing places like Caroline’s coffee serving coffee outside for free during the power outages and people helping others move their cars from the street during snow events, Christmas trees filled with tags of kiddos in need of gifts, local grocery stores giving away their frozen foods during recent outages… just a few things that make this the place featured in Hallmark movies.

    Small town feels!

  135. Sue Boyles
    Sue Boyles says:

    My husband and I stayed at the Inn Town Campground in September. We were on a two month trip in our trailer and made sure to stop in Nevada City on our way back to Southern California. We fell in love with Nevada County when we visited the previous fall during our stay at the Broad Street Inn.

    During our visit this year, I found a post online about the Folk Trails Hiking Club leading a walk to town right from the campground. We had a wonderful tour of the town and met some nice folks who came back to our campsite for a drink. We got to talking, mentioned that we were thinking of moving to the area, and they recommended some places for us to look at houses. Long story short, we are in escrow on a house in Lake Wildwood and will be moving up the beginning of March!

    My husband and I have been wanting to get out of Southern California and relocate someplace new in our retirement and also live a little closer to our daughter in San Francisco. We’ve traveled around the West quite a bit, done a lot of searching, and was beginning to think the place I imagined didn’t exist.

    I wanted to stay in California and live in a small town but also live where there are plenty of activities. I wanted to be surrounded by nature, live relatively close to an airport and a major city, and have four seasons but not too extreme. I wanted there to be independent shops and restaurants, a college nearby, lots of music and art including an art house movie theatre, and a place where friends and relatives would want to visit. I was honestly starting to think this place I was longing for did not actually exist. So when we visited Nevada City and Grass Valley I was thrilled to realize that we’d found it!

    I want to thank you, Erin, for all your Instagram and blog posts. You are a great promoter of the area, and I have found your posts so helpful in getting to know Nevada County. Can’t wait to be a part of the community!

    • erin
      erin says:

      I came home that night and told Dan, my husband, “We have campers who are thinking of moving to the area and came on the Folk Trails Hike to see if this is there kind of town.” So I’m so glad to hear that a) we passed all the tests and b) your experience at the campground and the hike was a part of the process to make Nevada County your new home. Happy holidays!!

  136. Trina Hurley
    Trina Hurley says:

    How do you pick…my go-to mental happy place is the memory of night swimming in the Yuba under a full summer moon…just floating in perfection from above, below, and all around me. Though my childhood family has left the area I still bring my own husband and kids back to try to capture some of the Nevada county magic. Maybe I’ll get my kids night swimming in the Yuba when they get older too!

    • Trina hurley
      Trina hurley says:

      To echo Kasey- OMG the Foothill flowers xmas display! The second floor of foothill mercantile with all the toys and the candy counter on the first floor! I remember as a second grader at Hennessy having the option to go off campus, ALONE, to get a pastor at lunch. Both king Richards and mrs Doublebees were adjacent to the campus. And king Richards had now and later candy we would get too, unauthorized of course, and sneak it back to school.

  137. Mo LaFond
    Mo LaFond says:

    Nevada City and the surrounding towns are one of the best areas to live,the people really make the place memorable and here we are known to actually care for one another and work together to continue to make this an enchanting place to visit and to reside. Outside Inn’s, Erin keeps us well informed with regard to things about town and she does take the best photos of the area. Cheers to a great giveaway Erin!

  138. Denise Kelly
    Denise Kelly says:

    Nevada City has drawn me in with it’s beauty, charm and a myriad of other reasons. I bring friends and family whenever I can convince them to join me in my happy place! Thanks for your eloquent and informative words that draw me back for more exploring and relaxation in Nevada City! See you soon !

  139. Rachel C.
    Rachel C. says:

    For years I have volunteered at Interfaith Food Ministry in Grass Valley. For me it all started because my work is a community partner with Interfaith Food Ministry and offers a certain number of paid volunteer hours to help out at any non profit organization or event. From the first time I volunteered at Interfaith I believed that their cause was so great that it made me feel so full of love and appreciation for what they do for our community. This organization prides themselves on having a community where no person or family should go hungry. They have been serving Western Nevada County since 1987! If you go to their website you can see how many people and children they helped in 2018 as well as the number of grocery bags they filled, and wow let me tell you it almost brings tears to my eyes. You can also see the large number of local businesses and churches that are community partners with them, and it’s so great to see how involved our small but amazing town is in supporting one another. They do not receive any government funds and rely solely on the food and money donations that they receive. The holidays are an extra special time for this organization because they provide holiday meals for families in need. For me this is something that represents a community that I am proud to live in.

    I really enjoy all of the posts from The Outside Inn blog but my favorites are usually the kid friendly activities. It is really nice to see so many activities in one place, and so many that im usually not aware of. Since the holiday season is my favorite time to spend with my daughter I liked the kid friendly holiday activities.
    I also brought my daughter to the Outside Inn’s forested haunted pathway and she had a lot of fun!

    • erin
      erin says:

      The kid activities are amazing– and this comes from a person in the “know”– but there’s still more fun things to do and learn about.

  140. Cori
    Cori says:

    I love Nevada County because it is and always will be home. The smell of the Warm pine trees And river In summer brings back childhood memories. The people here are my favorite. Always friendly and welcoming. So grateful to call this place “mine” and to raise our children here, as well as own to businesses! Luck ya ❤️

  141. Kayleigh Mays
    Kayleigh Mays says:

    Hi there! First off, I have to say I love your blog, and have used it often to share and learn about our community–so thank you!

    I love Nevada County because it’s one of the first places I’ve found that ever felt like home. I’m slightly over thirty, and have been wandering the west coast searching for SOMETHING for most of my life. Back in 2015, I found it.

    I was raised in a white-washed suburban town, where most men work for tech companies and most women have plastic surgery. It was a culture I never felt I fit into; and my family agreed. My friends agreed. Everyone seemed to agree–I didn’t fit there. As the years rolled by, it seemed I didn’t fit anywhere. But the first time I came here, I knew I fit here.

    I have never experienced a sense of community quite like this. The culture of these towns, this little region, helps me believe in myself. The entire town seems to believe in sustainability, conservation, and kindness. When I walk down the street, people wave and smile. People look up. We share meals together, and excellent conversation. We are constantly challenging our own status quo, always trying to be better humans. This is a town full of people who stand up. Who genuinely care.

    Here, for the first time in my entire life, I sit around a table filled with women, only women, and dine, laughing, joyfully. Coming from a place where the women in my life were, at best, absent, and at worst, abusive, this has begun to truly heal me.

    When I am hungry, people feed me. When I am sad, people hold me. When I am happy, people laugh with me; and I do the same for them. Here, I don’t feel invisible. I feel like a valuable part of the community.

    I have developed a community here like no other; because the culture of this area encourages it. It’s as though the whole town understands that humans cannot live in isolation. Everyone I meet is gentle and forgiving. This has been a gracious place of healing for me.

    We live with the wilderness here. We celebrate it. As a conservationist, this town feels full of hope and action. It’s town full of humans driven to actually experience, appreciate, and protect our earth. For this, I am so grateful.

    When I wake up in the morning, I look out and see the mist laden trees, and I feel whole. This has become home to me, in a world I never thought I would find a home. For that, I am so grateful.

    There is so much I love about this town. I may be a transplant, but I believe in this place like I’ve never believed in a place before; and I feel like it believes in me too. Thanks for giving me space here to say thank you to our wonderful community. It is a wonderful world we share here

  142. Candice
    Candice says:

    I moved to Nevada City a little over a year ago to make the life changing shift from solo bay area life to mountain life with my boyfriend. I have not regretted it for a single moment since. Every day I’ve woken up in this beautiful county I’ve thought “I could live here forever!”. And this November, my boyfriend and I officially decided to take a big step toward doing just that. We bought our very first home! The process using local support through the escrow process just reminded us of the many reasons why we love it here. From our local lender to Placer Title Company to local realtors…everyone was so genuinely kind and spoke to us and supported us through the process as though we were long time friends. This is what we love about it up here- we’ve gotten to know our checker at Cal Organics, our barista at Fable, our waitress at Ike’s. People take the time to stop and look you in the eye, smile, and ask how you are here. Neighbors shovel each other’s driveways in the snow. Strangers look out for each other’s kids at the river. The small town vibe and community support in this beautiful little spot in the big forest is truly like no other I’ve ever experienced. This is a beautiful, sacred place full of beautiful unique souls that we are now grateful beyond belief to officially call home. Thank you Nevada County! -Candice

  143. Katie
    Katie says:

    This area holds a very special place in my heart… although I wasn’t raised here, my father built a home in Nevada City before I was born and lived here until he married my mom. Although their jobs kept them in the Bay Area, they would bring me and my brother up to Nevada City for camping trips, and as a child, I fell in love with the natural beauty and outdoor adventures this area offers. Nine years ago, my husband and I decided to move our family to Nevada City and it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve made. Our children have grown up running through the pine trees and playing at the river, nature’s playground. They go to an amazing school, and participate in fun activities and organizations that keep them engaged with the community. I love that this “small town” is filled with so many kind people; some raised right here, and others who have come from all over the world to make this place their home. There are many different viewpoints and beliefs, but it’s what makes this place so special. I couldn’t imagine a better place to raise my family… we have the best of everything and I feel grateful to call this place my home.

  144. Marguerite Vulfs
    Marguerite Vulfs says:

    All of these things are very true that are being said. Sadly we also have crime. My tires were one of the ones slashed in the crime spree of tire slashing. I may have to replace all 4 of them. I will miss being in Nevada City in the next week due to a family member’s out of state surgery. It is a “Wonderful Life” here though in general. Love that you broke up the basket so there could be many recipients! Thank you to all of the wonderful business people that help create such a vibrant downtown!

  145. Lenka
    Lenka says:

    This community inspires me for many reasons, from gorgeous landscapes to charming businesses. But mostly because of all the talented people that make this place amazing. The community is the favorite thing about Nevada County. I especially appreciate everyone donating time and talent to various charity organizations. Whenever I see volunteers, I appreciate how this community steps up to help each other (and animals). We’re lucky to call this place home 🙂

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thank you for being such a constant supportive of me, our content/social media chats are a huge reason this blog is on its 9am Monday morning schedule! But yes, I appreciate this community too.

  146. Deanna B
    Deanna B says:

    A friend of mine brought me to the Yuba river 20 years ago, and it BLEW MY MIND. I was living in Oakland at the time, and started coming up here as often as I could in the summer. About 6 years ago I was here on a weekend, when it suddenly dawned on me that I should MOVE here. That was 4th of July, and by October I owned my new home. Nothing Ive done has ever fallen into place so easily- and every human I encountered in the process -realtor, contractor. landscaper, plumber, electrician, lender, as well as all the stores I visited to remodel my home -were amazing kind generous people. Living here has been a life changer for me. I feel like a plant put in the right window. I was surviving in Oakland, and now Im thriving. I couldnt be happier, and that is largely due to this beautiful environment and the ease I find in all my interactions.

  147. Chelsea Lynch
    Chelsea Lynch says:

    One of my favorite things about the holidays in Nevada County is the Santa on South Auburn Street and Badger Lane in Grass Valley. His walk-through light display is impressive and he sits in a little covered spot waiting for kids even in the pouring rain. My kids had a lovely chat with him this year and his generosity and kindness blew me away! That’s Christmas spirit for ya!

  148. Alexandra McDowell
    Alexandra McDowell says:

    I love the support the entire community gives the high school kids! We couldn’t run our ski teams without everyone.

    • erin
      erin says:

      Thanks for playing along (I know that Nevada City cup is one of the things you have your eye on!). Thanks for helping shape young lives and inspired them to get outside!

    • erin
      erin says:

      I love fall colors too– even though it’s really the same ol same ol ever year I still feel like a little kid who gets excited by the colors. Happy holidays to you and your family.

  149. Meshawn
    Meshawn says:

    Thanks for making us all think of our fave things about Nevada County. I grew up here, then left for college thinking I would never come back, then, like many of us, had a kid and realized what a great place this is to grow up and moved back. I have enjoyed getting to know the town through adult eyes, and have appreciated the community we have growing here. Of course, I immediately discovered this blog and have used it many, many times for things like where to get our Christmas Tree ( to best hiking trails for kids (

    Enter the small town appeal – I remember parking next to a truck with an Outside Inn sticker, and a Colorado College bumper sticker (where my wife went), and striking up a conversation only to realize that a) we went to high school together and b) you were the one responsible for the blog that I had been following. I love the connections that are easy to make around here! Thank for for what you do for all of us, Erin. Much appreciated.

  150. Rockelle Kennedy
    Rockelle Kennedy says:

    One of my favorite things about Nevada City are the autumn colors. when my parents were still alive, we would bring them up every autumn and do the driving tour. my parents were from Massachusetts and really enjoyed the beautiful colors. My husband and I now joined the Harmony Ridge RV resort so we can enjoy Nevada City as our “home in the mountains“. We love walking the streets of Nevada City especially in the Autumn. we love the community spirit, the Halloween and Christmas decorations, the Deer Creek tribute trail. Of course all this walking makes you hungry! I crave the Caesar salad with fried prosciutto at Lefty’s!

  151. Juliette Morris Williams
    Juliette Morris Williams says:

    I remember first coming up here in the mid 1990s, when my sister moved here and eventually married. My parents followed, and I moved here in 1999, got married and moved away only to move back in 2014. So glad I did. The first memory I have of Nevada City was actually staying at the Outside Inn in the mid-1990s when my parents were looking at houses. I can’t remember what room we stayed in though, but we loved it! SO many memories, and so many more to make. I am so happy I live here. Thank you, Erin, for all you do. 🙂

    • erin
      erin says:

      The Outside Inn became the Outside Inn in 1998, so depending on when came…. but love that it’s a part of your path to Nevada City. Thank you for contributing to this year’s basket.

  152. Lori
    Lori says:

    When the Campfire struck I was amazed at how quickly our community pulled together and donated and volunteered to help the displaced. I believe all together our community raised over 200,000.00. Between the miners foundry fundraiser, briar Patch and KVMR springing into action as well as many others the desire of our community to help another was amazing. I received so many donations of clothing and food and gift cards as well that extended for many months. People also donated cats, campers and housing. We are a truly caring community. ❤️

  153. Randi Pratini
    Randi Pratini says:

    Erin, your support for this community, its inhabitants, businesses, its nature and the surrounding areas is nothing less than extraordinary. From the sentiments you offer in the blog, to the photos, the giveaways, all so positively magnanimous. So many thanks for all your efforts over the years!

    Yay for Calla Lilly Crepes, so fantastic to see a tiny business succeed and move on to a new threshold~

  154. Cyndi Evoy
    Cyndi Evoy says:

    I don’t visit Nevada City often, but I so appreciate keeping up with all of the news and events happening in town via your blog. When I visit my sister and her husband, I really enjoy attending the Prayer Shawl Ministry’s meetings at the United Methodist Church on Broad Street. Those ladies knit, crochet and weave shawls, lap blankets and throws. These are given to anyone who might need the wooly hug, comforting warmth or cheery congratulations a shawl or lap blanket can give. I have been pleased that they have accepted lap blankets that I’ve made while visiting for the effort. It is wonderful to see so many people doing this for others, many of whom they never meet.

    • erin
      erin says:

      And isn’t it fun when you get to join card class and be a guest at the gym!! So many great ways to be a visitor in our community. Happy holidays.

  155. Warren Knox
    Warren Knox says:

    Sitting in the waning October daylight we sat with our neighbors discussing the significant losses so many our favorite local businesses were experiencing. Impending Red Flag weather and imposed power outages had crippled much of the local economy. We decided we could
    avoid cooking in the dark and help, by simply going out to eat at our favorite restaurants. One night we were finishing a great meal at Lefty’s Creekside by the light of LED lanterns and their generator failed. As we prepared to leave, our waitress discovered that without power they would be unable to process our bill or our credit cards. Without hesitation she suggested that we could come back and pay when the power came back. When I came in the following lunch hour, there she was with the bill and a smile. She said, “This is why I love Nevada City. Where else could you have such great neighbors willing to work together on everything?” Where indeed?

    • erin
      erin says:

      These are always such heart warming stories to read. Happy holidays and thank you for contributing your beautiful cards to the baskets.

  156. Olivia D'Orazi
    Olivia D'Orazi says:

    Last year my family lost everything in the Camp Fire in Paradise. Not only did we lose our house but our community and the town we called home for over 30+ years. About a year ago we relocated to Nevada City & Grass Valley and found our new community. A community we were welcomed to so lovingly with open arms! One of my fondest memories is one of our first days here only a week after the fire. We went to Ike’s for breakfast and had a wonderful meal. Trying to hold back tears throughout our breakfast we mentioned to our waitress we had just lost our home. She had just left the bill on the table and immediately picked it up off the table and said ‘It’s on me!’. A few minutes later the owner came out to our table and told us we are welcome back anytime for a meal on the house. We were overwhelmed with emotion and gratitude!! From these simple acts of human kindness, I knew everything was going to be okay and we had found a new community to call home.

    • erin
      erin says:

      I’m so glad that after such a horrible experience you could be welcomed with open arms and generosity. Human kindness goes a long way.

    SUZAN LANG says:

    I have lived in this area a long time, and one of the things I love about our community is all of the supportive programs we have for our homeless folks. Bringing respect, compassion, meals and heart to all.

    Thanks Erin!! Great way to get to know our community even deeper.

  158. Debra C
    Debra C says:

    Community is what makes Nevada City stand out. Living/working now in Silicon Valley where everyone is commuting, always coming and going there aren’t as many options to linger, gather and connect. Nevada City-is a rare gem! Thanks Erin for helping build community!

  159. Linda Siska
    Linda Siska says:

    How do I say ‘what I love best’ about this area when there is no one thing that captures it all? I love walking downtown Grass Valley or Nevada City, past elegant, historic buildings, intriguing shops and boutiques, cozy restaurants, pubs, and coffee shops and thinking to myself, ‘I can’t believe I get to live here!’ I love going in those establishments and being greeted by cheerful shop owners and waitresses and even other customers, and I love the feeling that we are a community, not just cogs in a wheel. I love driving out of town, only a block or two, and finding myself in the wilderness with lakes and streams and towering trees and bears and foxes, or walking down to Condon Park and getting lost in the woods. I love the festivals and fairs — beginning with the Wild and Scenic Festival and the Food and Farm Conference in January and February, all the way through to Victorian and Cornish Christmases. I love my weekly box of farm fresh, organic produce from Mountain Bounty, the wonderful cheeses at Wheyward Girl, the amazing selection of vinegars and oils at The Olive Groove, our many local wines and beers, and the fresh ground coffee at Caroline’s. So, don’t ask me to choose what I love best; I love it all!

  160. Sabrina
    Sabrina says:

    What a wonderful giveaway!!!

    I love everything about Nevada City. I live about an hour away and wish I lived closer, I would visit more often.
    To me the town is magical, the atmosphere pulls me in and makes me want to stay forever. I love the views, the air, the trees, the old buildings, the gardens, the friendly people, the unique businesses, the community support and community events. There’s so much happening in this small town.

    One of my favorite events is happening now….. the Victorian Christmas Another is the photos walks, this blog post here is a favorite because it is the first photo Fall walk that I attended in 2018 I hope to visit more in 2020!!!

    Thank you Erin for the opportunity to win such wonderful prizes. Good luck everyone. 🙂

    • erin
      erin says:

      Victorian Christmas is fun– such a great way to get into the holiday spirit, we’d love to have you come visit Nevada City in 2020, happy holidays. And we have more photo walks in the works, details coming after the New Year.

  161. Debbie Campbell
    Debbie Campbell says:

    My favorite memories growing up were trips to rural So. Oregon with my family and grandparents. We lived in So Cal and it was a very different culture that has only changed more and more over the years. When I became an adult, I knew I needed a fresh start. I wanted to live someplace that had four seasons and reminded me of those special times from childhood. At age 20, I moved to Nevada County to this quaint town in the pines where the pace was a bit slower, people made eye contact and said hello, I could see a million stars at night, and I felt like I was home. What makes our community so great – the people! I love that even as large as our community has grown, when I go to town, I see people I know and meet new people. What makes our shops so amazing? The people who own them and the employees who work there. What makes our restaurants incredible dining establishments? It’s not just the food (although that’s important), it’s also the people – those who run them, serve in them, and dine at them. We have so many great activities here in our community – things for adults, children, and families. We have these amazing opportunities because of the amazing people who come out and organize, work them, and ATTEND them. It’s a system in which all of us play an integral part in making this community great. Even in the midst of differences, we have a community that engages with one another around those differences and there is room for everyone. The work you do on this blog and the businesses and organizations who have generously shared their talents, goods, and services for this giveaway are perfect examples of some of the interconnectedness and beauty that make our communities great.

  162. Kay Wise
    Kay Wise says:

    I have only been to the Grass Valley area twice in my life to see my husband’s family – it was such a beautiful place and there was so much I was not able to see in the short times we have been there. If I would win one of these Baskets maybe it would make my husband take another trip West to see his family again – it has been way to long!!! Thanks! Merry Christmas!!!

  163. Alice Blandy
    Alice Blandy says:

    It’s wonderful that Erin makes the give away happen yearly.
    Every time I walk outdoors to downtown Nevada City, I feel lucky to live here in this beautiful town. I always recomend the Outside Inn and the Intown Campgrounds.
    I wish to win a basket to share with some needy people.

  164. David Toste
    David Toste says:

    What a great list of gifts! We can’t wait to visit in a few weeks. Staying at inn town during the Christmas break has become kind of a tradition for us.

  165. Wenn Madigan
    Wenn Madigan says:

    I grew up with the love of my life in this small little town and love that I am now raising two wonderfully mischievous boys here. Lots of memories and more to grow here.

  166. Shannon L
    Shannon L says:

    I enjoy that your blog has all the great things going on in town and makes activities to join.
    One of the best things about our community, our little slice of California, is that there are so many things to do. I often tell my children, (usually while we’re out on the boat in the middle of Scott’s Flat Lake enjoying the water and sun) “people drive for miles, plan for months or years, to be right where you are right now, and it’s in our backyard”.
    When I was coaching middle school mountain biking we’d be far up Pioneer Trail or Skillman, I would stop them to smell the mountain misery and sweet peeling bark of the manzanita trees combined with the pine needles, all baking in the sun and tell them, “remember this smell and what you’re doing right now, this is the smell of your childhood.”
    This area is a basecamp for so many great things: hiking, fishing, biking, camping, celebrations and weddings; making of memories and enjoying life.
    It fills me with gratitude and amazement that it truly is our backyard.

    • erin
      erin says:

      It’s amazing how a sense of smell can trigger memories… thanks for playing along– squash one day and who knows what tomorrow will bring?

  167. Sean Madigan
    Sean Madigan says:

    As a local, I can confirm you help make our little town special bringing people together with a shared affection for Nevada City.

    Love and peace to all – now let’s get our JINGLE on!! Cheers – have a merry and safe holiday.

  168. Jenn Palmer
    Jenn Palmer says:

    Erin, thank you for asking us to share what we love about our area. I read your post when it first went live, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since, mulling over what exactly it is that makes Nevada County home. There were many things that came to mind – the perfect weather, the fantastic outdoor opportunities, the fairs and the festivals, and so much more – but in the end, it came down to the people here. So, instead of a single memory (I couldn’t narrow it down to just one!) here are some of the folks who came to mind:
    – To start, there’s you, and the tireless effort you put into promoting local businesses, informing us of local activities, and building community. The participation you get for your giveaways speak both to your own efforts and dedication and to the incredible generosity of many of the business people in this area.
    – There are local law enforcement who, when Grass Valley Charter had to cancel their fundraiser this fall because of crazy conspiracy theories, stepped into the gap with their donut eating antics. Call me sentimental, but their promotional videos for that fundraiser brought tears to my eyes, I loved them so much.
    – There are the folks who work at Hospitality House and Interfaith Food Mission, proving that people who have vastly different beliefs can still come together and love others.
    – There are Nate & Alyssa of CER, Scott & Elise of CBC, Gabe & Cheri of ALCC, Ron & Kim of TCC, and countless other ministers, rabbis, and religious leaders (I only named the few I’ve had direct experience with) who lead their congregations with integrity, love, generosity, and kindness, seeking to offer hope and truth.
    – There are those who open their hearts and their homes to kids who need it the most. Art, Leah, Beau, Katia, Carla, Charlie, Lou, Melinda, Debbie, Chris … just to name a few.
    – There are the organizers of the Grand Prix 5K and 10K series, and all of the participants who come to run, have fun with their community members, and support local charities in the process. Every time I attend one of these runs, the spirit of camaraderie and friendship makes me grateful.
    – There are those who opened their homes and their wallets to support those left homeless by the Camp Fire last year – hundreds of people loving our neighbors in word and deed. And there are those who advertised and participated in the campaign to eat out at local restaurants in order to support them after the power outages this fall.
    – There are the neighbors who check in on each other during power outages, or sicknesses, or just to say “hello.” The ones who bring casseroles for new babies, who sit with those who need a friend, who call and ask if everything is ok because they saw something that didn’t seem quite right at your house.

    … and there are so many more. Far too many to list (I’m afraid I’ve already gone on far too long!) But for me, if you ask what it is that I love about Nevada County, I can’t boil it down to a single thing, a single memory. It’s the people – always the people – that make this place home.

    Thank you for all you do, Erin. Merry Christmas.

  169. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    My husband and I often tell people that in all our travels, we’ve never found a place that compares to Nevada County. Where else can you find a small, close-knit community that loves the outdoors and also has a thriving tech community? We’re grateful to be able to call such a place home!

    One of my favorite things about our area is its generosity and how community-oriented it is. I help coach a couple of high school robotics teams and am always blown away at how our community goes above and beyond to support the teams. Individuals and corporate sponsors have donated tens of thousands of dollars over the past couple of years to support the teams’ trips to major international tournaments. On top of that, local engineering companies like Autometrix, Telestream, AJA, and GSS (to name just a few!) have also provided a wide range of help and in-kind donations: materials, access to tools and equipment, places for the teams to meet and practice during power outages, engineers to review designs and teach the kids specific skills, etc.

    Such generosity is of course not limited to support of robotics; our community truly embodies the idea that “it takes a village”!

  170. Veronica Nava Workman
    Veronica Nava Workman says:

    I love Nevada City and it will hold many memories. I was married in the Miner’s Foundry and spent the night before and after my wedding at the Outside Inn. We live near enough to spend lots of time in Nevada City at many events throughout the year.

  171. Marilyn Rohrbacher
    Marilyn Rohrbacher says:

    Hi Erin, Nevada City is home! I love everything about it… community, four seasons, art, music, history and the friendliest people anywhere. We moved here when my son was just a baby, now at 40 years Eric and his family visited from Virginia and stayed in the Climbing Room! What a treat for all. Love your photos and blog. Please enter me in the amazing holiday giveaway. With 10 chances to win this year, who knows…I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Oh, and of course I shared this on my FB page 🙂 Thank you!

  172. ReBecca Hendricks
    ReBecca Hendricks says:

    We love visiting the Foothill Mercantile store in Grass Valley, it’s an everything gift for anyone store. From a unique toy store for a special birthday boy or girl to a sweet thoughtful gift for a friend! (Plus gift wrapping is included because hospitality isn’t lost in these towns!)

    121 Mill St
    Grass Valley, CA 95945

    I subscribed to your email and posted #visitNevadaCity. For the entry 🙂

  173. Jeannie Nyberg
    Jeannie Nyberg says:

    I am very fortunate to of grown up in Nevada City. Always remember the fun events that went on in our beautiful community, from The 4th of July parade and activities, to seeing Santa at The Nevada City Elks, to the Easter Egg hunts at Pioneer Park. I spent almost everyday in the summer at Pioneer Park swimming pool, where Faye Stevenson knee all of our names, and watch out for us. Now I don’t live in our Beautiful community, but only 35 minutes swatting Alta. We visit quite often, mostly to do our shopping, and Acourse Going to the fair, Victorian and Cornish Christmas, and Hot Summer nights in Nevada City. We still have the Smiley faces in our town, and how awesome to remember all the great memories. When I think of Nevada City, I think about home, and how lucky I was to grow up in this community. Nevada City will always be my home town ❤️❤️

  174. Elliott
    Elliott says:

    There are many things I love about living in this community, but the one most ony mind right now is how great a place this is to raise kids. We had our baby not too long after moving here, and our new community stepped up for us in an incredible way. One new friend stopped by our house, rang the door bell and took off leaving a basket full of farmers market goodies. After marathon labor and recovery, I cooked up a bunch of AM ranch breakfast sausage for my wife and it was a life changing meal for both of us. It left us feeling nourished and loved.

  175. Cathy Kingsland
    Cathy Kingsland says:

    What an amazing little gem tucked away in the Sierra foothills! Hubby and I came for the victorian Christmas and stayed the night at the Outside Inn. Such a cute little place warm and welcoming. We enjoyed a lovely breakfast at the Nevada City Classic Cafe. We were delighted with sweet treats from the Nevada City Chocolate Shop. The cocktails and ambience at the Golden Era was a nice surprise. The town felt magical and full of Christmas sprit. Thank you Nevada City we will be back! Merry Christmas!

  176. Audra
    Audra says:

    I love that it is nearly impossible to take our 3 year old into the Nevada City SPD without a lengthy adventure. He knows just about every employee’s name there, and they know his. They’ve stacked boxes just for him to knock down, let him talk over the loudspeaker, allowed him to look behind the scenes to figure out how exactly the workers get behind the counter at the deli, and a favorite checker developed a special wave that they exchange every time we walk in. He doesn’t stop smiling or looking for more workers to have fun with the entire visit. We are blessed to have such a place in our community! Just this week I picked up 5 pounds of meat they donated to a local third grade classroom for their pasty-making celebration. And…our son knows just which cookie to pick out from the bakery for Dad for a special treat!

    • erin
      erin says:

      This made me smile… and what a unique perspective– I’m sure something that the little guy thinks is normal. And bonus for the cookie for Dad.

  177. Mike
    Mike says:

    As the parent of a three-year-old train enthusiast, I am thankful to have found Swasey’s Hardware and Hobbies in Grass Valley. They’ve helped me repair a few electric train cars and the recent purchases I’ve made will add to the magic this Christmas morning. In a busy shop, my son’s questions and excitement are welcomed and encouraged. We are blessed to have many similar experiences with a wide variety of local businesses.

    • erin
      erin says:

      We’ve outgrown the train buff era, but it is fun to meet campers of all ages at the Inn Town Campground who love the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad museum, maybe you’ll have to do a camp out next to the railroad for the next local staycation adventure? And bonus points for Audra’s reference to your cookie 🙂

  178. Dena Nick
    Dena Nick says:

    I am grateful to live in Nevada County. What’s not to love about the beauty of our surroundings; the multitude of lakes, rivers, campgrounds, and hiking trails; an incredible Fairgrounds with events happening year round; and opportunities to become more connected to our community through volunteering at numerous organizations. I love the variety of small businesses and the friendly proprietors who run them (and have been generous in donations for school fundraisers). It’s also about the people: the school teachers who care about their students, the officers who work to keep us safe, the friendly smile from someone in the grocery store, those who give to others in need, the volunteers that make things happen, neighbors watching out for each other, and the list goes on. I have raised all six of my children here, and, although they love to travel, they all love returning home. That sums it up… it is HOME.

  179. Sharon Barton
    Sharon Barton says:

    Thank you for your blog. I read through it every time I have someone staying with us for fresh ideas. We also took our new trailer (a whole 1 1/2 miles from storage) to Inn Town campground for our trial run. Even though it was a rainy weekend, we throughly enjoyed the site. Great location, easy walk to town and hiking.

  180. Kristy
    Kristy says:

    My husband and I were both raised here and are now raising our children here. We love to take our kids to do things that we remember doing as children. We love that they get to participate in things like the donation day parade that we were a part of. The community is so loving for a young family.

  181. Lynn
    Lynn says:

    I live in Nevada and I head over the hill to the Nevada City/Grass Valley area as often as I can.
    The area is beautiful and there is always something to do and the people are amazing.

  182. Jordan
    Jordan says:

    There is simply no place like Nevada City. It’s no accident that Nevada City (and Grass Valley!) are as diverse and eclectic and entertaining as it is. People through vision and work (with a little luck and location) have manifested this incredible community that gives both the platform to raise families or live a life of purpose while also welcoming so many visitors who get to peek into a world the feels magical to so many. But what’s most amazing to me is the amount of live, local art that the area supports. In a world of homogenized experiences, Nevada City offers something original, local, and memorable – year round. And that’s thanks to the people of this community that put so much into it. Nice place to feel at home in.

  183. Jeff
    Jeff says:

    Nevada County is a special place to many
    There are trails to hike or bike
    You can do most of which without spending a penny
    Something for almost anyone to like

    Can’t decide what to do
    If your head is in a fog
    Who always comes to my rescue
    Check out the Outside Inn Blog

  184. Nora
    Nora says:

    Before we moved to Nevada City many years ago, we stayed at the Outside Inn as guests for our friends’ wedding. The accommodations were fantastic, and the proximity to town allowed us to walk to the pre- and post-wedding events in downtown restaurants. We loved the town so much that we moved here! Now we’ve been here for 12 years, and it’s hard to imagine living anywhere else.

  185. Beverly Powell
    Beverly Powell says:

    I relocated here to Grass Valley after living in the Santa Cruz area for 32 years. While I loved living on the coast I knew I wanted to experience a different area to live in for my retirement home. Before buying my home, I would come up to the area to explore different places for my potential home, I stayed at the Outside Inn on several visits and loved it. I remember when I first realized Nevada City/Grass Valley felt like “home” to me. One Saturday in the summer I went to the Farmer’s Market up at the North Star House. The day was sunny and the sky was blue. There was a small group playing bluegrass music, the vendors had their wares. I spoke to several locals and everyone was friendly. I stopped and actually said to myself, this is where I belong. I love being surrounded by nature, Tahoe National Forest, the Yuba River and Scotts Flat Lake. I enjoy the small historic Gold Country towns and the history associated with them! . I love the music and arts, the restaurants, the County Fair, and the variety of events that are held here! I have no regrets about making the move to this fabulous Nevada County, I am very happy!

  186. Laurel Gavin
    Laurel Gavin says:

    First, thank you, Erin, for your wonderful blog. One of my favorite holiday memories is the pageantry of Madrigal Dinner, presented by the Nevada Union Chamber Choir every December. It’s an awe-inspiring way to celebrate the holidays with authentic-looking renaissance costumes, a short comedy-skit, good food and great choir music. Both my daughters were lucky enough to be in chamber choir when they were in high school; Rod Baggett doesn’t just teach students to sing, he inspires them enough to show up for rehearsals at 6:30am, every day, before normal classes even begin. It’s a fund raiser for the choir, so anyone who purchases a ticket, before they sell out, can attend,

  187. Zoey
    Zoey says:

    My heart is here! In so many places…in so many memories…in every season! I am so thankful to call this place my home ♥️

  188. Becca H.
    Becca H. says:

    I first moved to Grass Valley after getting married 8 years ago and absolutely fell in love with the area immediately. It’s such a gift to be able to feel so at home in a community. The views are gorgeous, a visit to downtown Grass Valley or Nevada city with my kids is always such a treat and the people are so kind! There is something truly special about being able to shop locally and I love that there as so many family owned business. I discover something new or meet someone new with every outing and each day brings another unique experience. There is no other place I’d rather be.

  189. Elizabeth
    Elizabeth says:

    Hi Erin, Thanks for all you do with #visitnevadacity. I just subscribed. I recently moved back to Nevada City after 10 years away and I have to say it’s one of the most beautiful towns on the planet.

  190. Emma Williams
    Emma Williams says:

    We love that Nevada County is rich with love. There is so much to do here with only having to spend money on gas to get you to beautiful walking trails, parks, and even a simple stroll through town. The kids simply adore it here, we have awesome schools, great bakeries, fun toy stores and family and friends to enjoy time with.

  191. Sarah Hatten
    Sarah Hatten says:

    The Holidays at home in the foothills. Everyone comes home. Its coffee and libations with old friends. The unexpecteds you run into at the markets. It’s the hope of a white Christmas morning.

  192. Dena Malakian
    Dena Malakian says:

    I grew up in Nevada City and couldn’t wait to move away when I graduated high school- I wanted to move on to bigger and better things, so I thought! But 15 years later I moved back home, wanting to be closer to family. I fell in love with our town and truly appreciated it for all it had to offer- great art, the love of the outdoors, and the most caring of communities I have ever experienced. I work for one of the many great nonprofits- The Friendship Club. I also volunteer for other nonprofits. I’m living the dream- giving back to a community that has provided me with so much all my life. I’m surrounded by the best of humanity with my co-workers, fellow volunteers and donors who care so deeply about our young people and community overall. Now I’m constantly trying to get my friends from all over the world to visit me—or better yet, settle here! I can’t imagine growing older anywhere else.

  193. Denise Bryant
    Denise Bryant says:

    So many things to do here in our area, and such a rich history. I love visiting downtown Grass Valley and Nevada City, just to walk down the streets and enjoy the sights. The beautiful old homes and shops are really a treasure.

  194. Elizabeth Graham
    Elizabeth Graham says:

    We left the Bay Area in the worst storm in CA mid-January 2019 headed for G.V. I was stepping away from my 30-year practice as a Integrative Neuromuscular Therapist due to needing a hip replacement; and my partner had had a Sudden Cardiac, been in a coma and developed epilepsy and brain anoxia. We were getting out of the stress, cost, etc. and came to live in G.V.
    We moved again in July to a sublet outside N.C. and enjoyed the fresh air, food and beauty of this county. I eventually had my hip replaced and I am now 2 months post surgery. I would not have made it to a calm place of acceptance were it not for a great bodyworker in N.C. and later I found a great therapist in G.V. to help me process the life-altering year I had spent having left the bay area in pain and debilitation caring for a man with a second lease on life. The people are very special here. Random citizens would see me standing with a cane and ask if there was anything they could do or if I was okay or needed help. It touched my heart to once again be where human beings were being human. My partner recently left because he said, he was not “a woodsy guy” but I know I was destined to be here to go through this healing process. The trees, the sky, the light, the farmer’s markets, the merchants and therapists, the healing community is incredible–my tribe. And while I do not know exactly what 2020 holds, I will never forget 2019, where I was and why. I regained my mobility, sense of hope and a renewed sense of my fellow human beings and peace amidst pain, loss and rebuilding myself.

  195. Cathy
    Cathy says:

    I really don’t know that I can put into words how strongly I feel about the sense of community I felt during the four years I was living in Nevada County and what that means to me now, as I’m no longer there.
    The closeness to the outdoors… the immediate connection with strangers who are now great friends…. my admiration for local business owners and pioneering artists. There’s a gentle grace and fulfilling happiness I get from my memories of Nevada County and I long for the times I get to return. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas, everyone. I hope to see you all again soon.

    • erin
      erin says:

      I miss my “yes girl” for fun blog adventures, we could go back and count and see how many of the 1000 posts you tagged along on?! Happy holidays to you and your family.

  196. Kristen Adams
    Kristen Adams says:

    I love this community for SO many reasons! I love the kindness I witness daily; I love the quaint, small town feeling;I love seeing someone I know every time I go to the grocery store; I love our gorgeous trees, lakes, and of course, our majestic river!; I love our rich history; I love our mix of people – from new hippie to retired corporate. The mix gives us lots of different perspectives; I love our downtowns and all of the small, locally owned business by families. I feel so lucky to have found this community and continue to feel grateful to live here!

  197. Lindsay ostrom
    Lindsay ostrom says:

    I feel like I live here. I live in Colfax but my days and nights are filled with Nevada county. My work is here, my friends , my mom and mother in-law… I know everyone and everything here. I love everything about it. It’s funny. When I drive home on 174, I love the drive – it’s beautiful. But when I drive back to come into town, it feels like home❤️

  198. Julia ramirez
    Julia ramirez says:

    Being born and raised in this community has helped form me in so many ways. Some of the dearest memories that I’ll always hold on to are of the hours I spent perusing through novels at the Book Seller in Grass Valley. I recall sitting on the floor in the downstairs, agonizing over which book to buy. The owner and workers at the shop always were so welcoming, and would help me search the shelves for my newest adventure. When my dad published his books, they placed them right out front with the other local authors where everyone could see them. In large part, my love of reading and pursuit of academia was rooted in that shop; as was my understanding of community support and appreciation.

  199. Meg
    Meg says:

    I’m fairly new to this town, but it seems very friendly. When I first came to town I was in downtown Nevada City and I locked my keys in my car. I didn’t have towing service so I tried to get my keys through the window that was down just a little bit. When the merchants saw what I was trying to do it, each one of them came out to assist in a different way. One brought a hanger, another a stick, anything that would help me unlock my car. Before too long it worked and the merchants came back out to check on me. To this day we’re all friends. I love the atmosphere here friendly and warm and now I pass it along. I know in my heart I’m home.

  200. Wendell G
    Wendell G says:

    Moving to Nevada County in 1981 was one of the best things my folks could have done for me! I was genuinely lucky to have great friends and such a beautiful and historic place to grow up in. This county is truly part of who I am and I’m proud to raise my family here now. Thanks for another awesome giveaway opportunity, Erin!

    • erin
      erin says:

      Funny… I never thought that my parents getting divorced and my mom moving to Nevada City was the best thing that could’ve happened to me, but it certainly shaped who I am today. Yeah for the life choices that led us all here. Happy holidays.

  201. kayla
    kayla says:

    I love love love how supportive this community is of artists and small business owners. As a self employed photographer myself, I am always blown away by how many opportunities arise from the help of other members of this community; providing an environment that nurtures and values the arts and creates a place where creatives can feel at home.

    This town has always held space for me to be creative. I love seeing other creatives doing well here too… so many beautiful things are cooked up here. It doesn’t matter your age, race, orientation .. everyone has a place in this community to create and it’s a beautiful thing that makes this little mountain town extra special.

    Thank you Nevada City for always supporting my big dreams <3

    ( I liked the fb page + subscribed too! <3)

    • erin
      erin says:

      I love the comment about holding space to be creative because it’s so true! Glad your you’ll get more glimpses of home in your in box now… happy holidays to your Dad.

  202. Daisy Simmons
    Daisy Simmons says:

    I love how Nevada city can feel both big and little at the same time! How much we love our neighbors, and yet how often there’s the chance to encounter warm new faces on a random stroll through town.

  203. Donna Cobb
    Donna Cobb says:

    I’ve lived here close to 18 years, and to this day, when I return from a trip, I’m thankful and so grateful that I live in Nevada County. I even made a short film about my move, it’s called “Second Chance, Nevada County”. There are too many reasons to list here, however, the trees, the sunsets, the people are just a few.

  204. Hayley
    Hayley says:

    I feel so lucky to be a part of this community! Not only is it a beautiful place with four seasons and ample outdoor opportunities, the community itself is supportive, caring, and welcoming. I appreciate how our community fosters creativity and individual expression and is welcoming to all.

  205. Adelle Marcero
    Adelle Marcero says:

    I live in NJ, but I visit my dear friends Kara and Dan that live in Rough and Ready every year. So I’m entering for them! They bought their house a few years back, I’m so happy that they find a home and a community where they have grown as a couple, and now as a family. Kara makes her art and sells it at the Nevada City farmers market, Dan works at Natural Selection. I’m so happy that she is a part of this community of strong female artisans. It’s a beautiful thing you have going on out there and I feel lucky to visit every year! Cheers to you and your community.

  206. laurel
    laurel says:

    We had some friends move up to Grass Valley last year —and visited this Summer—saw an amazing version of Cabaret in Nevada City! And soaked up some Yuba, got Fed by the Spring Water…and Kit Kit Dizzi—wow! Can’t wait to visit again! Thanks for hosting the contest!

  207. Polly Conley
    Polly Conley says:

    What I love most about our community is how supportive and tight knit it is. The social safety net is tighter here than in bigger counties. We really try to confront and solve problems, as a local government and non profits. This reflects in our good services for the homeless, addiction treatment and preventative programs like the Friendship club and Kare Crisis Nursery. Every day I meet and work with people trying to make our little corner of the world better- as volunteers for charities, nurses for CPS, community organizers. If I have a difficult situation I am facing I know I have a host of people who will pick up the phone when I call and try to help.

    It makes me grateful to live and work with so many living involved people.

  208. Lindsey
    Lindsey says:

    I like to think that I grew up here, having moved around 14 times before moving here at 13. I’ve left the nest and found my way home several times since then, sometimes sure I’d never return. What I love, what feels like home the most to me here, is how it it smells. The baked red earthen clay and kitkitdizzi in the heat of summer, the smell of yuba on granite boulders late in the day, wet pavement through the river grade on my way home to the ridge. Coffee shops, rain drenched pine and oak, musty Victorian buildings full of old books, carpet, echoing of secrets past. The plant life and natural beauty of this magical place have soothed my weary spirit through many of my darkest days and nights. Season by season, year by year. These woods are home.

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